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i'm 24f the thing is i have been dating this guy who used to be my crush for the past 6 months and we work at the same company and he is 28 ...long story short we were talking yehone ken ena he didnt ask but i told him that i'm a virgin and he refuse to believe that but through time he accepted it then we continued but after 3 months of me telling him that he told me that he wants to have sex with me but i told him i couldn't do that at that time actually after marriage and stuff and he agreed . and we have a really serious relationship by the way . and he keeps reminding me about that eyekoy eyekoye ena now we fight over something and he mentiond that if we didnt sleep together what is the point of being in a relationship and he said he dont wanna see other girls because i said no for sex and he said that it was painful down there mnamn ena is this real guys ? ena bezi mkniyat serious fight lay nen eske breakup dres so what should i do? comment argu eski
#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Agitation
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Male, 25
Ufff hey guys, I need to vent cause at this point I don’t know what else to do.I need both men and women to say something about this and read it well guys. So it goes like this she is one of my oldest friends we have been friends for 23 years now basically our whole life not only that about 5 years ago I fell in love with her, she has everything you would want in a friend or someone who you want to be in a relationship with am not exaggerating this how her other friends also describe her not just me. So here is where the problem starts first she doesn’t live here, well she comes and goes, that wasn’t an issue for a very long time we talk , call each other, meet when she comes but since 2 years ago problem started she started getting distant less talk, dry answers sometimes not even replying but here is the strangest part she keeps calling we talk on the phone just fine but not frequently and before you say anything it’s not the love part I told her years ago she was fine with it we even talked about having life together if it works out so this is not friendzoning thing and it is not another guy either believe me I checked multiple times even spied on her and asked directly and nothing like that when I ask what the problem is she says she is busy with work and life and I get that but no matter how busy someone is you’re not busy 24/7 right? I mean you have little extra time at least 3 seconds to check your phone or messages or catch up with someone I mean am busy too I have jobs(yes more than one) but still I find a little time to do that and when the years go by I started feeling very lonely ,getting stressed and sick, boredom not even my work could get me out of it I miss very much I want to talk to her at least once in a week or 2 or 3 days or something ale aydel? and our age is going up this is a time where most people think of settling down or at least have someone serious by their side and I can’t even talk to her properly I told her this I explained it very maturely she wouldn’t listen nowadays it feels like እያስቸገርኳት am starting to feel uncomfortable about this situation so what should I do I love her very much I swear am in love with her to the point I can’t even think about being with someone else the idea of it feels like cheating I even tried to be with someone else and I still couldn’t do it, giving up on her So what should I do? those of you who believe in true love and friendship not this crappy thing our generation came up with what should I do? guys what do you think? Girls is there something else I don’t understand? How do you leave someone who you had dreams starting a family with and start all over again? And I do feel like I should move on but am confused? I need help people say something please
#Friendship #Relationship #Adult
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So I have a question if men when they are successful want to marry
and when women are successful they don't want to marry or divorce there husband due to her success
then it shows men are empty without women even with all there success and women no longer want to deal with men if she is secure financially
So it shows its projection when men says u will die lonely unmarried with no family to a women
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Hello guys
Please tell me what's the best song lefkregnaye lemegabez? Amharic song ig
And what is a good gift to give him for his BD and our anniversary pleasee am getting sooo confused😭
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20 m
