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The Self-Love Experiment: Fifteen Principles for Becoming More Kind, Compassionate, and Accepting of Yourself by Shannon Kaiser

Too many people seem to believe that they are not allowed to put themselves first or go after their own dreams out of fear of being selfish or sacrificing others' needs. The Self-Love Experiment rectifies this problem. Whether you want to achieve weight loss, land your dream job, find your soul mate, or get out of debt, it all comes back to self-love and accepting yourself first. Shannon Kaiser learned the secrets to loving herself, finding purpose, and living a passion-filled life after recovering from eating disorders, drug addictions, corporate burnout, and depression. Shannon walks you through her own personal experiment, a simple plan that compassionately guides you through the process of removing fear-based thoughts, so you can fall in love with life your daily habits and perspective. Shannon takes you on this great journey into self-love and true self-acceptance

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Spiritual Library


Imagine yourself exploring a large, dark cave while holding a lantern in your hand. The cave is your mind and the lantern is your awareness, that glowing ball of light. As you walk to one corner of the cave, the lantern lights up that corner, and you are able to see everything here and experience this corner of the cave. Now, if you were to leave this corner and walk to the other side of the dark cave, the corner that you were in would no longer be lit up, and you would not be able to see anything there or experience it. Wherever in the cave you walk with your lantern is what you will see and experience. Awareness and the mind work exactly the same way, except that you are the lantern, young Grasshopper.


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Do what you are good at, that has always been my advice. If you can sing, sing your heart out; sing to the world, and the world will reward your singing. If you can dance, dance your way to the stars, and become a star. If you can play the tabla, then tabla your way to glory! If you can paint, become another Gauguin, another Jamini Roy. If you can visualize a story, a screenplay, aim to be another Satyajit Ray, a Renoir, a Benegal. If you can act, be an actor. If you are better behind the camera, be a great cameraman. Be a camera!

~Ruskin Bond

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Bhakti Yoga by Swami Vivekananda

Bhakti Yoga, or the path of devotion, is based on the doctrine "Love is God and God is Love". The Bhakti yogi experiences separation and longs to meet or even just glimpse his beloved, God. Nothing else attracts him, nothing else holds his attention, all else is meaningless


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Abandon all supports and look to me for protection. I shall purify you from the sins of the past; do not grieve” (18:66).

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Observing thought

I must love the very thing I am studying. If you want to understand a child, you must love and not condemn him. You must play with him, watch his movements, his idiosyncrasies, his ways of behavior; but if you merely condemn, resist or blame him, there is no comprehension of the child. Similarly, to understand what is, one must observe what one thinks, feels and does from moment to moment. That is the actual.
~Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Alan Watts

​​If I first see a tree in the winter, I might assume that it is not a fruit-tree. But when I return in the summer to find it covered with plums, I must exclaim, "Excuse me! You were a fruit-tree after all." Imagine, then, that a billion years ago some beings from another part of the galaxy made a tour through the solar system in their flying saucer and found no life. They would dismiss it as "Just a bunch of old rocks!" But if they returned today, they would have to apologize: "Well—you were peopling rocks after all!" You may, of course, argue that there is no analogy between the two situations. The fruit-tree was at one time a seed inside a plum, but the earth—much less the solar system or the galaxy—was never a seed inside a person. But, oddly enough, you would be wrong.

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Whatever you do, make it an offering to me – the food you eat, the sacrifices you make, the help you give, even your suffering. In this way you will be freed from the bondage of karma, and from its results both pleasant and painful. (9:27–28)

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Om Swami

Just like our desires and emotions are cyclical, so are the good and bad times in our lives. It is absolutely impossible that each day will turn out the way you expect it to, or that every time only pleasing news will knock on your door. At times, situations are undesirable and unpleasant, but we can’t avoid them. We have to deal with them. As they say, someone’s got to make the trains run on time. Granted, it’s not always feasible to deal with unpleasant situations with a pleasant mood, but it is possible to handle them with patience.

yoga-sthaḥ kuru karmāṇi saṅgaṁ tyaktvā dhanañjaya
siddhy-asiddhyoḥ samo bhūtvā samatvaṁ yoga uchyate.
(Bhagavad Gita 2.48)

‘O, the finest archer!’ Krishna says to Arjuna, ‘the yoga of equanimity is to maintain your steadfastness in the face of both success and failure, it is to act with a degree of detachment.’

