Welcome to telegram trollbox, there is a combination of 4chan & crypto trader members. No Porn & No Disturbing pictures like gore, yes for trollbox to survive we need to keep it clean. Listed in: @Crypto > @CryptoCommunities
i would be invested in stellar if not for the fucked up token distribution
Читать полностью…another hypothesis I have is that lightning network is like an incomplete copy of ripple/stellar
Читать полностью…only learned about the technical superiority of it after the NEO rebrand and rally
Читать полностью…https://www.coindesk.com/uc-berkeley-kybernetwork-partner-for-decentralized-exchange-research/
Читать полностью…why would china shut it down when it is cucking the USD? if you read RT you will see all the BRICS countries are happy to see bitcoin usurp US hegimony
Читать полностью…crypto confirmed economic war between US and china?
Читать полностью…i have a lot of respect for bitfinex they are brilliant businesspeople
Читать полностью…even if it gets taken down for fraud or whatever, the momentum it generated is significant enough to be worth it
Читать полностью…lightning network does not even need the blockchain and ripple invented that a long time ago
Читать полностью…i consider NEO to be a third gen blockchain, more advanced than ETH basically
Читать полностью…perhaps the US state dept or whatever just does not even know what tether is yet
Читать полностью…they want bitcoin to replace USD as the global currency
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