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Educational channel devoted to learning English language. Channel in Russian: @violaschool VK: Our chat: @violachat Feedback: @tonyprots

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English by Viola

That's how we feel this month, actually. Working in our dungeons on cute presents for you!

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English by Viola

Not a joke, not an idiom... Is it a promotion of channels? Thanks God, no. It's a vocabulary list for newbies on "Winter" topic :)

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English by Viola

It's high time we started telling you about winter :)

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English by Viola

We probably won't send sausages via the Internet in foreseeable future, yet the online delivery services work quite well now.
By the way, that sign on the truck was made as a part of the advertising campaign of Mercedes-Benz in 2000.

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English by Viola

...meanwhile, we continue our tech topic.

By the way, "font" has various meanings. For instance, it could either be a set of letters and symbols in a particular design and size or a large container in a church, usually made of stone, that holds the water used for baptisms.
Well, the last one is not so common, yet one more example is even more interesting: "font" means an abundant source, "She was a font of wisdom and good sense".

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English by Viola

Well, that's right as rain.

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English by Viola

Well, it's a late post. We will text you soon!

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English by Viola

It's late midnight but the idiom is so cute that we simply couldn't wait longer.

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English by Viola

By the way, Wi-Fi means Wireless Fidelity. Fidelity = accuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the sound or image of its input signal - or the quality of being faithful :)

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English by Viola

We are technophiles, of course. What about you? @violachat is ready for a discussion!

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English by Viola

By the way, we have reached 7.3k followers. Hurray! We love you!

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English by Viola

When politicians are campaigning for support and votes, they are on the stump.

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English by Viola

Well, we will see the consequences.

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English by Viola

Have you seen the news?
Yep, Donald Trump IS the new President of USA.
We are apolitical as always, yet decided to share three final speeches with you.

Hillary Сlinton:
Barack Obama:
Donald Trump:

(as always, you can discuss the results in @violachat)

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English by Viola

We were thinking about a photo for the long read... Well, if Hilary&Trump don't count, then here you are - a picture for a "terrible" topic.

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English by Viola

Well, winter posts are coming, yet this night reminded us about these masters of headings :)

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English by Viola

Well, we have a snowball's chance in hell of learning Photoshop properly, yet...

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English by Viola

It'a time for a late-night-idiom post!

...a presidential campaign must be like a well-oiled machine, with every part working together perfectly in order to succeed.... oh wait...

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English by Viola

All newbies - welcome aboard!

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English by Viola

Our channel is driven by a motor!
...well, most of the times...

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English by Viola

It's a recommendation time!

💡 @science - New leader - Science and nothing more.

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English by Viola

That's why we like Telegram so much.

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English by Viola

A new list of vocabulary is here! Some important notes to bear in mind:

“Equipment” is an uncountable word so you need to say “a piece of equipment”. It is a very general use word that can be used to describe almost anything mechanical.

“Appliance” is typically used in the phrase “electrical appliances” (eg irons and kettles) that are less advanced technology.

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English by Viola

Floppy disk died to become an icon of saving, right?

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English by Viola

OK, some geek jokes about books are here.

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English by Viola

There weren't enough idioms lately, that's why today we decided to share the whole list of political vocabulary that we found for you:

The topic for this week is technology, by the way.

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English by Viola

We have examined tons of jokes about politics and all of them are awful.

Let it be a quote for today.

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English by Viola

Are you satisfied with the elections results in the USA?

No – 567
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 47%

I don't even care. – 335
👍👍👍👍 28%

Yes – 303
👍👍👍👍 25%

👥 1205 people voted so far.

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English by Viola

It's midnight, and we guess that you are sitting constrained in the kitchen surrounded by family members in anticipation of the American President Elections results...


Oh, come on. Never mind. Yet we decided to share this cute map of America with you - for you to become prepared to talks about different states voting results!

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English by Viola


It's a long read time!

We have found a captivating issue on Quora for you: What's the difference between terrible and horrible?
Here is a combination of two answers:

Terrible and horrible both are adjectives but, they have totally different meanings.
Terrible :- 1. extremely bad or serious.
For e.g:"a terrible crime"
2. causing or likely to cause terror; sinister.
For e.g: "terrible face"

Horrible :- 1. causing or likely to cause horror; shocking
For e.g: "horrible murder"
2. very unpleasant

Moreover, one of the several definitions of terrible is not only quite different from horrible but also unknown to most folks. Terrible also means intense or extreme, as in a terrible beauty. In this it resembles awful, a word that once meant awe-inspiring.

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