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Thich Nhat Hanh

Reality cannot be described in terms of being and nonbeing. Being and nonbeing are notions created by you, exactly like the notions of birth and death, coming and going.
If your beloved one can no longer be seen, it does not mean that from being she has become nonbeing. If you realize this truth about your beloved, you will suffer much less, and if you realize this truth about yourself, you will transcend your fear of dying, of nonbeing.

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You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf

People who don't understand meditation think that it is some kind of special inner manipulation which will magically shut off these waves so that the mind's surface will be flat, peaceful, and tranquil. But just as you can't put a glass plate on the water to calm the waves, so you can't artificially suppress the waves of your mind, and it is not too smart to try. It will only create more tension and inner struggle, not calmness. That doesn't mean that calmness is unattainable. It's just that it cannot be attained by misguided attempts to suppress the mind's natural activity.

It is possible through meditation to find shelter from much of the wind that agitates the mind. Over time, a good deal of the turbulence may die down from lack of continuous feeding. But ultimately the winds of life and of the mind will blow, do what we may. Meditation is about knowing something about this and how to work with it.
~Wherever you go There you are

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Spiritual Library


If you want to to achieve something you can either keep trying or quit. Feeling stressed out over things you want to achieve but failing to do so is because of greed. Stress comes from having a high expectation but not wanting to put in a requisite effort. So it's very easy to distinguish between impure and pure desires. If you suffer because your desire wasn't fulfilled then that is the result of your greed. However, if you are able to say, "Oh that didn't work, how about if I try it this way? Hmm, that didn't work either. Let's try this way." If you keep such an investigative mind, failure doesn't cost you suffering, because you are driven by genuinely wanting to achieve that goal.

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Be As You Are by Sri Ramana Maharshi

The simple but powerful teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of India's most revered spiritual masters, continue to enlighten and enrich over sixty years after his death.

Be As You Are is the definitive compendium of his knowledge, edited by the former librarian from Sri Maharshi's ashram, which can be found flourishing at the foot of the holy mountain of Arunchala. The book collects conversations with the many seekers who came to him for guidance, answering the questions sought on the road to enlightenment.


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Thich Nhat Hanh

Since we’re human beings, we make mistakes. We cause others to suffer. We hurt our loved ones, and we feel regret. But without making mistakes, there is no way to learn. If you can learn from your mistakes, then you have already transformed garbage into flowers. Very often, our mistakes come from our unskillfulness, and not because we want to harm one another. I think of our behavior in terms of being more or less skillful rather than in terms of good and bad. If you are skillful, you can avoid making yourself suffer and the other person suffer. If there’s something you want to tell the other person, then you have to say it, but do so skillfully, in a way that leads to less rather than more suffering.


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Haemin Sunim

When you have to make an important decision, don’t lose sleep over it. Just take the special medicine called “time” and wait. Your subconscious will search for the answer.
Two days later, or three, the answer will dawn on you as you are waking up, taking a shower, or talking to a friend.
Put faith in your subconscious mind and give yourself time.


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Every atom is trying to go and join itself to the next atom. Atoms after atoms combine, making huge balls, the earths, the suns, the moons, the stars, the planets. They in their turn, are trying to rush towards each other, and at last, we know that the whole universe, mental and material, will be fused into one. The process that is going on in the cosmos on a large scale, is the same as that going on in the microcosm on a smaller scale. Just as this universe has its existence in separation, in distinction, and all the while is rushing towards unity, non-separation, so in our little worlds each soul is born, as it were, cut off from the rest of the world. The more ignorant, the more unenlightened the soul, the more it thinks that it is separate from the rest of the universe. The more ignorant the person, the more he thinks, he will die or will be born, and so forth—ideas that are an expression of this separateness. But we find that, as knowledge comes, man grows, morality is evolved and the idea of non-separateness begins. Whether men understand it or not, they are impelled by that power behind to become unselfish. That is the foundation of all morality. It is the quintessence of all ethics, preached in any language, or in any religion, or by any prophet in the world.

Swami Vivekananda

Happy New Year All my subscribers ❤️

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Haemin Sunim

With love in our hearts,
we find even the most mundane things sacred and beautiful.

With love in our hearts,
we become kinder and gentler, even to complete strangers.

Without love in our hearts,
we find the world meaningless and random.

Without love in our hearts,
we become strangers even to our family and friends.

