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Identify this politician. She was the first woman Speaker of Lok Sabha.
इस राजनेता को पहचानिए। वह लोकसभा की पहली महिला अध्यक्ष थीं।

Ans: Meira Kumar
उत्तर: मीरा कुमार

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Krishna Raja Sagar Dam & Mettur Dam
कृष्णराज सागर बांध और मेट्टूर बांध

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Biogeographic Regions in India


2. a Greater Himalayas
b Lesser/Middle Himalayas
c Siwalik Hills/Outer Himalayas
d Northeast Hills

3. Indo-Gangetic Plains

4.a Desert/Arid Zone
b Semi-Arid Zone

5.Central Highlands

6.Deccan Plateau and the southern peninsular plains

7.Western Ghats

8.Eastern Ghats


10. Islands

भारत में जैवभौगोलिक क्षेत्र


2. क बड़ा हिमालय

ख छोटा/मध्य हिमालय

ग शिवालिक पहाड़ियाँ/बाहरी हिमालय

घ पूर्वोत्तर पहाड़ियाँ

3. भारत-गंगा के मैदान

4.क रेगिस्तान/शुष्क क्षेत्र

ख अर्ध-शुष्क क्षेत्र

5.मध्य उच्चभूमि

6.दक्कन का पठार और दक्षिणी प्रायद्वीपीय मैदान

7.पश्चिमी घाट

8.पूर्वी घाट



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🏆🥇 #ImproveYourEnglish


“Good morning, sir.”

“Good morning.”

“What are you doing?”

“I am trying to open my brief-case.”

“Is it difficult to open?”

“No, sir, sometimes it obeys me and sometimes it doesn’t. Ah! I have opened it, sir.”

“You have opened it? Congratulations. Now let me tell you briefly the difference between the present perfect tense and the past tense.

He has been to Calcutta means that he has visited Calcutta and knows the city; but he is not there at the moment.

He has gone to Calcutta means that he is in Calcutta or he is on his way to Calcutta. He is not here at the moment.

I have done my homework means that I did it sometime ago and I need not worry about it now.

I did my homework this morning. In this, I point out merely when I did my homework.

The present perfect tense and the past tense deal with some past action. You use the present perfect when you want to emphasise not the past action but its result on the present.

Please remember that the present perfect should not be accompanied by any expressions indicating past time. I stress this again as this is a common mistake. You shouldn’t say: ‘I have seen him last month.’ ‘I have seen him ten minutes ago’. I hope I have made myself clear.”

“Yes, sir. I have now a clear idea of the difference between the past tense and the present perfect tense. Could I depart a little early today?”

“Of course; you are most welcome to leave when you want to. But don’t ‘depart’. The word ‘depart’ is a formal word.

For example, in the railway timetable, you will find the arrival and departure timings of trains. But announcers at the station use the word ‘leave’. Trains leave and they don’t depart.

The Grand Trunk Express will be leaving platform number two in five minutes.

The word depart is not used in such contexts. Please say ‘He left for Delhi’ and not ‘He departed for Delhi’. When you are leaving for some place, don’t say ‘I am departing’. With human beings it is used in the sense of ‘to die’.

She has departed from life.

You don’t want to depart, do you?”

“No, sir. Not at all. How do you pronounce ‘banquet’, sir?”

“It is pronounced ‘bankwit’. It is not ‘bankwet’. The stress is on bank. You wanted to leave early. You may go now. Goodbye.”

“Thank you, sir. Goodbye.”

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🔥🔴 The Hindu Analysis (INA) 07 July 2024 (#UPSC #IAS)

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📌📌Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

✅The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organization established on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai, China.

✅It is the world’s largest regional organization by geography and population, covering about 80 percent of the Eurasian landmass and 40 percent of the world's population.

✅The primary objective of the SCO is to promote cooperation and peace among its member states and foster "a new democratic, fair, and rational international political and economic order."

