Happiness means Loving yourself and being less concerned with the approval of others.
Sometimes you must go to war with yourself to fix yourself.
Ba'zan o'zingizni tuzatish uchun o'zingiz bilan urush qilishingiz kerak.
✍️Ingliz tilidagi chat qisqartmalari
Agar online chat xizmatlari orqali xorijlik do’stlaringiz yoki tanishlaringiz bilan suhbatlashgan bo’lsangiz, ular chatda mahsus qisqartmalarni ishlatib gaplashishini sezgan bo’lishingiz kerak. Quyida ingliz tilidagi xabar yozishmalarida foydalaniladigan qisqartmalardan eng ko’p uchraydiganlari keltirilgan:
▪️?4U = I have a question for you.
▪️^^ = Read line above
▪️121 = one-to-one
▪️<3 = love
▪️2 = to
▪️2 mrw = tomorrow
▪️4 = for
▪️AFK = away from keyboard
▪️AKA = also known as
▪️ASAP = as soon as possible
▪️A/S/L = age/sex/location
▪️AYT = Are you there?
▪️B2W = back to work
▪️B4 = before
▪️BBL = Be back later
▪️BBS = Be back soon
▪️BF = boyfriend
▪️BFF = best friend(s) forever
▪️BRB = Be right back
▪️BTW = by the way
▪️CMB = Call me back
▪️CMIIW = Correct me if I’m wrong
▪️CU = See you
▪️CU L8R = See you later
▪️CUZ/COS = because
▪️CWYL = Chat with you later
▪️DC = disconnected
▪️DIY = Do it yourself
▪️DM = Direct Message
▪️F2F = face-to-face
▪️FAQ = frequently asked questions
▪️FB = Facebook
▪️FYI = for your information
▪️FYEO = for your eyes only
▪️GB = goodbye
▪️GF = girlfriend
▪️GG = Gotta go
▪️GL = good luck
▪️GR8 = great!
▪️HBD = Happy Birthday
▪️hhhhhh = very funny
▪️How r u = How are you?
▪️IC = I see
▪️IDK = I don’t know
▪️IMHO = in my humble opinion
▪️IK = I know
▪️IM = Instant Message
▪️IOW = in other words
▪️J/K = just kidding
▪️K = OK
▪️L8R = later (goodbye)
▪️LOL = laugh out loud
▪️M/F = male or female?
▪️mins = minutes
▪️MSG = message
▪️nv = nevermind
▪️OIC = Oh, I see
▪️OTW = on the way
▪️P2P = person-to-person
▪️PLZ = please
▪️PM = Private Message
▪️ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
▪️RUOK = Are you okay?
▪️Sup or Zup = What’s up?
▪️SYL = See you later
▪️TGIF Thank = goodness it’s Friday
▪️THX or thnx = thanks
▪️TTFN = ta ta for now
▪️TTYL = Talk to you later
▪️TYT = Take your time
▪️u = you
▪️U2 = you too
▪️ur = your / you’re
▪️w/ = with
▪️w/o = without
▪️WRU = Where are you?
▪️XO = hugs and kisses / love
▪️ZZZ = tired /
⚠️ Kanalga tashlangan postlarga kanal havolasini qoʻyib beruvchi bot.
• Botga oʻting va kanalingiz uchun shaxsiy havolangizni tayyorlab olishingi, yana ham oson. Kanaldagi post shriftlarini oʻzgartirmasdan havola qoʻyish imkoniyati ham mavjud.
• Oʻzbekistondagi yagona bot.
➡️ Bot manzili: @XavolaBot
🎧 Pastdagi tugmalar orqali videoni oʻzingizga kerakli qismini koʻrishingiz mumkin.
Come by - ta'qiqlamoq❌
Come down with - kasal bo'lmoq😨
Come into-ichkariga kirmoq
Come off- omad kelmoq🥳
Come out - janjallashmoq, nashr qilmoq
Come over - tashrif buyurmoq
Imkoniyatdan foydalan, xato qil. Shundagina ósasan. Og'riq sendagi jasoratni rivojlantiradi.
Kuchli bólishni órganish uchun mag'lubiyatga uchrashing kerak.
Kuningiz hayrli bólsin.
