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Educational channel devoted to learning English language. Channel in Russian: @violaschool VK: Our chat: @violachat Feedback: @tonyprots

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English by Viola

The best advice one can get while swimming.

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English by Viola

This week we decided to discuss SPORT with you.

This topic is quite urgent nowadays :)

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English by Viola

Even though the topic of money is close to its end, we have something to show you.

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English by Viola

Apple sellers are under suspicion...

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English by Viola

After two weeks of content about students, we are ready to start a new topic.


Enjoy it.

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English by Viola

Have you ever wondered, how was the first encyclopedia created? Here is the answer!

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English by Viola

Again, if I could put in concise terms what my social life and experiences were during those three years, I would say that Cambridge was a humbling eye-opener for me. I had the fortune of being friends with some extraordinarily talented people at Cambridge who had the grades and were great at many other non-academic things like sports, playing musical instruments and drawing anime. Of course, such gatherings of talent can occur at many other places but I had not hitherto been to such congregations and, the first time I was with some of these friends, I was genuinely humbled in their presence. Yet, most of them were also very down-to-earth people who would ask people round to coffee or tea and cake or, gather to have a weekend pint at the pub. Staying alone in college was made all the more bearable by the fact that there were all these nice people whom I came to know and grew to love in those years (and beyond, as I am glad to say!).

Is that to say that all the perceptibly stiff upper-class/posh things are not done at Cambridge? No. For a university as traditional as Cambridge, some things like wearing gowns at special occasions e.g. matriculation, election to scholarships and graduation, saying grace in Latin at formal dinners and black/white tie balls do not die. But those posh practices are almost certainly an overstatement in my experience; they are generally not done so often as to impress an obvious social divide, at least at Emmanuel.

... So what?

This is not entirely related to the question but previous comments did touch on it, so I thought I would give my two cents' worth as well. At the end of the day, having a Cambridge degree does open up certain avenues for career development and gives people a certain impression/preconceived notion of who I am and what my intellectual abilities are. For me, I see Cambridge as a beautiful miscalculation. Why? I concede that it prepared me better in some aspects at the expense of others e.g. thinking of the big picture, rather than preoccupying myself with technical details. What made Cambridge a positive experience in overall terms were the facts that (1) I did achieve some of the career-specific aims I had while applying to the Natural Sciences Tripos, and (2) I met some of the most brilliant (in all senses of the word, not just that which extends to intellectual prowess) people in my life and built strong friendships and networks with them.

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English by Viola

It was an irresistable temptation - to post it.

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English by Viola

Students week is on!

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English by Viola

A great theory on why the evolution started.

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English by Viola

We have found the best TED Talk ever - on how to speak (or not to speak) to attract attention os the audience and sound smart.

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English by Viola

In an hour we will continue!

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English by Viola

We love you very much!

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English by Viola

Porcupine has a sharp tongue...

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English by Viola

Don't be afraid of long texts, ladies and gentlemen!

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English by Viola

A new idiom for newcomers.

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English by Viola

The last idiom for the week.

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English by Viola

A fresh idiom is here for you.

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English by Viola

Congratulations on Women's Day!

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English by Viola

Evening masterpiece.

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English by Viola

A new idiom for you.

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English by Viola

Aren't you bored of our jokes? Are you ready for a long read?

Then you will be completely satisfied with an answer of Liang Wei Wang on Quora on "what it is like to attend the University of Cambridge"?


I was an undergraduate international student at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where I read Natural Sciences (Biological) from 2010 to 2013. I had relatively similar experiences with the anonymous Natsci (short for Natural Scientist) who replied earlier, so the remainder of my post pertains to what I think was different about my experiences at Cambridge.