Hi selam nachu . Mn meselachu kehonech lij fkr yezogn neber esuwa muslim nech ene dmo orthodox egnaw sefer nech yawerahuwat giza demo yehone giza menged lay eyalekesech agegnewat seteykat taxi west sllilkwan endeserekuwat negerechign ena beka teregagi beya shegnewat keza bewala setaleks selayewat meselegn setayegn tedenebaberalech so sagegnatm selam malet deberegn sefer demo ye familywa lebs bet alachew ena mata mata tetebkalech meselegn hule ayatalew ena kezi bewala nw fkr neger endalebgn yawekut hule mata mata benesu gar eyehedku ayatalew kehone giza bewala salayat aladrm ena by the way betam betam konjo nat esuwam setayegn yehone feeling endalebat yastawekal gn yaw setoch aytamenuma bcha mnden new haymanotachnm andaynet aydelem gn fkr yezognal mn larg endets lekrebat please hasab setign 🙏🙏🙏 wendochm setochm
#School #Friendship #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Teen
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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25 M
Guys help me
Ahun kakme blay honual btam ngeroch adis eyhonubgn new ngeroch wusbseb eyhonbgn new depression ,fear west ngn yasbkut nger hulu eytblashbgn new hulem ydebregnal akem ataw btam selfish honku beka dero ke sew hulu gar endalhonku ahun bchgna ngn dero mskin mnm malawk ksew gar mkrarb ymewd sew nberku btam gobz kmibalu swoch mkakl nberku bzu sew moral ysetgn nber even destgna nberku sewn even sew sikfaw mnamn ayzok ymel sew nbereku ahun lay sera kejmerku bohala social relation knshalew strong nberku btam ahun gn bka endedro aydlhum kesew hulu rekealew ahun lay ymer yne mlew guadegna ataw ksew gar mgbabat akategn trarken ymanawk sewoch ahun tlyaytnal trarknal ahun kne gar yelum,ysew ayen mayet dbrognal malt bka hulum nger gizyawi new mimslgn,bsew zend tkbayent magegn aymslgnm sew mekreb eyastlagn new even relationship jmre ykuartbgnal defre set lij mtwawk lene kbad nger honbgn confidence ataw lesew yalegnen feeling ataw ksew gar ytlyaye bahri new yalgn bande emotional ehonalew sera bota betnsh nger enadedalew mnamn bka mnm sense ataw mn aynet bahri endalgn alawkm erasen mawek alchalkum mn larg bka ychi alem kbedchign ymer gn tesfa mekort sew alnberkum aydlhumem gn dekmgn mn larg
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Hey guys I'm f
Mesrabet office 2 wendocui nbru ke andu gar btam engbabaln just enklaldaln enskalne እንደማንኛውም ሀበሻ bossአችንን እናማለን ወዘተ... ena feeling yelgnim esum esdzaw gn enan makef mesam mnamn yimcewal bezalayi agul mlafat yiwedal ena gn ds ayilgnim bzw I'm so cute ማጋነን አይሁንብኝ እና🤭 befit ketetalan akorfalw kza begd yangrgnal officeum yimcal endfelgen lemhon Ahun cegru mn mselachu office move adergen wede lela bota ena ahun keleloci serategnoci ga 1 layi honen ena ahun tekorarfenal lemn ትንሽ ችላ ማለት ሲያሳየኝ zegahut ahun dero beged liyaweragni ayicelm enam zem beya selakorfkut esum amerere ena biro west alci yehonci setyao ke eswa gar enan lemaskenat eymokere nw just eytnkebakebat attention eystate mnamn lalemknat eymokrku nw seteyowam bzu selemalmcat metalatcinen notice setareg kandand nw acteyrgci yalciew so endalkna mn ayint zeda letkm weyim purposely sewn lemaskenat teblo midrgu ngrocin endat nw reaction mareg albn ngrugni ??
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Hey I'm 24M
Me and my bsf has been friends for more than 13 years and we hv been through a lot to get here.
And here is the thing this past two years he has been acting diff he started getting mad easily, taking jokes seriously canceling hangouts and going out with other friends+started getting mad with small things like small shiii and if someone start getting jealousy of u he would do anything to for ur downfall even tho he ain't getting benefited. So these past 3 days I've been thinking about it and i decided to let it go its hard being separated with someone uk for years and been spending a lot of time daily but there is no other option and i got betrayed by one of my friend and i don want it to happen again and we used to shine as a friend group but now everything will be memory💔 and i gotta focus on my job i should print that money rly rly hard instead of wasting my time with the fake ones hopefully ill get new brother until then i choose being alone actually it's been 3 months since i hangout properly with em anyhow thanks very much for reading till the end.
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Hi my beautiful people wats up. Am female 27 yrs old married and a mom. I been married for 2 years now and so far me and my husband had an amazing sex. But then this past 2 weeks he been asking me to give him oral sex. Heres z thing 1 i heard that oral sex is forbidden by Christianity religion and 2nd am just not comfortable with it he asked me 3 times or so and i think he is getting pissed that am saying no so my question is is this kinda sex normal in real life? Be bete chrkstian yifekedal wey...