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Om swami

“The tree laden with fruits is always a bit bent. Not because of any burden but because it has something to offer. Humility"

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Thich Nhat Hanh

Once a young child asked me, “How does it feel to be dead?” This is a very good, very deep question. I used the example of a cloud to explain to her about birth, death, and continuation. I explained that a cloud can never die. A cloud can only become something else, like rain or snow or hail. When you are a cloud, you feel like a cloud. And when you become rain, you feel like the rain. And when you become snow, you feel like the snow. Remanifestation is wonderful.

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Which book has changed your life?

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There are two ways for people to become happy. One way is by doing work that they enjoy. However, although this may be fun, it may feel meaningless when they look back on it later on. For example, drinking and hanging out every day with your friends may have been a lot of fun, but when you look back on it in 10 years you will feel like you wasted your time. When you go to a bar, you have a great time, talking loudly and laughing hard, but when you leave the bar, you feel kind of empty. You may feel that way because there are no benefits to spending your time on such pursuits.

Another way is helping others. As human beings, we feel happy when we are useful to others or do something beneficial for others. Although doing something that helped others may have been very hard at the time, when we look back on it, we feel proud. We feel that what we did was meaningful and beneficial, so we believe we did the right thing even if it took a lot of effort.


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Adi Shankara

Waste not your efforts to win the love of or to fight against friend and foe, children and relatives. See yourself in everyone and give up all feelings of duality completely.

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J Krishnamurti

So can the brain ever understand the universe? They can say Venus is so much gas, has so many minerals, and so on, but the material description of Venus is not the beauty of it, the extraordinary quietness of it. And to understand all that immensity, can our brain be quiet? Not everlastingly chattering, chattering, chattering. Can that brain become extraordinarily simple and therefore extraordinarily subtle? And if that brain is capable of that subtleness, that immense sense of the great simplicity of time-thought and the rest of it, then perhaps that mind that is not the brain can communicate with it. The present brain cannot communicate with that mind, obviously. Though we do our utmost to communicate with it, all kinds of tricks, all forms of control, sacrifice, taking vows, right? And that thing can never... one can never touch it that way. The religious mind, religious brain, always has the background of great silence and solitude.

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The Little Book of IKIGAI by Ken Mogi

The book "Ikigai: The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life" by Ken Mogi, explains the concepts of the Ikigai philosophy, a Japanese origin word that describes the pleasures and senses of life.

Through 5 steps, the author will help you find your Ikigai, showing how it is rooted in Japanese culture, and give lessons that will change your life. All of this through an easy reading, making the absorption of knowledge easier.


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Spirit of Faith

During the war, Duryodhan taunted Bheeshma, the commander-in-chief of the Kaurav army, saying he was being lenient with the Pandavas, for he could have easily killed them, had he chosen to do so. Bheeshma felt insulted, and resolved that by sunset the next day, he would either kill their foremost warrior, Arjun, or to protect him, Shree Krishna would have to break His vow and lift weapons.
When the battle ended that evening, this news spread in the Pandava camp. Everyone was sad to hear it as Bheeshma was known for keeping his vows. Shree Krishna was lost in contemplation about what could be done. He had vowed not to lift weapons during the war, but now it concerned Arjun’s life.
Pondering over the problem, Shree Krishna realised that it was midnight. He thought, ‘If I am so concerned, how worried must Arjun be, for it is his death that Grandsire Bheeshma has announced.’ He walked over to Arjun’s tent to console him. However, He found sounds of snoring emanating from the tent as Arjun was fast asleep.
Shree Krishna shook him awake, ‘My dear friend, do you not know about the vow made by Bheeshma?’
‘Of course, I do, my Lord.’
‘Then are you not worried?’
‘When You are so concerned about my protection that You are unable to sleep till early morning, then why should I worry for myself?’
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Mark Nepo

When young, it was my first fall from love. It broke me open the way lightning splits a tree. Then, years later, cancer broke me further. This time it broke me wider, the way a flood carves the banks of a narrow stream. Then, having to leave a twenty-year marriage. This broke me the way wind shatters glass. Then, in Africa, it was the anonymous face of a schoolboy beginning his life. This broke me yet again. But this was like hot water melting soap.
Each time I tried to close up what had been opened. It was a reflex, natural enough. But the lesson was, of course, the other way. The lesson was in never closing again.

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