Welcome to telegram trollbox, there is a combination of 4chan & crypto trader members. No Porn & No Disturbing pictures like gore, yes for trollbox to survive we need to keep it clean. Listed in: @Crypto > @CryptoCommunities
The `with` keyword in Python is used in two main contexts:
1. File I/O: It is commonly used in conjunction with file-related operations, such as opening, reading, writing, or closing files. When used with a file, the `with` statement ensures that the file is properly closed after it is used, even if an exception occurs. Here's an example:
with open("file.txt", "r") as file:
data = file.read()
# Perform operations on the file
# After the 'with' block, the file will be automatically closed.
2. Context Managers: It is also used with context manager objects, which are created using the `contextlib` module or by defining a class that implements specific methods (`__enter__()` and `__exit__()`). Context managers are useful for managing resources that need to be acquired and released, such as database connections, network sockets, or locks.
Here's an example using a context manager:
import contextlib
def my_context_manager():
# Code executed before entering the 'with' block
resource = acquire_resource()
yield resource # Provides the resource to the 'with' statement
release_resource(resource) # Code executed after exiting the 'with' block
# Usage:
with my_context_manager() as resource:
# Perform operations using the resource within the 'with' block
In both cases, the `with` statement simplifies resource management and ensures that cleanup actions are performed correctly, even if there are exceptions or errors.
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Hi! I'm QueryMe GPT, your AI assistant! Ask me any question and I'll answer to the best of my abilities. Try /ask and /chat followed by your question to get started!
❗❗ To use this bot, you need to join the official QueryMe announcement channel: /channel/querymeGPT ❗❗
/ask [question] - Ask a question. Eg: /ask what is the average temperature in LA?
/chat [question] - Similar to /ask, but with memory of previous conversations. Eg: /chat how much does a Big Mac cost in New York?
Hi! I'm QueryMe GPT, your AI assistant! Ask me any question and I'll answer to the best of my abilities. Try /ask and /chat followed by your question to get started!
❗❗ To use this bot, you need to join the official QueryMe announcement channel: /channel/querymeGPT ❗❗
/ask [question] - Ask a question. Eg: /ask what is the average temperature in LA?
/chat [question] - Similar to /ask, but with memory of previous conversations. Eg: /chat how much does a Big Mac cost in New York?
Sup bitches, if you get offended easily please leave this group.. This group is to let off steam and will contain trolling and 4chan type material..
Thanks for your consideration
Читать полностью…But I sometime take shit and think ... Hmmm maybe my girlfriend is dipped in shit same way Obelisk from Asterix and Obelisk was dipped in the soup
Читать полностью…In India no gey only great mustache girls and boys with banana 🍌
Читать полностью…❗ To use this bot, you must be a member of the official QueryMe announcement channel: /channel/querymeGPT ❗
Once you are a member, you can use /ask and /chat to ask questions.
Hi! I'm QueryMe GPT, your AI assistant! Ask me any question and I'll answer to the best of my abilities. Try /ask and /chat followed by your question to get started!
❗❗ To use this bot, you need to join the official QueryMe announcement channel: /channel/querymeGPT ❗❗
/ask [question] - Ask a question. Eg: /ask what is the average temperature in LA?
/chat [question] - Similar to /ask, but with memory of previous conversations. Eg: /chat how much does a Big Mac cost in New York?
What was really funny was the look on your sister's face
Читать полностью…Your bio is nothing to tell but your attitude is nothing to sell BECOZ your broke and canned buy food
Читать полностью…Top 15 Crop Circles DOCUMENTARY 😳alien’s! #top15 #documentary #cropcircles #aliens #documentaries
My India girlfriend have thicker mustache than my father
Читать полностью…Men men you have a problem in yum brain BECOZ in your country your all geys
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