Thanks dears for all ur answers
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Hello ppl am F
For years i thought my father is just didn't realized his mistake for not being a Dad for me in my whole life malet echelalew when he start his other life got new kids and he just stop being my dad those who have dady issue yalbechu takutalchu how much childhood trauma linorbegn endmichel as a daughter proper yehone fiker "dad's love " selalgegnhu i don't even know if i'm loved properly especially in relationship i became ppl pleaser just becuz i wanna be loved 🥹 unfortunately i didn't get the love but i gave the love i didn't even get those ፍርፋሪ fiker yagegnhu simselgn elfi ehdalew at the end bechayen kerhu kefagn yemer it get worse father still didn't care he only care abt himself , i didn't even see the regret he is selfish and i just stop giving my love for him i just accept that
Bemchersham yegbagn he just my father not my dad i just wanna let it out
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Hey ya'll,
I'm a 19M university student, and I've been carrying feelings for this amazing girl since Grade 10. She's short, incredibly beautiful, and really intelligent. I'm honestly head over heels for her. Gin here's the thing I never asked her out. I was insecure about my body (I'm overweight), and on top of that, there was another challenge she's Muslim, and I'm Christian. I felt like that could be a big obstacle, too.
We'd talk often, but I wouldn't say we were super close. After finishing Grade 12, we both got into university, gin we ended up at different ones. I thought distance might help me move on, but it didn’t. I even tried to convince myself to hate her, thinking it might help me let go, but that was impossible. It's been about five or six months since I last saw her, but my feelings haven’t faded.
I've been working on myself, losing some weight, and becoming more comfortable with my body. I thought I was ready to find someone else to love, but I just can’t seem to. I don’t want to feel like this forever, hanging onto someone I can't have. So any advice would help.
#School #Teen
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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25 M
Guys help me
Ahun kakme blay honual btam ngeroch adis eyhonubgn new ngeroch wusbseb eyhonbgn new depression ,fear west ngn beka dero sew hulu gar endalhonku ahun bchgna ngn kesew hulu rekealew ahun lay ymer yne mlachew sewoch trarken ymanawk sewoch ahun tlyaytnal trarknal ahun kne gar yelum,ysew ayen mayet dbrognal malt bka hulum nger gizyawi new mimslgn,bsew zend tkbayent magegn aymslgnm sew mekreb eyastlagn new even relationship jmre ykuartbgnal defre set lij mtwawk lene kbad nger honbgn confidence ataw lesew yalegnen feeling ataw ksew gar ytlyaye bahri new yalgn bande emotional ehonalew sera bota betnsh nger enadedalew mnamn bka mnm sense ataw mn aynet bahri endalgn alawkm erasen mawek alchalkum mn larg bka ychi alem kbedchign ymer gn tesfa mekort sew alnberkum aydlhumem gn dekmgn mn larg
#Friendship #Relationship
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Hey y’all you need to hear this
I’m 20m
I have invited to this group by my friend(girl) our relationship is too complex sometimes we’re more than friends like talking stage mnamn andande she try to act like nice and carrying andande demo mn endetefetere salawk she would be rude ena gra gebagn beza lay there are other girls they want to be with me ena alfo awerachewalew ena negeru ke friendship liyalf sil wey and when they try to have feelings for me or ke esua gar deep mawrat sjemr erasen ke lelochu pull out aregalew cause be esua tesfa slemareg ahun gn I’m getting tired betam ena i know she actually read this vent and you guys need to drop some comments for me and her tnx
#Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen
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Hey unihorse 🦄
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I'm F and I'm 19
Idk how start ....but there is smthg in my mind that always against me .......I'm extrovert and i have a lot of friends but sometimes i wish if i could be alone like the one who don't have any friend mnamn gn alchlm coz they need me than i do.......recently i feel like I'm bored with being friend wz everybody and I just wanna be alone i don't need any this thought is normal?....what should i do
Pls tell i need ur advice
Ina pls hasabachun nigerugn pls pls
#School #Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult
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Am 21M uk i'm betam gobez ጀንጃኝ at least nbrku ahun lay mn endhonku alkm ymawraw ngr hulu ytfabgn jmrwal specially text lay betam boring wer nw ymarw surface level plz yhone mela setogn am confused🥺 what is happening ...