🔴Founding Members: Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
🔴Expanded Membership: India and Pakistan joined in 2017, and Iran joined in 2023, bringing the total to nine member states.
🔴Observer States: Mongolia, Belarus, and Afghanistan.
🔴With the integration of Iran, the SCO now controls 20 percent of the world’s oil reserves and 44 percent of its natural gas.

🔴The SCO aims to:
🔴Promote peace and cooperation among member states.
🔴Establish a new democratic, fair, and rational international political and economic order.

✅Organizational Structure
🔴Heads of State Council (HSC): The supreme decision-making body of the SCO, meeting once a year to adopt decisions and guidelines on all important matters of the organization.

✅Permanent Bodies:
🔴SCO Secretariat: Based in Beijing, it handles the administrative functions of the organization.
🔴Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS): Based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, it promotes cooperation among member states against terrorism, separatism, and extremism.

✅Official Languages
🔴The official languages of the SCO are Chinese and Russian.

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National Waterways of India

▪️ Total length 4503km
▪️ Total state served 15

▪️NW 1 Haldia to Allahabad (Ganga) ( 1620km)

▪️NW 2 Dhubri to Sadiya (Brahmaputra) ( 891km )

▪️NW 3 Kollam to Kottapuram (West coast canal) (205 km )

▪️ NW 4 Kakinada to pudduchery (Godavari, Krishna & Canals) ( 1078 km )

▪️NW 5 Goenkhali to Talcher (Brahmani, Delta Canals, Ecc) ( 588 km )

▪️NW 6 Lakhipur to Bhanga [In Process] (Barak) (121 km)

भारत के राष्ट्रीय जलमार्ग

▪️ कुल लंबाई 4503 किमी
▪️ कुल राज्य सेवा 15

▪️ उत्तर-पश्चिम 1 हल्दिया से इलाहाबाद (गंगा) (1620 किमी)

▪️ उत्तर-पश्चिम 2 धुबरी से सदिया (ब्रह्मपुत्र) (891 किमी)

▪️ उत्तर-पश्चिम 3 कोल्लम से कोट्टापुरम (पश्चिमी तट नहर) (205 किमी)

▪️ उत्तर-पश्चिम 4 काकीनाडा से पुडुचेरी (गोदावरी, कृष्णा और नहरें) (1078 किमी)

▪️ उत्तर-पश्चिम 5 गोयनखली से तालचेर (ब्रह्मणी, डेल्टा नहरें, आदि) (588 किमी)

▪️ उत्तर-पश्चिम 6 लखीपुर से भांगा (प्रक्रियाधीन] (बराक) (121 किमी)

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🏆🥇 #ImproveYourEnglish


“Good morning, sir.”

“Good morning.’’

“Sir, is it ‘half a dozen’ or ‘half dozen’?‘

“ ‘Half a dozen’ is correct. You could also say ‘a half-dozen’. Please note that there is a hyphen in ‘a half-dozen’ but not in ‘half a dozen’. Also note that it is incorrect to say a half a dozen. I have already told you how to use the word dozen. When it is preceded by a numeral, you don’t change dozen into dozens. For example, you say,

I want two dozen apples.

It is incorrect to say I want two dozens apple or two dozens of apples.

Get me three dozen oranges.

Could I have five dozen safety pins, please?“

“What is the difference between ‘egoist’ and ‘egotist’, sir?”

An egoist is one who thinks only in terms of his personal interest. He ‘treats self-interest as the foundation of morality’. An egotist talks too much about himself. His conversation is I-centred. An egotist is boastful but need not be selfish; an egoist is a very selfish person. Good writers and speakers preserve the distinction between the two words.”

“Sir, is it all right to end a sentence with a preposition? Some say it is wrong.

“Well, this is a very old controversy. It has been more or less settled. A preposition generally precedes a noun or its equivalent. Generally its position is pre or before the noun or its equivalent.

