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🌻​​A person is what his deep desire is. It is our deepest desire in this life that shapes the life to come.So let us direct our deepest desires to realise the Self.🌻Read spiritual books, extracts from books and quotes! 🌻 Contact @spiritualitybooks_bot

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Every moment the body changes in some way. Over time, the body transitions from childhood to youth to adulthood to old age. This continuous change itself is a form of death. What we call Death is only a change of body. The soul must accept a new body depending on past karmas and subtle impressions accumulated over many lives.

The body is for the indweller (the soul), what garments are for the body. Just as we discard old garments, the soul will one day discard this body and accept a new one. In fact, Death is just the soul's transition from one body to the next. The body is merely a garment for the soul, which is deathless.

That which doesnot undergo change or 'death', alone is worth seeking.

~Bhagvad Gita 2.22
वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय नवानि गृह्णाति नरोऽपराणि
तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णा- न्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देही |


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It is never late to ask yourself “Am I ready to change my life, am I ready to change myself?”. However old we are, whatever we went through, it is always possible to reborn. If each day is a copy of the last one, what a pity! Every breath is a chance to reborn. But to reborn into a new life, you have to die before dying.



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Spiritual Library

There is really no such thing
as a dead or a living body.
That which does not move we call dead,
and that which has movement we call alive.
In dreams you see any number of bodies,
living and dead,
and they have no existence when you wake up.
In the same way this whole world,
animate and inanimate,
is non-existent.
Death means the dissolution of the ego,
and birth means the rebirth of the ego.
There are births and deaths,
but they are of the ego;
not of you.
You exist whether the sense of ego is there or not.
You are its source, but not the ego-sense.
Deliverance (mukti) means finding the origin
of these births and deaths
and demolishing the ego-sense to its very roots.
That is deliverance.
It means death with full awareness.
If one dies thus,
one is born again simultaneously
and in the same place with Aham sphurana
known as ‘Aham, Aham (I, I)’.
One who is born thus, has no doubts whatsoever.

~ Letters from Sri Ramanasramam, 140

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Do you want to see the Self?

Then sit silent. Let there gush forth sincerity from the inner depth of your soul. This will give rise to sacred hours of silence within you. Then the light will dawn and you will find yourself seated in the Self.

The worldly scenes of sensual shows will surely cease to tempt, touch and taint you, if you consciously realize your birthright.

Become aware of the drama played on the stage of life. Don’t be a mere ignorant spectator of it. Know your part and consciously act it to the best of your abilities. It is then, you live your life nobly and ideally.

~ Mahavatar Babaji

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                  L O V E  vs  F E A R

​​Fear sees limits, while love sees possibilities.
Each attitude will be justified by the belief system you cherish.

Change your allegiance from fear to love,
and love will sustain you wherever you walk.

A Course in Miracles tells us,
Love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind …These are the true conditions for your homecoming.

~ Louise Hay


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Spiritual Library

​​Q. What should I do if an old painful memory arises during meditation?
A. Old memories, hurts, fears, angers, resentments, etc., can arise in meditation. Simply allow them to arise without resisting, analyzing, judging, or denying them. Just watch them without getting involved. See that they do not define who you are. They are pockets of unconsciousness arising to be purified in the light of awareness and released from your system. Allow the light of being to set suffering free.


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​​Life is a great school, and nature is the ultimate teacher, but without awareness, or free attention, we miss life’s teachings. Awareness transforms life experience into wisdom and confusion into clarity. Awareness is the beginning of all growth.
Learning is more than knowing something new; rather, it involves doing something new. The process of learning naturally involves errors. Masters make as many mistakes as anyone; but they learn from them. To correct and learn from an error, you need to become aware of it. Awareness of a problem is the beginning of the solution.


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​​Fear sees limits, while love sees possibilities. Each attitude will be justified by the belief system you cherish. Change your allegiance from fear to love, and love will sustain you wherever you walk. A Course in Miracles tells us, “Love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind …These are the true conditions for your homecoming.”


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​​Wisdom comes through suffering and wisdom comes through acceptance. Whatsoever the case, be at ease with it. Don’t take any notice of the society and its condemnation. Nobody has the right to judge you and nobody can pretend to be a judge. Don’t judge others, and don’t be perturbed and disturbed by others’ judgment. You are alone and you are unique. You never were before, you never will be again. You are beautiful! Accept it, and whatsoever happens, allow it to happen and pass through it. Soon, suffering will become learning; then it has become creative.


