1. Overthinking🫣
2. Improper diet🤐
3. Social media addiction🫥
4. Making excuses😮💨
5. Gossips🤫
6. Being too much emotional🥹
7. Laziness🥱
Ko'ramizmi 😁😁😁😁
Qani 150 + reaksiya keyin kinoni tashayman 🔥
Bugun bir mazza qilib kulishaylik😁
#vocabulary #useful #reading #writing #speaking
Siz uchun eng kerakli so'zlar 🔥
✅ According to - …-ga ko’ra
✅ Apart from - …-ni hisobga olmaganda
✅ As to(as for) - …-ga kelsak
✅ But for - …bo’lmaganda
✅ By means of - …vositasida
✅ In accordance with - …-ga ko’ra
✅ As compared with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
✅ In comparison with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
✅ In conformity with - …-ga ko’ra
✅ In consequence of - …-ning natijasida
✅ In favour of - …-ning foydasiga
✅ Instead of - …-ning o’rniga
✅ On behalf of - …-ning nomidan
✅ Subject to - … bo’lsa, sharti bilan
✅ With (a) regard to - …haqida, to’g’risida
✅ With (a) respect to - ....haqida,to’g’risida
✅ Provided (that)/ Providing(that)
- ...bo’lsa, sharti bilan
✅ Seeing (that) - …bilib, madomiki
✅ Supposing (that) - aytaylik, faraz qilaylik
✅ Moreover – bundan tashqari
✅ Furthermore – bundan tashqari
✅ As if/As though - Xuddi
✅ On condition (that) – …sharti bilan
✅ As…as - …-dek
✅ Than - …-dan ko’ra
✅ As a result of - …-ning natijasida
✅ Once - …-gach, bilanoq
✅ In as much as – qo’shimchasiga, bundan tashqari
✅ On the contrary – shunga zid
✅ Eventually – axir, vaqti kelib
✅ Vice versa – huddi shuning teskarisi
✅ Hence – shu sababdan
✅ Notwithstanding - …-ning ta'sirisiz
✅ Meanwhile – huddi shu paytda
✅ Likewise – huddi shu usulda, bir xil
✅ Besides – bundan tashqari
✅ As a matter of fact – Shu tufayli
✅ Indeed – chindan ham, rostan ham
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Parenthetical words and phrases
🌿 As far as I know - Bilishimcha
🌿 Perfect - Juda zo’r
🌿 Feel well - Yaxshi his qilmoq
🌿 Sleep well - Yaxshi yotib turing
🌿 Cheers - Oldik (qadah so’zi)
🌿 Bless you - Sog’ bo’ling (aksa urganda)
🌿 Frankly speaking - Ochiqchasiga aytganda
🌿 To cut it short - Qisqa qilib aytganda
🌿 So to speak - Deylik
🌿 Meanwhile - Vaqtida, paytida
🌿 By the way - Aytgancha
🌿 It goes without saying - O'z - o'zidan ma'lum
🌿 Indeed - Rostdan ham
🌿 In other words - ya'ni
🌿 However - Biroq
🌿 So well - Demak, shunday ekan, shunday qilib, binobarin.