Take the bottle in your hand and put the tablets into it.

She is sitting on a chair and looking at the wall.

In, into, on and at are prepositions. They are before a noun or its equivalent. However, sometimes you do end a sentence with a preposition.

Where is he from?

She has no one to play with.

He is not worth talking to.

Here the sentences read more naturally with the preposition at the end. Churchill once wrote: ‘This shouldn’t be put up with’. Some one who felt that a sentence should not end in a preposition changed it to: ‘We shouldn’t put up with this.’ Churchill scored out the modified sentence and wrote: ‘This is the kind of nonsense up with which I will not put’.

Morris Bishop wrote a witty verse on the preposition.

I lately lost a preposition:

It hit, I thought, beneath my chair

And angrily I cried ‘Perdition’!

Up from out of in under there!

And yet I wondered, what should he come

Up from out of in under for?

I hope now you are convinced that a preposition is sometimes used to end a sentence with. Let’s stop with this for today.


“Thank you, sir, Goodbye.”

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🔥🔥06 Jul 2024 - The Hindu (INA) Class Discussion👉 Enjoy your PDF with full content @StudYLoveRVeeR

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🔥🔴 The Hindu Analysis (INA) 03 July 2024 (#UPSC #IAS)

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🔥🔴 The Hindu Analysis (INA) 02 July 2024 (#UPSC #IAS)

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🔥UPSC Prelims 2024 Result Out

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South China Sea: दक्षिण चीन सागर

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Ask me AnyThing Session with Veer Talyan🔥

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📌📌Krishnaraja Sagar (KRS) Dam

✅The Krishnaraja Sagar (KRS) Dam is a gravity dam built on the river Kaveri and its tributaries, Hemavathi and Lakshmana Theertha, located in the Mandya district of Karnataka, India.

🔴Name Origin: The dam is named after Maharaja Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, the then-ruler of the princely state of Mysore, who played a significant role in initiating and funding its construction.
🔴Objectives: The primary objectives were to provide water for irrigation, generate hydroelectric power, and mitigate the impact of droughts in the region.
🔴Timeline: Construction began in 1911 and was completed in 1931.
🔴Designer: The dam was designed by Sir M. Visvesvaraya, a renowned Indian engineer often referred to as the ‘architect of modern Mysore’ or the ‘father of planning in India’.

🔴Dimensions: The dam is 2,621 meters (8,600 feet) long and 40 meters (130 feet) high.
🔴Sluices: It has 177 iron sluices, some of which have automatic doors, making it among the first dams in the world to have automatic sluice gates.
🔴Construction Material: The dam was constructed using traditional stone masonry and a lime-pozzolan mortar called surki, which acted as the binder.
🔴Reservoir Area: The reservoir created by the dam covers an area of 130 square kilometers.
🔴Brindavan Gardens: An ornamental garden attached to the dam, known for its beauty and musical fountains.

🔴Irrigation and Drinking Water: The dam is a crucial source of irrigation for the fertile regions of Mysore and Mandya. It also provides drinking water for the city of Mysore and almost the entire city of Bangalore.
🔴Hydroelectric Power: It ensures power supply to the Shivanasamudra hydroelectric power station.
🔴Downstream Impact: Water released from this dam flows into the state of Tamil Nadu and is stored in the Mettur Dam in the Salem district.

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● Climate Change Initiatives:

✅COP33 Proposal: India proposed hosting the UN climate conference in 2028 (COP33) and launched the 'Green Credit Initiative' focused on creating carbon sinks to address climate challenges.

✅Dubai Climate Summit: Developing countries, including India, urged rich nations to achieve negative carbon emissions instead of just net zero by 2050.

✅Per Capita Emissions: Despite a 5% increase in per capita CO2 emissions in 2022, India's levels remained less than half of the global average.

✅National Communication: India submitted its third national communication to the UNFCCC, highlighting a 33% reduction in GDP emission intensity between 2005 and 2019.