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Spiritual Library

Every atom is trying to go and join itself to the next atom. Atoms after atoms combine, making huge balls, the earths, the suns, the moons, the stars, the planets. They in their turn, are trying to rush towards each other, and at last, we know that the whole universe, mental and material, will be fused into one. The process that is going on in the cosmos on a large scale, is the same as that going on in the microcosm on a smaller scale. Just as this universe has its existence in separation, in distinction, and all the while is rushing towards unity, non-separation, so in our little worlds each soul is born, as it were, cut off from the rest of the world. The more ignorant, the more unenlightened the soul, the more it thinks that it is separate from the rest of the universe. The more ignorant the person, the more he thinks, he will die or will be born, and so forth—ideas that are an expression of this separateness. But we find that, as knowledge comes, man grows, morality is evolved and the idea of non-separateness begins. Whether men understand it or not, they are impelled by that power behind to become unselfish. That is the foundation of all morality. It is the quintessence of all ethics, preached in any language, or in any religion, or by any prophet in the world.

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Often, we get crushes on others not because we truly love and understand them, but to distract ourselves from our suffering. When we learn to love and understand ourselves and have true compassion for ourselves, then we can truly love and understand another person.


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🌿How to test your spiritual advancement🌿

Make a list of your possessions. Everything that you call "mine", write a big list. If your list is this long, you are that far from your peace. If you have a small list you are closer to peace. If you have nothing to write you are in peace all the time, nobody on earth can steal your peace.

- Swami Satchidananda Saraswati

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Q: The universe does not seem a happy place to live in. Why is there so much suffering?

M: Pain is physical; suffering is mental. Beyond the mind there is no suffering.
Pain is merely a signal that the body is in danger  and requires attention.
Similarly, suffering warns us that the  structure of memories and habits, which we call the person (vyakti), is threatened by loss or change.

Pain is essential for the survival of the body, but none compels you to suffer. Suffering is due entirely to clinging or resisting; it is a sign of our unwillingness to move on, to flow with life.

As a sane life is free of pain, so is a saintly life free from suffering.

Q: Nobody has suffered more than saints.

M: Did they tell you, or do you say so on your own?
The essence of saintliness is total acceptance of the present moment,
harmony with things as they happen. A saint does not want  things to be different from what they are; he knows that, considering all factors, they are unavoidable. He is friendly with the inevitable and, therefore, does not suffer.
Pain he may know, but it does not shatter him. If he can, he does the needful to restore the lost balance — or he lets things take their course.

Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
✅ Beyond the mind there is no suffering

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Cultivate Big-Picture Thinking 

Big-picture thinking is exactly what you think it is: You understand the greater scenario while simultaneously breaking it down and gaining perspective from the individual parts. In other words, it’s seeing both the forest and the trees, and understanding that there are lessons in everything.

Big-picture thinking requires a change in both mindset and methods. To get in the right mindset, think of yourself as an eternal student who’s always learning and widen your focus to open yourself up to new areas. When it comes to methods, listen more than you talk and actively identify learning opportunities in every experience or conversation. Big-picture thinkers understand that being open to new experiences is essential. Do you prefer absolute silence during your Uber rides? Instead, try talking to your next driver. Do you turn down the opportunity to go rock climbing because you think you won’t be good at it? In that case, rock climbing is exactly what you should do on your next day off.

Humans are conditioned to become uneasy about the unknown; it’s a survival instinct to run away from feelings of discomfort. However, to succeed at your goals, you should always embrace the unknown as having potential.

Part 1 ... ( 1/3 )

Excerpt From: "How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life" - SnapShot series

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Spiritual Library

Our mind is like a small little child that needs love and discipline, but we never focus our attention to the mind just our body health and for mind we just feed in information from school, books, holy books, media, news, entertainment and people words but we never practice from those information we get. Everyone practice reading, writing, eating, playing, talking and sleeping.
When one by one people who started to practice the words from scripture and use it for real they third eye slowly open and realize everyone have is a slave to they own mind, knowing this knowledge many try they best to encourage us to get up but none can cause Maya comes so strong that they fall trap into the mind again by having greed of knowing so make money from sleeper (who are slave to they own mind)
If we listen to our mind all the time we repeatedly become slave to our mind, if the mind cries for anything and we do it mind will control our life's.
Make our mind into instrument, there can only be one master either You are the master of your mind or The mind is your master.
What we (Sleeper) can do is discipline the mind with honesty, love, self help, self talk and hanging out with yourself. Feed in information that will benefit us also keep on practices the new habits that we want to see changes in our mind:
Transform the mind to be
HONEST                 Instead of lying
FORGIVING            Instead of repeating the past
OPTIMISTIC           Instead of being negative
GRATEFUL              Instead of complaining
CALM                      Instead of being angry
PURITY LOVE         Instead of lust
GIVER                      Instead of greed
PEACE                     Instead of ego 
DETACH                  Instead of Attach to ppl, words, job, titles, roles, religion, thoughts, body, etc
You can train your mind with daily affirmation you can create them by yourself in what fields or habits you want to improve and saying thankyou in advance bring a big change of transformation into your life and mind.

