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Om Swami

Just like our desires and emotions are cyclical, so are the good and bad times in our lives. It is absolutely impossible that each day will turn out the way you expect it to, or that every time only pleasing news will knock on your door. At times, situations are undesirable and unpleasant, but we can’t avoid them. We have to deal with them. As they say, someone’s got to make the trains run on time. Granted, it’s not always feasible to deal with unpleasant situations with a pleasant mood, but it is possible to handle them with patience.

yoga-sthaḥ kuru karmāṇi saṅgaṁ tyaktvā dhanañjaya
siddhy-asiddhyoḥ samo bhūtvā samatvaṁ yoga uchyate.
(Bhagavad Gita 2.48)

‘O, the finest archer!’ Krishna says to Arjuna, ‘the yoga of equanimity is to maintain your steadfastness in the face of both success and failure, it is to act with a degree of detachment.’

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Thich Nhat Hanh

Reality cannot be described in terms of being and nonbeing. Being and nonbeing are notions created by you, exactly like the notions of birth and death, coming and going.
If your beloved one can no longer be seen, it does not mean that from being she has become nonbeing. If you realize this truth about your beloved, you will suffer much less, and if you realize this truth about yourself, you will transcend your fear of dying, of nonbeing.

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You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf

People who don't understand meditation think that it is some kind of special inner manipulation which will magically shut off these waves so that the mind's surface will be flat, peaceful, and tranquil. But just as you can't put a glass plate on the water to calm the waves, so you can't artificially suppress the waves of your mind, and it is not too smart to try. It will only create more tension and inner struggle, not calmness. That doesn't mean that calmness is unattainable. It's just that it cannot be attained by misguided attempts to suppress the mind's natural activity.

It is possible through meditation to find shelter from much of the wind that agitates the mind. Over time, a good deal of the turbulence may die down from lack of continuous feeding. But ultimately the winds of life and of the mind will blow, do what we may. Meditation is about knowing something about this and how to work with it.
~Wherever you go There you are

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Spiritual Library


If you want to to achieve something you can either keep trying or quit. Feeling stressed out over things you want to achieve but failing to do so is because of greed. Stress comes from having a high expectation but not wanting to put in a requisite effort. So it's very easy to distinguish between impure and pure desires. If you suffer because your desire wasn't fulfilled then that is the result of your greed. However, if you are able to say, "Oh that didn't work, how about if I try it this way? Hmm, that didn't work either. Let's try this way." If you keep such an investigative mind, failure doesn't cost you suffering, because you are driven by genuinely wanting to achieve that goal.

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Haemin Sunim

Try to share your true feelings.
Even if the other person is hurt at first, eventually she will be grateful to know the truth.
The truth is freeing to both the one who expresses it and the one who hears it.

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Rubert Spira

Happiness, like the patch of blue, appears at first to be a temporary experience that occurs from time to time, but when investigated turns out to be ever-present and always available in the background of experience.
As such, happiness is not a temporary experience that alternates with unhappiness. It is not the opposite of unhappiness, any more than the blue sky is the opposite of the clouds. Just as the clouds are the veiling of the blue sky, so unhappiness is the veiling of happiness.
Happiness is our very nature and lies at the source of the mind, or the heart of ourself, in all conditions and under all circumstances. It cannot be acquired; it can only be revealed.
We cannot know happiness as an objective experience; we can only be it. We cannot be unhappy; we can only know unhappiness as an objective experience.
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Rubert Spira

However, if we are lost in the contents of a movie, the screen will seem to be missing or unseen. Of course, the screen is always being seen, although we have temporarily overlooked or forgotten it due to our absorption in the movie.
Likewise, awareness is always present and aware of itself, but seems to cease knowing itself as it truly is when it loses itself in objective experience.

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Thich Nhat Hanh

Wisdom is a living stream, not an icon preserved in a museum. Only when we find the spring of wisdom in our own life can it flow to future generations.