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When a women says she is in pain daring period and during pregnancy and some hormonal change she is called weak
But when a man is incapable of controlling his lust and not able to control his anger and beating his wife and also killing is considered a logical leader why not call him weak who can't rationalize his emotion women seems more logical
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I want to vent
Ok, how do I start? Well, the truth is I have to confess that considering myself someone very dominant and sadist i love very macho, dirty or similar tastes, still, certain things or practices suddenly catch my attention, sometimes I have fantasies even dreams related to this, for example, I like begging , of course, everything consensual, I like to humiliated girls on bed those who seem intimidating, strong, with a submissive character or simply that the way they talk to me and makes thee kneel in front of me, I have a fantasy of one day going with woman even from another country and being with her for at least a week and use all of me dominated, enslaved, fucked, choke, pissed on, cummed on, stretched, penetrated in different ways, fed her with my cocks and balls and humiliated her , exposed, exhibited, filled with obscene words and drawings all over her body, ass spank, slap , spit on her , bite her , kissed, stripped her , cum inside of her mouth and ass, more, tied up, gagged, blindfolded, caged her willingly and maybe other things that I don't remember now 😈🔥😏🤤🥵, I know I said I wasn't that sado but now that I see it maybe I am maybe I just need to find someone a woman to make me get all that out 😈.
#Family #Relationship #Adult
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So the thing is we spent in a friendship for about 5 she showed me signs that she has feelings like she sent me a love music but soon forward she just told me that she only likes me(women things ig). Me? I don't think she deserves me. Due to this reason i was trying to get over her but couldn't, also she told me not to do that cuz she is happy being around me,but recently i blocked her on every social medias...did i do wrong girls?
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lemme make it short the thing is i saw a bantcha vents that been ma problem too so here is the thing... i luv to eat a girls 🍑 and clits and i have been obsessed w it for a couple of months now and it's getting out of my hand i want to eat every girls puy i c and idk how to stop
#Relationship #Adult #Agitation #Teen
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So I am 22 yrs girl so this is my story I am a second child at home and ke lijnete jemro Bzu ngr sebal nw yadekut kebzu sew basically my mom she keep telling me ene batweld she would have a better life Ena ene bemewelede Bzu ngr endagodelkubat hiwotwan endekemawat notice that kene buhala there are two younger brothers Ena becayehenen ngr betam eyenegecny nw yadekut bet west sadg hulem teb ale between mom and dad Ena Bzu mesmat mawek yelelbnyn ngroc eyaweku adekuny Ena depression west nbrku like for 13 or 14 yrs ke honku jemro ende leloc lijoc adelm yemasbew yemnorw manm Ena betam wedwala yekeru yemeslny nbr Ena Bzu gize erasen lematfat mokriyal using different methods I ended up having weak immune system Ena aun lay tru relationship west ny selasalfkut hulu saldebk yenegrkut lesu nw even Bzu gwadenyoce yemayawkwacewn ngroc yemiyawkew esu nw Bzu gwadenyoc yelunym yalutn once or three times a year bengenay nw Ena kesu gar yalen ngr eyekezekez meta Ena yehone ken one of my friend dewla eski lawrat beye eyawerawat mom semac Ena bzw Momn Bzu alaweratm alkerbatm I prefer my dad mnm ngr esun nw maweraw Ena dad Bzu ngr keflowal enyan lemasadeg beca enyawerat semta she came Ena she said like breakups are easy mnam kind of ngr awerac Ena mn meta meselacu in my brain like she never knows mn aynet hiwot endasalefku Ena aun she wanna involve I was a mistake for her eko gn she acts like she care Bzu ngrocn keene belay le talake Ena le tananashoce setadeg noralc she don’t even remember my birthday sometimes Ena demo Bzu gize ye abatwa lij adelc eyalc esu yaderegatn Beene tadergalc ena eski help me aun lay mn madrg endalbny alakm I also want to make a new friends Ena I don’t know how beca what should I do?