Academic Experience

I applied for the Natural Sciences Tripos with the long-term aim of becoming an academic. (Some enrol in the course not because they necessarily want to do something science-related after their degrees; they do so because they think that they are good enough at it to get by at Cambridge, which is a fair assumption to make of themselves.) So, as far as the course was concerned, I thought that it delivered in most aspects. I was adequately trained to read scientific articles critically and, write extended pieces coherently and persuasively. Supervisions (the Cambridge equivalent of the tutorial) at Emmanuel were also, for the large part, of high quality and I received close guidance from dedicated supervisors and my Director of Studies (who is analogous to the Tutor at other universities).

That said, no course is perfect. The course appeared to me at times to have a very rigid structure, which should, perhaps, come as no surprise, given how steeped in tradition Cambridge is. Unlike other universities where modules are taken on a termly basis, Cambridge modules are organised to last the academic year i.e. no termly switching of modules, which might not appeal to people who are more inclined to a liberal arts-style education. Cambridge also tends to focus its course material in such a way that the student is more inclined towards academic (somewhat introverted) thinking; the university does not place strong emphasis on technical/practical training (made particularly evident by the use of relic instruments in practicals) and presentation skills (I only made one formal presentation in three years... which was apparently not even graded.).

If I could summarise my three years at Cambridge in three words, one leading to the next, they would be 'driven, unfulfilling, challenged'. In the first year, I felt very motivated to work hard (especially when I felt like a small fish in a big pond) and attain the grades that I wanted (and did get). But the enthusiasm for learning quickly diminished in the second year when I found myself less consumed and fairly disillusioned by the boring topics covered by my science options and instead immersed myself in a completely different but exciting discipline, the History and Philosophy of Science. Finally, in the third year, when I had the opportunity to specialise in options that I felt passionate about, my desire to learn returned, which was quite the climax in my learning experience at Cambridge. It was during that time when I truly learnt how to discuss current scientific issues and challenge opinions in my readings, essays and dissertation, just like any other professional scientist.

Social Experience

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English by Viola

That's exactly how it usually happens.

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English by Viola

A new idiom is here.

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English by Viola

Are you a chatterbox?

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English by Viola

Hey! The new week has come, and the topic will be SPEAKING! Hope you will enjoy it.

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English by Viola

It's the idioms time! From us with love.

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English by Viola

We would like to share our LOVE with you this week :)

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English by Viola

It's not a "new topic" post, still it's cool.

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English by Viola

Here is a really important table with sounds that different animals produce. You'd better learn it by heart :)
Animals Sounds

Apes gibber
Bats screech
Bears growl
Bees hum and buzz
Birds chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle
Calves bleat
Camels grunt
Cats mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl
Cattle moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull)
Chicks cheep
Chickens cluck, cackle
Cocks crow
Cows low, moo
Crickets chirp, creak
Crows caw
Deers bell
Dogs bark
Dolphins click
Donkeys bray
Doves coo
Ducks quack
Eagles scream
Elephants trumpet, roar
Flies buzz, hum
Foxes bark, yelp, simper
Frogs croak
Giraffes bleat
Goats bleat
Geese cackle, quack
Grasshoppers chirp
Hamsters squeak
Hares squeak
Hens cackle, cluck
Humans whisper, whistle, cry, scream, sing, talk
Hogs grunt
Horses neigh, snort, whinny, nicker
Hummingbirds hum
Hyenas laugh, scream
Jackals howl
Kangaroos chortle
Koalas scream, bellow, wail
Lambs bleat
Larks sing, warble
Lions roar, growl
Mice squeak and squeal
Monkeys chatter, gibber, whoop, screech
Mosquitoes whine
Nightingales pipe, sing, warble
Ostriches chirp, bark, hiss, low hum
Owls hoot, scream, screech, shriek
Oxen bellow, low
Parrots talk, screech, squawk
Peacocks scream
Pigs snort, grunt, squeal, oink
Pigeons coo
Rabbits squeak, drum
Rats squeak
Ravens croak
Rhinoceros bellow
Rooster crow
Seagulls scream, squawk
Seals bark
Sheep bleat
Snakes hiss
Tigers growl, roar
Turkeys gobble
Vultures scream
Whales sing
Wolves howl, cry, yell
Zebras whinny
The end.

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