● Wildlife Conservation:

✅Tiger Population: Data revealed a 6% annual increase in the tiger population from 2,967 in 2018 to 3,682 in 2022.

● Cheetah Translocation Project:

✅The cheetah conservation project faced criticism over the deaths of six imported cheetahs.

✅Challenges included unexpected development of winter coats and subsequent health issues.

✅International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA)

✅Launched in April, the IBCA aims to conserve the world's seven principal big cats.

✅It includes the tiger, lion, snow leopard, leopard, jaguar, puma, and cheetah.

● Changes in Forest and Biodiversity Laws:

✅Forest (Conservation) Amendment Act

✅Amendments drew criticism for exempting certain categories of land, impacting the applicability of the Forest (Conservation) Act.

✅The amended Act exempts

✅Forest land up to 10 hectares for constructing security-related infrastructure

✅Area falling within 100 km of international borders, Line of Control (LoC) and Line of Actual Control (LAC) for “strategic and security-related projects of national importance”.

✅Concerns were raised about potential effects on tribal and traditional forest-dwelling communities.

✅Biological Diversity Act

✅Amendments aimed to promote growing medicinal plants, support traditional medicine, facilitate research, patents and foreign investments.

✅However, concerns were raised about changes in benefit-sharing rules, with fines replacing jail terms for violations.

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✅ Daily Vocabulary

1. SUBSEQUENT (ADJECTIVE): (आगामी): following 
Synonyms: ensuing, succeeding 
Antonyms: previous 
Example Sentence:The theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906. 

2. INCUMBENT (ADJECTIVE): (वर्तमान): current 
Synonyms: existing, present 
Antonyms: past 
Example Sentence:The incumbent President had been defeated. 

3. ABROGATION (NOUN): (निराकरण) repudiation 
Synonyms: revocation, repeal 
Antonyms: institution
Example Sentence:The ministry proposed for the abrogation of the electoral law of 1850. 

4. HALT (VERB): (ठहरना): stop 
Synonyms: come to rest, pull up 
Antonyms: start 
Example Sentence:There is growing pressure to halt the bloodshed. 

5. DEPRESS (VERB): (दबाना): slow down 
Synonyms: reduce, lower 
Antonyms: encourage 
Example Sentence:Fear of inflation in America depressed bond markets. 

6. CONSERVATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिवर्तनवादी): traditionalist 
Synonyms: traditional, conventional 
Antonyms: radical 
Example Sentence:They were very conservative in their outlook. 

7. SETBACK (NOUN): (बाधा): problem 
Synonyms: difficulty, issue 
Antonyms: breakthrough 
Example Sentence:There was a serious setback for the peace. 

8. UPHOLD (VERB): (कायम रखना): maintain 
Synonyms: sustain, continue 
Antonyms: abandon 
Example Sentence:They uphold a tradition of not causing distress to living creatures. 

9. INCAPACITATE (VERB): (अक्षमता): disabled 
Synonyms: debilitated, indisposed 
Antonyms: fit 
Example Sentence: He was incapacitated by a heart attack. 

10. PUERILE (ADJECTIVE): (बचकाना): childish 
Synonyms: immature, infantile 
Antonyms: mature 
Example Sentence:We had a puerile argument.

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🔥🔥07 Jul 2024 - The Hindu (INA) Class Discussion👉 Enjoy your PDF with full content @StudYLoveRVeeR

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🔴 June 2024 Monthly Current Affairs (#UPSC #IAS)

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Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
शंघाई सहयोग संगठन (एससीओ)


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✅ Daily Vocabulary

1. WITHSTAND (NOUN): (विरोध करना): resist 
Synonyms: hold out against, stand up to 
Antonyms: give in 
Example Sentence:The structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph. 

2. SNAP (VERB): (टूटना): break 
Synonyms: fracture, splinter 
Antonyms: hold 
Example Sentence:The strings of the guitar kept snapping. 