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A Glimpse into Bhakti Yoga (path of Devotion) :

A human being is meant to realise his true identity as an eternal servant of the Lord. This begins with the fundamental understanding that we are not temporary material bodies, but in fact we are the eternal spiritual souls residing within our bodies. Misidentification with the material body leads to suffering, though our constitutional nature is eternal, full of awareness & blissful. The awakening of our original joyful consciousness, to do all actions as a service to the Lord & His devotees, the loving remembrance of the Lord before & after (even trivial) everyday actions, are some ways to express of Bhakti (devotion).

'Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, whatever austerities you perform, do that as an offering to Me'

~ Lord Krsna to Arjuna, Bhagvad Gita 9.27
यत्करोषि यदश्नासि यज्जुहोषि ददासि यत् यत्तपस्यसि कौन्तेय तत्कुरुष्व मदर्पणम्।


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​​Often the mind is compared to a lake. If the surface is absolutely smooth not a ripple then we can see clearly what lies beneath. Similarly when this mind becomes calm, when the wind of uncontrolled desire does not constantly create ripples over the surface of it, then the image of our true nature inot broken and we obtain a perfect reflection of what we are in reality and what our relation is with the Supreme Intelligence.
As long as the mind is agitated, so long
our vision can never be unerring. We are
constantly hoping that some one else may give us knowledge and happiness, but that is not possible. These can only come from within.


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What a caterpillar calls
the end of the world,
the master calls a butterfly !

~ Richard Bach

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​​Our Human Potential: The Unassailable Path of Love, Compassion, and Meditation (Core Teachings of Dalai Lama Book 6)
By His Holiness the Dalai Lama & Thupten Jinpa
When His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave a series of lectures at Harvard University, they fulfilled magnificently his intention of providing an in-depth introduction to Buddhist theory and practice. He structured the presentation according to the teachings of the Four Noble Truths and expanded their meaning to cover most of the topics of Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama’s combination of superb intellect, power of exposition, and practical implementation are evident in these lectures. He covers a broad spectrum of topics, including the psychology of cyclic existence, consciousness and karma, techniques for meditation, altruism, valuing enemies, wisdom, and much more.

This book was previously published under the title The Dalai Lama at Harvard.

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​​A feeling is not beautiful or ugly, it is just a feeling. It is only when we approach it through our educated and social conditioning that we say this is a good feeling and that is a bad feeling, and so destroy the feeling or distort it. But the feeling that is not given a label as the good or the bad remains intense. It is this passionate intensity that is essential in the pursuit of the understanding of that which is neither the manifested beauty nor the ugly.
What we are insisting upon is the great importance of sustained feeling, that passion which is not the mere lust of the self in gratification. It is this that creates beauty, and since it is not comparable, it has no opposite.


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​​This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness
comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all! . . .
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.


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​​Mind Full to Mindful: Zen Wisdom From a Monk's Bowl
by Om Swami
Many of us struggle to remain calm during the day or to fall asleep at night. Our restless, treacherous minds make us feel good one moment and terrible another. From where do negativity and anguish engulf us and how do we go about being serene and peaceful? 

Zen shows us the art of attaining that inner quietude without rituals or dogma. It is about seeing beauty, bliss and truth in our everyday lives. Driving to work or washing the dishes, every act could easily be meditation.

Based on the original Zen teachings, this beautiful book offers a life-changing perspective on life itself. Bestselling author of many transformational books, Om Swami shares with you the art of happiness with plenty of humour, stories and wisdom as he takes you on a journey from being mind full to mindful.

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​​A Japanese warrior was captured by his enemies and thrown into prison. That night he was unable to sleep because he feared that the next day he would be interrogated, tortured, and executed. Then the words of his Zen master came to him,”Tomorrow is not real. It is an illusion. The only reality is now.”

Heeding these words, the wa rrior became peaceful and fell asleep.


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​​When we are most unhappy, we have a starved feeling in some way. We feel that life in general and other people in particular are not giving us what we need. We try desperately to grasp the love and satisfaction that we crave from the outside. Yet we are actually choking off the supply.
The new world is based on trust of the universe within us. We recognize that the creative intelligence and energy of the universe is the fundamental source of everything. Once we connect with this and surrender to it, everything is ours.

Emptiness is filled from the inside.


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Toa Te Ching - Lao Tsu

​​Good travellers leave no tracks.
Good words leave no trace.
Good counting needs no markers.

Good doors have no bolts
Yet cannot be forced.
Good knots have no rope
But cannot be untied.

In this way the Sage
Always helps people
And rejects none,
Always helps all beings,
And rejects none.
This is called practicing brightness.

Therefore the good person
Is the bad person's teacher,
And the bad person
Is the good person's resource.

Not to value the teacher,
Not to love the resource,
Causes great confusion even for the intelligent.