🧉 Ways of drinking 🍾
🍹 Drink = to take liquid by mouth
🍷 Taste = to sample
☕️ Sip = to drink in small mouthfuls
🍺 Swig = drink in large amounts
🥛 Gulp = to take a large swallow
🥤 Imbibe = to drink (formal/humorous)
🧋 Quaff = to take in large gulps /quickly)
🥂 Booze = to drink alcohol
🍻 Get drunk = to drink until intoxicated
🥃 Tipple = to drink alcohol habitually
🧃 Wet one's whistle = to t ake a drink
🍼 Moisten one's lips =to take a little liquid
🍸 Go on a binge/spree = to drink alcohol excessively
📌The incredible similarity of popular actors with the cartoon characters they voiced
Philoctetes from Hercules>> Danny De Vito
Zazu from The Lion King>> Rowan Atkinson
Angie from Shark Tale>> Renee Zellweger
Oscar from "Shark Tale" Will Smith
Gip from The Croods>> Emma Stone
Make Your Life Better..
1: If you born poor, its not your mistake,
But if you die poor, its your mistake..!
2: Born with personality is an accident,
But dying in a personality is an achievement..!
3: Your birth may be normal,
But your death should be History..!
4: Follow none,
But learn from everyone..!
5: Practice like a devil,
And play like a angel..!
6: Do or Die is an old concept,
Do it before die is the new concept..!"
Hayotingizni yaxshilang..
1: Agar siz kambag'al bo'lib tug'ilgan bo'lsangiz, bu sizning xatoingiz emas,
Ammo kambag'al o'lsang, bu sizning xatoingiz..!
2: Shaxsiyat bilan tug'ilish tasodif,
Lekin shaxsiyatda o'lish yutuq..!
3: Sizning tug'ilishingiz normal bo'lishi mumkin,
Lekin sizning o'limingiz Tarix bo'lishi kerak..!
4: Hech kimga ergashmang,
Lekin hammadan o'rganing..!
5: Shayton kabi mashq qiling,
Va farishta kabi o'ynang..!
6: Qil yoki o'l - bu eski tushuncha,
O'limdan oldin buni qiling - bu yangi tushuncha."
Burchak turlari
1) Acute angle - Oʻtkir burchak
2) Right angle - Toʻgʻri burchak
3) Obtuse angle - Oʻtmas burchak
4) Straight angle - Yoyiq burchak
6) Full angle - Toʻliq burchak
Reflex angle - oʻzbekchada qanday boʻladi?
⚠️ Kanalga tashlangan postlarga kanal havolasini qoʻyib beruvchi bot.
• Botga oʻting va kanalingiz uchun shaxsiy havolangizni tayyorlab olishingi, yana ham oson. Kanaldagi post shriftlarini oʻzgartirmasdan havola qoʻyish imkoniyati ham mavjud.
• Oʻzbekistondagi yagona bot.
➡️ Bot manzili: @XavolaBot
🎧 Pastdagi tugmalar orqali videoni oʻzingizga kerakli qismini koʻrishingiz mumkin.
To be over - xulosaga kelmoq🙂
To be up - uyg'oq bo'lmoq😊
Break down - ishlamay qolmoq😬
Break in /break into-buzib kirmoq, halaqit bermoq😤
Break out - to'satdan yong'inning boshlanishi 😰
Come across - to'satdan uchratmoq
Come along with - kelishmoq🤝
👉B2 darajadagi lugʻat(FOR IELTS)
🔸Science and Technology
🔰Topic vocabulary:
🔖Artificial - sun'iy
🔖False - soxta
🔖Natural - tabiiy
🔖Physical - jismoniy
🔖True - rost
🔖Accurate - aniq
🔖Method - metod
🔖Way - usul, yoʻl
🔖Engine - motor(energiya ishlab chiqaruvchi)
🔖Machine - motor(energiya oladi)
🔖Aim - maqsad
🔖Cause - sabab(umumiy sababi)
🔖reason - sabab(aniq bir narsaning sababi)
🔖Estimate - baholamoq
🔖Calculate - hisoblamoq
🔖Electric/electronic - elektronika
🔖Invent - ixtro qilmoq
🔖Discover - kashf etmoq
🔖Research - ilmiy izlanish
🔖Experiment - tajriba
🔖Progress - rivojlanish
🔖Development - rivojlanish
🔖Modern - zamonaviy
🔖New - yangi
🔖Industry - sanoat
🔖Factory - zavod
🔖Award - mukofot, mukofotlamoq
🔖Reward - mukofot, mukofotlamoq
🔖Take place - boʻlib oʻtmoq
🔖Occur - sodir boʻlmoq
🔰Phrasal verb:
📒Break down - buzilmoq
📒Carry out - tajriba olib bormoq
📒Come off - muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq
📒Come up with - oʻylab topish
📒Cut off - elektrni uzmoq
📒Find out - topmoq
📒Give off - tarqatmoq
📒Plug in - tokka ulamoq
📒Put through - ulamoq
📒Turn into - aylanmoq
📒Turn off - oʻchirmoq
📒Work out - yechim topmoq