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Sri Ramakrishna

One looks on God exactly according to one’s own inner feeling. Take, for instance, a devotee with an excess of tamas. He thinks that the Divine Mother eats goat. So he slaughters one for Her. Again, the devotee endowed with rajas cooks rice and various other dishes for the Mother. But the sāttvic devotee doesn’t make any outer show of his worship. People don’t even know he is worshipping. If he has no flowers, he worships God with mere Ganges water and the leaves of the bel-tree. His food offering to the Deity consists of sweetened puffed rice or a few candies. Occasionally he cooks a little rice pudding for the Deity.
“There is also another class of devotees, those who are beyond the three gunas. They have the nature of a child. Their worship consists in chanting God’s name—just His name.
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The Power of Thought by Swami Paramananda

Nothing is more potent to mould human life than thought. The use or abuse of this force determines the destiny of man. When the thought is properly controlled and directed, it lifts him ever higher and higher; when it is ill-directed and uncontrolled, it drags him down and bars his growth, for verily man is what he thinks." Thus says Swami Paramananda, the author, who was the youngest disciple of Swami Vivekananda

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Swami Vivekananda

No religion built upon a person can be taken up as a type by all the races of mankind. Even in one small city we find that so many hundreds of persons are taken up as types by the different minds in that one city. How is it possible that one person, as Muhamed, or Buddha, or Christ, can be taken up as the one type for the whole world? nay, that the whole of morality, and ethics, and spirituality, and religion, can be true only from the sanction of that one person, and one person alone?
Now the Vedantic religion does not require any such personal authority; its sanction is the eternal nature of man, its ethics are based upon the eternal spiritual solidarity of man, already existing, already attained, and not to be attained.
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J Krishnamurti

From what you say you have fallen into a habit for many, many years and you have cultivated another habit, the habit of fighting it. So you want to get rid of one habit by cultivating another which is the denial of the first. You are fighting one habit with another. When you can’t get rid of the first habit you feel guilty, ashamed, depressed, perhaps angry with yourself for your weakness. The one habit and the other are the two sides of the same coin: without the first, the second wouldn’t be, so the second is really a continuation of the first as a reaction. So now you have two problems whereas in the beginning you had only one.

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Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

If one understands that objects are only a temporary appearance, and becomes convinced that objects cannot really provide true happiness, then the apparent reality of the objects automatically fades away. It then becomes possible for one to develop detachment for those objects that were previously held dear to one as true. A wooden toy in the shape of a tamarind pod is not a real tamarind pod. It is made of wood. However, unless one has the discriminative ability to be able to tell the difference, the sight of the wooden tamarind is sure to make one's mouth start watering. The reason for this is the conviction that the thing is real. Once one becomes aware that the tamarind is made of wood, he may appreciate the artistic or aesthetic lines of the toy, but it will not affect his salivary glands. This discriminative knowledge, or the recognition that it is not real, results in true detachment towards the object.

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Adi Shankara

Waste not your efforts to win the love of or to fight against friend and foe, children and relatives. See yourself in everyone and give up all feelings of duality completely.

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J Krishnamurti

So can the brain ever understand the universe? They can say Venus is so much gas, has so many minerals, and so on, but the material description of Venus is not the beauty of it, the extraordinary quietness of it. And to understand all that immensity, can our brain be quiet? Not everlastingly chattering, chattering, chattering. Can that brain become extraordinarily simple and therefore extraordinarily subtle? And if that brain is capable of that subtleness, that immense sense of the great simplicity of time-thought and the rest of it, then perhaps that mind that is not the brain can communicate with it. The present brain cannot communicate with that mind, obviously. Though we do our utmost to communicate with it, all kinds of tricks, all forms of control, sacrifice, taking vows, right? And that thing can never... one can never touch it that way. The religious mind, religious brain, always has the background of great silence and solitude.

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The Little Book of IKIGAI by Ken Mogi

The book "Ikigai: The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life" by Ken Mogi, explains the concepts of the Ikigai philosophy, a Japanese origin word that describes the pleasures and senses of life.

