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Btw saudi royal palaces are filled with freemasons sand niggaz some israelis disguised as arabs
Читать полностью…The wars they rose recently is only to stay in power
Читать полностью…daily reminder that saudi royals love furry and have a my little pony fetish
Читать полностью…Retinue of slaves I mean 'independent individual foreign contractors'
Читать полностью…Crawling with raghead saudis the legit/illegitimate royals
Читать полностью…This Saudi business btw is very much making rumbles in DC
Читать полностью…Because they know saudi reign is under great threat
Читать полностью…Fucking literal diner table cloth raghead traditions complete with glowing orbs
Читать полностью…While 25% of saudi citizen live under the poverty line, this no media covers it
Читать полностью…Them and DC lobbists suck each other off 69 style 24/7
Читать полностью…$20,000 USD mortgage a month easy in Foxhall mansions
Читать полностью…Not the jew.... the ancient product from the trees
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