#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #Melancholy #Relationship #Adult
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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25 M
Guys help me
Ahun kakme blay honual btam ngeroch adis eyhonubgn new ngeroch wusbseb eyhonbgn new depression ,fear west ngn yasbkut nger hulu eytblashbgn new hulem ydebregnal akem ataw btam selfish honku beka dero ke sew hulu gar endalhonku ahun bchgna ngn kesew hulu rekealew ahun lay ymer yne mlew guadegna ataw ksew gar mgbabat akategn trarken ymanawk sewoch ahun tlyaytnal trarknal ahun kne gar yelum,ysew ayen mayet dbrognal malt bka hulum nger gizyawi new mimslgn,bsew zend tkbayent magegn aymslgnm sew mekreb eyastlagn new even relationship jmre ykuartbgnal defre set lij mtwawk lene kbad nger honbgn confidence ataw lesew yalegnen feeling ataw ksew gar ytlyaye bahri new yalgn bande emotional ehonalew sera bota betnsh nger enadedalew mnamn bka mnm sense ataw mn aynet bahri endalgn alawkm erasen mawek alchalkum mn larg bka ychi alem kbedchign ymer gn tesfa mekort sew alnberkum aydlhumem gn dekmgn mn larg
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Heyyy im 19 F and i just wanted to ask if having too much friends is bad i mean not that they are bad influence of sm shit they literally are my fam but there is smth bout me that comfort ppl and one day i get to have the title of being best friend like i have 2 real bsf(not a trio) and beside that i have 4 bsfs like i love em fr but for those 4 ppl, they aint my bsf but i am their and i can say i am so blessed when it comes to friendship and i can't thank my god enough but ion think its fair yk
#Friendship #Teen
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Selam endat nachu. Ye final year university student negn ena ke leloch classmates beteleye ke 1 lj gar bedenb enkerarebalen ene alawkm neber gn classmates above friend endehonn new miyasbut they talk about us ( enam bekrbu new friendoch minegrugn). maybe yhenn neger esuam notice tadergew yhon. bzu gze mibal neger ale aydel opposite genders friend mehon aychlum mnamn. Bcha alawkm tnsh asasbogn new ene gar still we have friends i don't wann to get in relationship with her gn ewnetm bedenb tekerarbenal ena pls beybelt setoch besua side hunachu vent adrgugn its first time for me ezi platform lay endat hasaben menager endalebgnm i don't know
What do you think guys
Ene mawek mfelgew ene gar we have friends. Gn esua bemn aynet way ltayew tchlalech. Class wst mibalew neger force liyadergat ychlal?
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Am 21M
I was a student at st'mary university (marketing management ) ena i got some add and the school is kinda boring i almost finished freshman but i quite.. the thing is am a forex trader now ena ebat nw mewelew kuch beya esun sesera but family understand liyargegn alchalm endet temhert akumeh ebat tewlaleh mnamn stuff eyalugn nw ena i know i can change my life with forex am already in profit but it takes some time ena ye family stuff eyeslchegn nw ena i want a friend ende ene yehone sera algn beya wetcha yehone trade sarg weya lemels eyasbku nw gn it's kinda boring when ur alone so i want some one who is a forex trader ena abrogn yemiwl abrogn yemiyadeg anyone who is interested is DM me
#School #Friendship #Relationship #Adult #Teen
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Hey Unihorse
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24 F here working
The thing is am single I don't see my self settling down in near future i been I a couple of relationship now currently am single
It is my singles the problem
The problem are my siblings here me out I was calling my cousin and she though the call ended and talk with my other siblings
And says she don't have a man and so many hurtful comment in my family and circle there are so many subtle signs and message towards my personal life it bother me so much I am in peace with my situation I don't need anyone's opinion unless you are a Doctor so I know it hard to tell people please don't have opinion about me it's hard my mom and dad always like when is the weeding am like stfu
Am not where I am in life (I believe am going there)
Its not like I can control there thoughts
I just want to be at peace of not been wanted by someone
I hope one day I found my person
But if not am good (wanna be good)
Am so fragile by people opinion about me I want to be strong enough to chose my self out of this situation
I know for I fact even if I were married they probably gonna have an opinion about my life
What ever turn my life take me there opinion won't stop
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Hey 17 M here
Idk why but my vents ain't getting posted lately..
Anyway what am here is to ask u to give me advice on smtn.
Like how can I improve ma social skills.. I suck at interacting w others and stuff and I been struggling..
I mean I got gd scores( not to brag but am better than everyone else in ma scl), got other skills too.
But am sooo not confident.
So how can I fix this..
