Infografics! They are fun and quick way to learn about a topic without a ton of heavy reading. There are many different styles of infographics and data visualizations in various topics presented in this channel Contact admin: @nodir_bekhbudi
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♦️Differences Between A CV And A Resume #Infographic
▪️Did you know that resumes are preferred in the USA whereas the rest of the world uses CVs to judge applicants for their suitability to the jobs that they have applied to!
▪️In this infographic, we answer a question which almost every learner faces when they are finishing their courses – Should I make a resume or a CV? What is the difference between them?
▪️So we decided to answer this question – and what’s the best way to do that if not an infographic.
▪️Hence, we created this educational infographic which enlists the differences between the 2 – right from the origin of the word CV to the length of each of these documents and much more!
▪️Self-care is a key component to staying mentally healthy for the long haul. Knowing what triggers stress in your own life is the first step in helping you avoid or learn to cope with stress. Even if you do make a meticulous accounting of what your triggers are though, its inevitable to encounter stress throughout your week. In an effort to help people all over the country lead healthier, happier lives we’ve put together an infographic that lists 10 simple ways to reduce stress.
▪️Technology stocks are taking a beating right now, especially the biggest companies in the market, but, despite the current news cycle, economists predict that the technology sector will continue to produce substantial growth over the long haul. Most importantly, this segment of the economy will continue to provide solid, high paying jobs. Our new graph indicates what sectors lead the list of best jobs.
▪️Bill Gates and Angelina Jolie are once again the world’s most admired man and woman in YouGov’s annual study of which public figures the people of our planet look up to.
▪️Tech pioneer and philanthropist Gates has topped the list every time YouGov has conducted the survey, while Jolie has also come first in each of the three surveys since 2015 when separate male and female categories were introduced.
◾How Emotional Intelligence Helps Students Infographic
▫️Success in the classroom depends on more than just your child’s IQ.
▫️The way your child identifies, understands and manages emotions can have an impact on everything from his or her relationships with classmates to performance in the classroom.
◾Reaching Learners With Mobile Learning Infographic
▫️Mobiles are now the natural access point for information. They are the go-to devices for catching-up on news, checking email, being ‘social’, watching videos, listening to music, taking photos, finding directions and general entertainment.
▪️Humans have always needed sleep. While biologists don’t fully understand why our species didn’t evolve out of the need for rest, it remains a biological imperative. But as with most human activities, the way we sleep today bears little resemblance to how our cave-dwelling ancestors got their Zs. Below we take a brief look at the history of sleep, from prehistory to now.
▪In the following infographic by Online Psychology Degree, you would find interesting information that reveals the reasons on why people lie, as well as simple tips on how to spot a liar.
▪We all know the important role diet and exercise play in losing weight. But did you know one of the easiest ways to shed pounds is by getting quality sleep? Not only that, it's also one of the most effective methods to reduce your waistline. When you add in this last piece of the puzzle to your daily life, there's no stopping you from reaching your weight goals.
▪In this guide, we'll show you exactly how to lose weight while sleeping without requiring much effort. So, let's dive in!
📱 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT XIAOMI #INFOGRAPHIC 🔹 Xiaomi is a privately owned electronics and software company that focuses on mobile devices and technology. It was established in April 6 2010 by serial business person Lei Jun in view of the vision “Innovation for everyone” based in Haidian District, Beijing, China. Have a look for more information.
Читать полностью…◾Profile Of A Modern Learner In 2018 #Infographic
▪️Modern learners seek timely, relevant content as they need it. They are keen to develop skills and want to be empowered to take learning into their own hands.
▪️Yet only 1% of employees are involved in the design of their learning. And less than 20% of workplace learning is mobile-enabled.
▪️Find out about why we believe in people-centered eLearning and how it can help you meet the needs of modern learners.
▪️We don't want to give away too many spoilers but who would have guessed that we all have hundreds of tiny critters living in our eyelashes. Yes, you read that right! Gross eh? And they don't even pay you rent.
In fact, we are all absolutely covered in micro-organisms. So next time you scold the dog for bringing fleas into the house just remember you've got several billion uninvited guests camped out on your body. We're basically just huge housing estates for bugs! Yuk.
Anyway, before you run off to take a shower check out some more of our (mostly unpleasant) facts about the wonder that is the human body.
▪️Promotion is a form of career advancement that’s tied to better opportunities and benefits for employees. For one, promoted employees receive a higher salary that matches new job responsibilities. Along with the increase in compensation, a promotion also gives you a higher-level job title—an accolade you can add to your credentials on your resume.
▪️Your chances for promotion are high when the management sees that you demonstrate the knowledge, skills, values, and behavior of someone fitting to lead your team or organization. That said, the following strategies may prove helpful for those who are looking to move up the corporate ladder fast!
◾Boost Your Learning Capacity Infographic
▫️What helps us move forward, change our habits, explore new opportunities, and acquire new skills? It’s no secret: it’s all about learning. However you choose to look at life, there is just no underestimating the role of learning. Some psychologists even claim that whenever we learn something new, a small part of our former self dies so that an improved and revitalized “I” can be born.
▫️Sounds a bit lofty, doesn’t it? But, in a way, it is true.
◾Job Interview Checklist: Never Go Without These 10 Important Things
▫️While you are walking an extra mile for the interview preparation, it is also important to make another preparation for that specific day so that you can give an interview without having anything to worry! The Job Interview Checklist Infographic presents the things that are essential to keep with you on the day of the interview.
◾How To Look And Sound More Confident Infographic
▫️Confidence is one of the most important traits we can have, and it’s often lauded as being the key to promotions, good grades and general success in life.
▫️Various studies have found that confidence at work can lead to more promotions, but an interesting University of Melbourne pilot study suggests a link between confidence levels in primary school and workplace success in adulthood. Another study notes that students who receive an expression of confidence in their ability – even while receiving criticism – perform better than those told to ‘aim for higher standards.’
▪Phil Knight was writing one of his college papers when he decided to start his own shoe company. In half of a century his initiative turned into the world's biggest athletic footwear, apparel, accessories, and equipment selling company. Find out the most interesting facts and stats about Nike in the infographic below.
▪As we resolve to become better and healthier in body, let us also resolve to become financially stronger. Here are three goals that you must consider in 2018.