Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
💼 Folder Tags. Business users can add colored labels to chats based on the chat folders they belong to.
Chats can have multiple tags – which dynamically update based on the folder you're viewing them from.
For example, an unread work chat would appear with Unread
and Work
tags in your All Chats folder, but only Unread
in your Work folder.
💼 Away Messages. Telegram Business users can set an away message to automatically reply when they are closed or on vacation.
Both greeting and away messages support text formatting, files and all media types – and can contain multiple messages.
💼 Location and Business Hours. Telegram users can convert their profile to a business page – adding the location and business hours of their company.
To add business info to your profile or create automated greetings, away messages and quick replies – go to Settings > Telegram Business.
Group Emoji. Admins of boosted groups can set a group emoji pack – unlocking one set of emoji that all members can use in the chat.
Custom emoji are an open platform – so you can choose a set from Telegram artists, or create a unique pack just for your community.
Stories from Groups. Admins of groups that receive enough boosts are able to post stories as the group.
For each level a group gains, it can post 1 additional story per day. Replies to a group's story are sent to the chat – sparking new conversations.
Admins with the proper permissions can tap the story icon 📖 on the group's profile or select the group in the 'Post Story As' section of the story editor.
⭐️ One-Way Last Seen and Read Times. Users who hide their read time aren't able to see read times from other users.
Except with Telegram Premium – which allows you to hide your read time and still see the read times of users who share theirs with you.
If a user hides their read time, it is always hidden from all users, including Premium users.
Watching One-Time Messages. One-time voice and video messages can't be paused and can't be opened more than once.
The message will play until it finishes, or until you tap 'Close and Delete' – vanishing with a beautiful animation.
Calls. Calling another user lets you talk, turn on your camera or share your screen – all protected by end-to-end encryption.
Calls are available on every platform – to call a user, simply open their profile and tap the 📞 call button.
Code Formatting. Messages with text sent as ```code```
automatically identify the coding language used and highlight syntax – and you can click or tap to instantly copy the code.
Working with code blocks works best on the Telegram Desktop app, Telegram Web or Telegram for macOS.
Giveaways in Channels. Channel owners can promote their community and reward subscribers by hosting a giveaway.
Giveaways are a verifiable and transparent way for subscribers to earn prizes – like Telegram Premium and much more.
Channels set the giveaway criteria and pay for prizes in advance – then Telegram randomly selects the winners and hands out their gifts.
Adjustable Link Previews. When sharing a link, you can customize its preview – change the size of media, place the preview above or below your message and select which link to preview if there are multiple.
Читать полностью…New Login Alerts. Whenever a device logs in to your account, a notification is sent to all your devices, and the new login is added to your Devices page.
Additionally, a login alert will appear at the top of your chat list – if you don't recognize the device, instantly tap to secure your account.
For even more security, consider adding a Two-Step Verification password to your account.
Your Music in Stories. Audio files on your device can be added to stories – giving your content custom soundtracks and narration.
From the sticker panel, tap 'Audio' and select a file, then adjust the track to select a section.
In video stories, you can move your added audio track to any point in the story, and can choose to keep the original sound as well.
Stories for Channels. Users can grant their favorite channels the ability to post stories by giving them boosts.
Channels collect boosts by sharing their unique boost link – each Premium user has 1 boost that they can assign to any channel.
As more people boost a channel, it levels up – allowing the channel to post more stories per day.
To get the boost link for your channel, go to Channel Info > More > Statistics > Boosts. More info on boosts and channel stories is available in our FAQ.
Stories in Profiles. Stories can be posted as temporary updates, or saved to your profile for as long as you want.
Every story on your profile has its own privacy settings – so you can decide who is able see each one.
When selecting the story duration, enable 'Post to Profile' or open your Story Archive in Settings > My Stories to add a past story to your profile.
Stories in your archive or on your profile can still be edited at any time – or removed from your profile via Settings > My Stories.
💼 Quick Replies. With Telegram Business, you can create preset responses to send one or more messages with a simple command in any chat.
Typing a /
in the message bar shows a scrollable panel with all of your quick replies – that you can send or edit in one tap.
💼 Greeting Messages. Businesses can write a greeting that is instantly sent to users that contact them for the first time – or who send a new message after a period of inactivity.
You can set your greeting to only be used for specific chats and chat categories, or to exclude certain chats.
Telegram Business lets users convert their profile to a business page and unlock extra features like:
💼 Location and Business Hours
💼 Greeting Messages
💼 Away Messages
💼 Quick Replies
💼 Folder Tags
Telegram Premium subscribers are currently able to access all Business features for free.
To see the full list of features, go to Settings > Telegram Business in any app.
Group Appearance Settings. Boosted groups have unique customization options – able to change the color and logo of the group's profile cover, set an emoji status or add a chat-wide wallpaper.
Admins with the 'Change Group Info' permission can access these settings from the Group's Profile > Edit > Appearance.
Boosts for Groups. Groups level up by receiving boosts from members or via giveaways.
Those who boost the group get an exclusive badge and allow the group to post stories and change its appearance.
At higher levels, groups unlock features for all members to use in the chat – like custom emoji and voice transcription.
Read Time in Private Chats. In 1-on-1 chats, you can see the exact time when your message was opened.
Read times have granular privacy settings, based on the settings for your Last Seen status.
To protect privacy, all read times are only visible for 7 days before being deleted.
One-Time Voice and Video Messages. The view-once setting can also be used for voice and video messages – after being played, the message is automatically deleted.
To set a message as view-once, swipe up to lock recording and then tap the view-once ⏲️ icon.
Share Posts in Stories. Channel messages of any type can be reposted as stories – adding a copy of the message that you can move, resize and decorate.
Anyone who views your story can tap to open the message in its channel. To repost a message, tap its share arrow ➡️ and select 'Repost to Story'.
Similar Channels. When joining a new channel, a list of similar public channels appears – which you can browse to find more news, content and memes.
For channels you've already joined, you can also see the list on the channel's profile.
Reply, Forward and Link Settings. When you combine replies, forwarded messages and links, you can quickly access their unique settings from separate tabs at the bottom of the screen.
Читать полностью…Quote Replies. You can quote specific parts of any message – and reply to just one sentence or a few words.
To quote someone, highlight text from their message or swipe to reply, tap the reply bar and select Quote.
You can also add quote formatting to any text from the formatting menu, in order to put multiple quotes in one message.
Tap the reply bar above your text to reply in another chat – in case you want to reply privately, or in a different group or channel.
View-Once Media. In any 1-on-1 chat, photos and videos can be sent as View Once – which permanently deletes the media after it is opened.
Tapping the 1️⃣ icon in the media editor lets you send media as View Once or with a timer – media sent with a timer can be re-opened until the timer runs out.
Reaction Stickers in Stories. Both users and channels can add reaction stickers to their stories – letting viewers respond with more emoji in one tap.
To add one, simply tap the 💭 icon in the sticker panel and choose any emoji – Premium subscribers can use their custom emoji as well.
Channel stories display reaction counters, showing how many people chose each emotion.
Editing Stories. You can change your story's visibility, caption, on-screen text, tags and more at any time.
To edit your story, open it on the device you posted it from and tap➕or➕ > Edit Story.
Dual Camera Mode. Stories can take photos or videos with the front and rear camera of your device simultaneously.
You can choose which camera goes where – even while recording – and after recording, can drag the smaller circle to any position.
When creating a story, tap to take a photo or hold down for video. While recording, swipe left to lock, swipe up to zoom in, or swipe right to switch cameras – all with one hand.