Pls help me out guys
#School #Teen
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selam endet nachu 24M ena kebad misteren lamakrachu endatsedbugn ena Adama nw menorw sex yejemerkut belejenete nw ena betam nebr mewedw yaladerekut aynet sex yelem teenagers gar ke milf gar group sex hula adregiyalw gn yehone gize debrezeyt metnor lij betam best freinde nat ena ene ante en yehone wnd gar honen andelay threesome enarg bela teyekechign enem bka eshi alkwat eswa nat yametachiw lijun keza yehone ken 3tachenen tegenagnen ena mareg jemeren mehal lay weird neger tefetefere esu enen menekakat jemere keza suck hula aregelegn endeza endeza tefetro cheresen teleyayen ena ketewesene gize bewala eswa ahun le 3 enedgem alech ene dmo esu minekagn ena suck miyaregelegn negr deberegn ene alfegm selat betam lemenchign andandem esum be telegram eyemeta ene ena ante becha enegenagn yelegnal gay negr nw meselegn ena ene mehal lay kerew kagegnewachw esum suck largelek maletu aykerm eswam best friende nat le 3enarg eyalech eyelemenechign mekerugn esti lagegnachw wys arefe lekemet? satsedbugn negerugn please
#Friendship #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult
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So i am 24 years old and i have a boyfriend and yea sex enadergaln it's been 6 years abren kehonen but now i am pregnant awke yaderekut neger bayhonm gn sletefetere mnm almeselegm mknyatum bekrb yemegabat hasab neberen
Ahun gn yhen snegrew destega adelm enem tenadedku betam ena we broke up bchayen demo mewetat yemchlew neger aydelem so yegdeta abortion madreg alebg i am only 2 months now so girls tell me where should i go Please
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I need to vent
Hey there
M 28 working in international organization with a good salary i make around 60k net per month i am protestant i am dating to a girl she is also 28 we were vibig very good but the problem is she told me that she has chat friends that she will talk to them late night after we said goodnight i don't think this is appropriate shall i confront her or leave it behind please girls give your advice for me
Thank you
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Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am someone
I need to vent
Hey guys
Im 18 f model
ena betam tyake yehonebg neger mn aynet generation lay yalenew ahun bezi seat lay mnm friend yelegm gn mndnew every yemagegachew sewoch wendoch beteley only for sex is it meaningful mndnew kebizu setoch ga yetega sew meto sex enarg ylegal koy gn mn eyehonjn new yalenew gena be 20's edmew sex yasbal lemn ezi lay energy yabaknal business create ayaregm aylewetm ayseram mndnew trgumu hum bebotaw sihon ke lb yemeneche desta ynorewal may be smet ltlug tchlu yhonal gn mndnew wagaw mndnew tkmu setichd lemndnew kbrachnin yatanew betnsh conversation sex lay dersenal mndnew setnetachin yasatan neger idk almost hulum bemibal dereja endeza honowal balehubet hunetam everybody endeza new yalewbetn neger telaw mndnew trgum ataw ena pls setoch or wendoch endezi athunu wendochm testosterone ykensal ke abzagaw setoch yemnwesdew energy is it good mndnew setochs ke bizu set ga yetega wends yemnosdew energy is it good aytekmim bizu neger bemadregya edmeyachn snkoch ayalew bizum set lijoch aweralew sle past negerachew sinegerug mn yakl erasachew yatu endalu akalew erasuanm yatefach set akalew ena azenkug be tennager edmyachen yemayhon neger wesnen legam sanhon le familym sanhon bado honen enkeralen keza yetgawn life lnnorew new kefetaryachn yetetalan ke mnm neger yalhon rkash honen enkeralen kezam bizu wagawoch enkeflalen gn sewnetachus des ylewal satdesetubet mtadergut neger yeferenm eko alklekelnm gn hulum be botaw sihon kelb yemeneche destan ysetal
Ena guys ene lemalet yefelekut beka bizu egan yemifelgun negeroch alu eza lay energy bnasarf yshalal pls wendochm setochm yetefetrnbetn ዓላማ anrsa erasachn anarks yesew neger anketel mnm waga yelewm betely teenager's bizu nege4 future ytebkenal be endezi aynet neger gizeyachn gulbetachinn beteley emnetachinin antal yetgaws haymanot new yhen yemidegefew yhen yemlew betely be modelingu bzu neger slayew new pls say "NO" lematfelgut neger pls mnm tkm yelewm erasachnin anta betam waga enkeflbetalen enji tru ngr anagebetm humanity yemibalewn neger anta
This is my advice for both girls and boys
Enem yhen neger telche kezi modeling industry wetaw bikers hulum neger mnm biker yshalal humanity yemibalewn neger kematat ena pls wederasachn enmelekt
#School #Friendship #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Teen
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