🌿 Besides - Bundan tashqari
🌿 Also - Shuningdek
🌿 Сertainly - Albatta
🌿 Anyway - Har qanday holatda ham
🌿 Always at all - Umuman
🌿 Therefore - Shu sababga ko'ra
🌿 Though - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
Oila va qarindosh urug'chilik bilan bog'liq so'zlar
📌Family - Oila
📌Parents - ota ona
📌Father - ota
📌Mother - ona
📌Sister - opa, singil
📌Brother - aka, uka
📌Son - o'g'il
📌daughter - qiz
📌Grandfather - bobo
📌Grandmother - buvi
📌Granchildren - nabiralar
📌Grandson - nabira(o'g'il)
📌Granddaughter - nabira(qiz)
📌Uncle - amaki, tog'a
📌Aunt - xola, amma
📌Nephew - jiyan
📌Niece - jiyan(qiz)
📌Bridegroom - kuyov
📌bride - kelin
📌Husband - er
📌wife - xotin
📌To adopt - o'g'il qilib olmoq
📌Adopted child - asrandi bola
📌Aged - keksa
📌Ancestor - ota-bobo, ajdod
📌Baby - chaqaloq
📌Birth - tug'ilish
📌To bring up - tarbiyalamoq
📌Childhood - bolalik
📌Domestic - oilaviy
📌First-born - to'ng'ich
📌Generation - avlod
📌To give birth to - tug'moq
📌Guardian - vasiy
📌Heir - merosxo'r
📌Heiress - merosxo'r
📌Honeymoon - uylangandan keyingi birinchi oy(asal oyi)
📌Host - uy egasi(sohib)
📌Hostess - uy bekasi(sohiba)
📌Orphan - yetim
📌Pet - erka
📌Relative - qarindosh
📌Stepdaughter - o'gay qiz
📌Stepson - o'gay o'g'il
📌Stepfather - o'gay ota
📌Stepmother - o'gay ona
📌Twins - egizaklar
📌Wedding - to'y
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Part 1 IELTS speaking questions on topic 🌤 WEATHER 🌧
☀️ Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
* I absolutely prefer cold weather to hot because it's more comfortable. I hate hot weather as I sweat s lot and I feel discomfort that I can't work well. Besides, I easily get irritated and get headaches due to heat intensity. And because of that, I don't like summer days, at all
* That's a very easy question - I prefer hot weather to cold weather. I love hot weather as I enjoy sunny days. It actually brightens my day and it makes me so inspired to do some water activities such as swimming or snorkeling
🌤 What's the weather like in the place where you live?
* Well, I'm lucky that our state doesn't have extreme weather conditions compared to other states where people can experience extreme cold and hot weather. The weather condition in our place is just mild. We have bearable cold and hot days and because of that, a lot of tourists visit our place when they feel discomfort of the weather they have in their own states
⛈ Do you check the weather forecast before going out? / Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast?
* Yes, always! That's simply because I want to wear something that suits best the weather condition of the day. You know, it's better than to feel sorry and it doesn't cost anything to check the weather before leaving the house, anyway
⛅️ Would you like to visit other cities that have different climates from where you live?
* Of course! Who wouldn't want to? It's exciting to experience freezing temperatures in winter and play in the snow in a different city. Also, enjoying to cool breeze that autumn brings while being surrounded by the beauty of maple trees with red, yellow, or orange leaves is a great experience. So, who wouldn't want to experience any of these?
🌥 What do you think are the effects of climate change in recent years?
* I believe extreme weather conditions are the effects of climate change. I notice that during winter time, the weather is extremely cold that some countries experience a negative 20 degrees Celsius or even more than that, and when it's summer time, a heat wave is inevitable in some parts of the world. Well, this is the price that we have to pay for not taking care of our planet
🌦 Which do you like better, dry or wet weather?
* I prefer former since I can be very productive. When the sun's up, I'm usually loaded with so much energy. Also, I'm a person whose mood is greatly influenced by the weather, so if it's dry and sunniy I can work more effeciently and happily, however, if it's rainy I can be as lazy as a sloth
🌧 What kind of weather do you like the most?
* Well, as I've just said, I like dry or sunniy weather. There are no other weather types that can suffice the happiness that I feel on sunniy days, as I can do various things such as running errands, doing the laundry, taking a walk in the park, and swimming.
* Without a doubt, it's summer! The ambience of summer time is just so diffetent - people's faces are painted with happiness. That's because they can enjoy staying outside and doing some outdoor activities with family and friends.
🌨 Can you tell me the typical weather in your hometown?
* Well, my hometown is no different from any other place in my country. When it's winter, we experience below - zero degrees. When it's autum or spring, we have chilly and rainy days, and when it's summer, our temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius. The temperature in summer is just manageable but not in winter
📌Ingliz tilida eng ko'p uchraydigan zid ma'noli so'zlar ro'yxati:
🔹️big - little
🔹️cheap - expensive
🔹️clean - dirty
🔹️deep - shallow
🔹️easy - difficult
🔹️far - near
🔹️fast - slow
🔹️fat - thin
🔹️full - empty
🔹️good - bad
🔹️happy - sad
🔹️hard - easy
🔹️heavy - light
🔹️here - there
🔹️high - low
🔹️hot - cold
🔹️in - out
🔹️inside - outside
🔹️temporary - permanent
🔹️unique - open
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