This is called the vital secret.

Shih wei yao miao


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Karta (The Creator) and Karim (The beneficient) are the names of the same God.
Razak (The provider) and Rahim (The merciful) are also the names given to Him.
Let no man in his error wrangle over differences in names.
Worship the One God who is the Lord of all. Know that his form is one and He is the One light diffused in all.

Guru Gobind Singh

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Question: When the grace of Guru and God is there, why is the mind still not controlled?

Swami Sivananda: Only when you do Purushartha [determined effort and pursuit], the grace will come. A professor will not answer the questions for you and make you pass. The Gita says, "Uddharet Atmanatmanam". One should raise oneself. Grace only helps one to raise oneself. Everybody should work out his own salvation. What is grace then? If an aspirant gets letters from his preceptor, clearing his doubts, that is grace. If an aspirant comes here, takes Ganges bath and hears the lectures here, that is grace. Many people are thirsting, even croropathis are thirsting to come and bathe in the Ganges, but all do not get a chance. If good books are available for Svadhyaya [study], it is grace. If one enjoys good health for doing Sadhana, that is grace. If God so wishes, He can give Mukti to the whole world in an instant; but He does not do so. Grace descends only when there is Purushartha.

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Engage in Focused Thinking  When was the last time you had two hours to yourself with nothing to do but mull over an idea? If your response is “never” or “not for a very long time,” then you’re like most people. Focused thinking involves putting your blinders on and blocking out all outside distractions, so you can hone your attention to your thinking process.

With focused thinking, you put one goal or task above all others. Narrowing your focus allows the idea to incubate, which is necessary for staying on target and potentially expanding your idea once the basics are in place. For example, if you hope to open your own business, an important first step would be establishing a business plan and purpose before you start looking for a storefront or hiring employees. Start by prioritizing your ideas. Think about your strengths and weaknesses, and assess your talents. Knowing these traits will help you move toward the right ideas and goals.

Once you have your ideas, block out time specifically for thinking. Also, specify exactly what you’ll do during that time. Now it’s time to engage in focused thinking. This is when the mental blinders come into play. To get in the groove, remove all distracting temptations. Leave your phone in another room and install a website blocker to avoid online rabbit holes. Put visuals in front of you, like a to-do list or the specific paperwork you need to complete.

Focusing this intensely may sound unattainable, especially since we all carry smartphones that can interfere with ideas before they have a chance to grow. Whether they’re for work or play, email, social media applications, and addictive games make it difficult to focus. But you don’t necessarily need a sensory deprivation tank or a blank room to make focused thinking happen.
Part 2 .. ( 2 / 3 )

Excerpt From: "How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life"

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Spiritual Library

There are many reasons why change can be difficult to achieve on every level.
Just like with individual change, it can be hard for everyone on a team to decide to move in the same direction, because even groups have Riders and Elephants among them.
You can inspire, educate, and cajole, but ultimately, the choice is up to each person.Remember the three keys to creating lasting change: 

1.Direct the Rider: What looks like resistance is often a lack of direction or understanding.

2.Motivate the Elephant: What looks like laziness is often exhaustion.

3.Shape the Path: What looks like a people problem is often a situation problem. 

Break down the change into small, manageable chunks and look for small signs of progress. Then cultivate an identity around the positive emotions that come from working toward your goal. Finally, look to your herd for cues and motivation to stay on your Path to lasting change.

Excerpt From: "Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health"

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All creatures are fundamentally one, for the whole universe is a manifestation of the One! A man who hears the word 'Himalaya' without having actually set eyes on the mighty range, will be under the impression that it is but a single mountain, whereas once face to face with the Hima­layas he will realize that they consist of hundreds upon hundreds of peaks, stretching over hundreds of miles, with milliards of trees, animals, birds, insects, with streams and waterfalls.

Similarly, the farther one advances or the deeper one penetrates on the path of sādhana, the more clearly will be perceived the One revealed in the many and the many in the One. In actual fact we are always with the One, but distracted by the many we forget Him. Step by step we learn to walk, mouthful by mouthful we satisfy our hunger; single letters are composed into words, groups of days form a month, and months added together con­stitute a year. You often say: "There is only the One-Without-A-Second." This is indeed a fact, for in this universe there is nothing except the One.

The world is made up of sense perceptions. Although each one of the five senses reveals a different facet of the imm­ensity of Creation, yet their endless move­ment originates from the One, and they again find their rest in Him. Their whole significance lies in giving expression to the One. With the one goal before you, try to focus your whole attention on one form, one perfume, one contact, or one sound, and you will eventually come to see that everything is contained in this one. Thereupon you will realize that the One appears as the many and that in very truth the many are the One; you will know that nothing whatso­ever exists outside of the One.

~Anandamayi Ma

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