3. CONTEST (VERB): (प्रतिवाद करना): oppose 
Synonyms: challenge dispute 
Antonyms: agree with 
Example Sentence:The former orderly contests his dismissal. 

4. VIGOUR (NOUN): (शक्ति): robustness 
Synonyms: hardiness, strength 
Antonyms: weakness 
Example Sentence: ÷I am 69 but still full of vigour and vitality. 

5. SURREAL (ADJECTIVE): (अवास्तविक): unreal 
Synonyms: bizarre unusual 
Antonyms: real 
Example Sentence:The story was a surreal mix of fact and fantasy.

6. CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (अराजक): disorderly 
Synonyms: disordered, disorganized 
Antonyms: orderly 
Example Sentence:The administration of finance was as chaotic as the condition of parliament. 

7. VULNERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (सहज में घायल होने वाला): at risk 
Synonyms: endangered, unsafe 
Antonyms: invulnerable 
Example Sentence: Children are the most vulnerable members of society. 

8. SPURN (VERB): (तिरस्कार करना): refuse 
Synonyms: decline, reject 
Antonyms: adore 
Example Sentence:He spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned. 

9. RETREAT (VERB): (स्थान छोड़ना): withdraw 
Synonyms: retire, draw back 
Antonyms: advance 
Example Sentence:When the enemy attacked, our troops were forced to retreat. 

10. MOUNT (VERB): (उठना): increase 
Synonyms: grow, rise 
Antonyms: decrease 
Example Sentence:The costs mount up when we buy a home. 

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Today's Editorial (06-07-2024)

Laboured change: On the U.K. general election result

After 14 years in power, the Tories were finally voted out

In his first speech after leading the Labour Party to its best ever performance in the U.K. general election, Prime Minister Keir Starmer was clear about the task before him: to “begin the work of change” for national renewal and rebuilding the country. With a more than generous mandate — 412 seats in the 650-member House, Mr. Starmer will be virtually unchallenged inside Parliament for his agenda on “wealth creation for the working classes”, taxing higher incomes, banning fossil fuel car sales by 2030 and building a new Border control agency. It should be equally clear that more than the Labour win, this is a Conservative loss. After its 14-year run in power, five Prime Ministers and considerable turmoil, the British voter clearly chose to punish the Conservatives led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for compounded errors: from the mishandling of Brexit and the economic crisis, a failure to support public services, especially health and schooling, to a series of scandals from ‘Partygate’, pornography in Parliament and the Post Office scandal. The rising cost of living was a major campaign issue, spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the impact of the Ukraine war and post-Brexit shortages, although Mr. Sunak said that the economy had turned a corner more recently. Immigration has been another big issue. While Mr. Starmer has disavowed Mr. Sunak’s plans to send “small boat arrivals” or illegal immigrants demanding asylum to countries such as Rwanda while they are processed, he will be under pressure to do more to cut down the numbers of migrants. The remarkable performance of ultra-right wing leader Nigel Farage, who won after losing seven times, and his party, Reform UK, that won more than 14% of the vote, albeit only four seats, will be a worry on this account, with its openly xenophobic rhetoric.

For many in India, the defeat of Mr. Sunak will feel somewhat personal, given their pride in his being the first British Prime Minister of Asian origin, with Indian ancestry — a bond he affirmed as well. Despite attempts by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mr. Sunak, the India-U.K. FTA could not be taken across the finish line. All eyes will be on how quickly Mr. Starmer’s government, that criticised the delay, would be able to do so, as its priorities will be in shoring up the economy. The India-UK Roadmap 2030, signed in 2021, will no doubt be tweaked. An early visit to India by new U.K. Foreign Secretary David Lammy has already been outlooked by the Labour leadership, and it will be important for both countries which have completed their elections, to hit the floor running and frame their priorities for future ties.

