stickerschat | Adults only

Telegram-канал stickerschat - Stickers Chat 💭


🚀 @stickersChannel Chat! 🇬🇧 English Only 🇬🇧 ⚠️ ONLY SAFE FOR WORK Stickers ⚠️ ❗️ 1 sticker/mask per Pack 🔎 Make your own #request ⚡️Powered by @S4Dynamics

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Stickers Chat 💭

It's called Flork btw

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Stickers Chat 💭

假钞 假钞 假钞 重要的话说三遍 出售1:1精仿假钞? 百分百复刻 可过bc验钞机 用来嫖娼 包养学生妹 酒吧 ktv 赌博 装逼毫无压力 花天酒地 夜夜笙歌 也可去超市便利店变现 赌场洗资 放水 以假乱真 不用再挣辛苦钱了 月入十万不是梦 货不对版 全部退款
公群老板: @A13131312
假钞公群: @jiachaojiabi2
反馈频道: @jiachaojiaqianjiabi2
代发广告联系 @Battosai82

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Stickers Chat 💭

Thank you soo much! 🩷

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Stickers Chat 💭

#request hello kitty

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Stickers Chat 💭

Search for Unofficial telegram stickers f on playstore

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Stickers Chat 💭

🇦 🇧 🇨 🇩 ✌️ Remember:
🇬🇧1 Sticker per pack please
🇷🇺1 стикер из набора
🇵🇹1 Sticker por pacote
🇮🇹1 Sticker per pacchetto
🇪🇸1 Sticker por paquete por favor
🇫🇷1 sticker par pack s'il vous plait
🇮🇷از هر سری استیکر یکی فقط بفرستین
🇺🇿 Iltimos,1ta to'plamdan faqat 1ta stiker ulashing
🇮🇱סטיקר 1 לכל חבילה בבקשה

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Stickers Chat 💭

I won't keep arguing with you about this, you gave your opinion and i already explained what you misunderstood.I will delete the texts messages as they are not Stickers.
Please keep the chat related to stickers.
And follow the rules, don't send any 18+ content.
Thank you.

Rules: /channel/stickersChat/491475

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Stickers Chat 💭

#request islam stickers

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Stickers Chat 💭

I'm doing great 😃. How about you?

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Stickers Chat 💭

I need WhatsApp stickers group link

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Stickers Chat 💭

#request hello kitty

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Stickers Chat 💭

#request book stickers

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Stickers Chat 💭

#request scary stickers

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Stickers Chat 💭

Sorry, we don't allow Users to talk as channels.
Your channel will be reviewd by an admin before alowing you to send messages as Channel in this group.

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Stickers Chat 💭

#request funny babies animated

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Stickers Chat 💭

Wnt this type stickers 🙂

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Stickers Chat 💭

See /channel/stickersChat/414386?thread=414386 and scroll down.

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Stickers Chat 💭

See also /channel/stickersChat/465281?thread=465281 and scroll down.

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Stickers Chat 💭

#dandone anime stickers

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Stickers Chat 💭

#request #tiny stickers

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Stickers Chat 💭

See /channel/c/1040352111/465602/465602

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Stickers Chat 💭

Sorry i dont speak russian and the stickers you sent arent about islam

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Stickers Chat 💭

That pack got deleted by its creator or doesn't exist Robyn.
I deleted it because no one else can add that pack anymore :(

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Stickers Chat 💭

Convert tg stickers to WhatsApp stickers

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Stickers Chat 💭

See /channel/c/1040352111/465281/465281 and scroll down.

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Stickers Chat 💭

See /channel/c/1040352111/442927/442927 and scroll down.

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Stickers Chat 💭

Hsin Yu Remember:
🇬🇧1 Sticker per pack please
🇷🇺1 стикер из набора
🇵🇹1 Sticker por pacote
🇮🇹1 Sticker per pacchetto
🇪🇸1 Sticker por paquete por favor
🇫🇷1 sticker par pack s'il vous plait
🇮🇷از هر سری استیکر یکی فقط بفرستین
🇺🇿 Iltimos,1ta to'plamdan faqat 1ta stiker ulashing
🇮🇱סטיקר 1 לכל חבילה בבקשה

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Stickers Chat 💭

#request love & kiss stickers

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Stickers Chat 💭

Adult content is not allowed here🚫
there are very young members in the group
we do appreciate it not to ask or send adult content

به دلیل داشتن اعضای کم سن و نوجوان،خواهشمندیم محتوای مربوط به بزرگسالان (+18) نفرستید و درخواست هم نکنید.

با تشکر تیم s4

@S4Dynamics Team

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Stickers Chat 💭


If you see a #request and you want to answer with a Sticker... Please remeber to Reply the #request message.

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