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🔥🔴 The Hindu Analysis (INA) 06 July 2024 (#UPSC #IAS)

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🔥After UPSC Prelims Result 2024

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🔥UPSC Prelims 2024 Result Out @studyloverveer

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📌📌South China Sea

🔴Arm of the western Pacific Ocean bordering the Southeast Asian mainland.
🔴Area: Approximately 1,423,000 square miles (3,685,000 square km).
🔴Mean Depth: 3,976 feet (1,212 meters).

🔴Borders: China, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Vietnam.
🔴Southern Boundary: Seabed rise between Sumatra and Borneo.
🔴Northern Boundary: From the northernmost point of Taiwan to the coast of Fujian province, China, in the Taiwan Strait.

🔴Connected to the East China Sea via the Taiwan Strait.
🔴Connected to the Philippine Sea via the Luzon Strait.
🔴The South China Sea and the East China Sea together form the China Sea.

🔴Paracel Islands: Controlled by China.
🔴Spratly Islands.

🔴Tropical climate.
🔴Largely controlled by monsoons.

✅Trade Significance:
🔴Second most used sea lane in the world.
🔴Major trade route for crude oil from the Persian Gulf and Africa.
🔴Key passage through the Strait of Malacca to Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan.

✅Major Ports:
🔴Hong Kong.
🔴Kaohsiung (southern Taiwan).

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Today's Editorial (01-07-2024)

New beginnings: On India’s ICC T20 World Cup 2024 win

Indian cricket team finally did justice to the ‘favourite’ tag

India’s long drought in ICC tournaments finally wound to a close on a glorious Saturday at Bridgetown in Barbados. The Men in Blue finally won a title, the ICC T20 World Cup, since the 2013 Champions Trophy at Birmingham in England. ‘Kapil’s Devils’ in the 1983 ODI World Cup and M.S. Dhoni’s men in the 2007 ICC World T20, were outsiders, who stunned the globe. Subsequently, every Indian squad has stepped into a multi-team cricket event as one of the favourites with the weight of expectations thrust upon by a gargantuan fandom and an Indian diaspora seeking a sense of identity. Last November in the 2023 ODI World Cup, India was the team in form but failed to get past Australia in the summit clash at Ahmedabad. If catharsis was essential, it finally happened in the West Indian islands as Rohit Sharma’s men snatched a seven-run win over a doughty South African unit. Every cog fell in place, Virat Kohli regained his touch with an excellent 76 even as wickets fell around him in the final. All-rounders Axar Patel and Hardik Pandya reiterated their value, and Suryakumar Yadav pouched a stupendous catch when South Africa was seemingly in sight of victory. Rohit led astutely while bowling spearhead Jasprit Bumrah delivered thunderbolts that left the South Africans dumbstruck.

Aiden Markram’s men just ran into a stronger opposition at the last hurdle and their capitulation was an acknowledgment of the superior attributes that Bumrah and company possessed. Young seamer Arshdeep Singh too revealed a mature head as Heinrich Klaasen and David Miller threatened to seize the game. South Africa is yet to win any significant ICC silverware but surely the men from the Rainbow Nation won hearts. They made it tough for India and if a few moments on the razor’s edge had changed, Markram may well have lifted the cup. For India, Rohit, Kohli and Ravindra Jadeja’s retirements from T20Is signal the end of an era. Coach Rahul Dravid, who bowed out, will be missed too. Close on the heels of the run-fests during the Indian Premier League on flat surfaces, the T20 World Cup hosted in the West Indies and the United States offered a twist. The 22-yards, drop-in pitches or abrasive surfaces, were never conducive for the massive sixes associated with T20Is even if batters like Rohit, as he did against Australia, seemed to perform on a different plane. The championship’s fairytale was the manner in which Afghanistan fought towards the semifinal. Men, who learnt cricket in the refugee camps in Pakistan, while also dealing with the Taliban, were resilient and sport was the winner.

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