Through 5 steps, the author will help you find your Ikigai, showing how it is rooted in Japanese culture, and give lessons that will change your life. All of this through an easy reading, making the absorption of knowledge easier.


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Spirit of Faith

During the war, Duryodhan taunted Bheeshma, the commander-in-chief of the Kaurav army, saying he was being lenient with the Pandavas, for he could have easily killed them, had he chosen to do so. Bheeshma felt insulted, and resolved that by sunset the next day, he would either kill their foremost warrior, Arjun, or to protect him, Shree Krishna would have to break His vow and lift weapons.
When the battle ended that evening, this news spread in the Pandava camp. Everyone was sad to hear it as Bheeshma was known for keeping his vows. Shree Krishna was lost in contemplation about what could be done. He had vowed not to lift weapons during the war, but now it concerned Arjun’s life.
Pondering over the problem, Shree Krishna realised that it was midnight. He thought, ‘If I am so concerned, how worried must Arjun be, for it is his death that Grandsire Bheeshma has announced.’ He walked over to Arjun’s tent to console him. However, He found sounds of snoring emanating from the tent as Arjun was fast asleep.
Shree Krishna shook him awake, ‘My dear friend, do you not know about the vow made by Bheeshma?’
‘Of course, I do, my Lord.’
‘Then are you not worried?’
‘When You are so concerned about my protection that You are unable to sleep till early morning, then why should I worry for myself?’
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Mark Nepo

When young, it was my first fall from love. It broke me open the way lightning splits a tree. Then, years later, cancer broke me further. This time it broke me wider, the way a flood carves the banks of a narrow stream. Then, having to leave a twenty-year marriage. This broke me the way wind shatters glass. Then, in Africa, it was the anonymous face of a schoolboy beginning his life. This broke me yet again. But this was like hot water melting soap.
Each time I tried to close up what had been opened. It was a reflex, natural enough. But the lesson was, of course, the other way. The lesson was in never closing again.

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Thich Nhat Hanh

If we are able to touch our ground of no birth and no death, we will have no fear. That is the base of our true happiness.

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The whole work of meditation is to make you aware of all that is mind, and disidentify yourself from it. When the mind is angry, you can realize that it is simply a gramophone record. When the mind is sad, you can simply remember that it is only a gramophone record. A certain situation is pressing the remote control and you feel sad, you feel angry, you feel frustrated, you feel worried, you feel tense—all these things are coming from the outside and the mind is responding to them. But you are the watcher, you are not the actor. It is not your reaction.
Hence the whole art of meditation is to learn awareness, alertness, consciousness. While you are feeling angry, don’t repress it; let it be there. Just become aware. See it as if it is some object outside you. Slowly go on cutting your identifications with the mind. Then you have found your real individuality, your being, your soul
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Eckhart Tolle ~ Stillness Speaks

Pay attention to the gap — the
gap between two thoughts, the brief, silent space between words in a conversation, between the notes of a piano or flute, or the gap between the in-breath and out-breath.
When you pay attention to those gaps, awareness of “something” becomes — just awareness. The formless dimension of pure consciousness arises from within you and replaces identification with form.

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You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work. You should never engage in action for the sake of reward, nor should you long for inaction. Perform work in this world, Arjuna, as a man established within himself – without selfish attachments, and alike in success and defeat. For yoga is perfect evenness of mind. (2:47–48)

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Khalil Gibran

You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving." The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pastures. They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.

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Mark Nepo

There is a beautiful Tibetan myth that helps us to accept our sadness as a threshold to all that is life-changing and lasting. This myth affirms that all spiritual warriors have a broken heart—alas, must have a broken heart—because it is only through the break that the wonder and mysteries of life can enter us.

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Spiritual Library


The moment you create good and bad, you're dividing the world. Once you divide it, where is the question of inclusion? Where is the question of yoga? Where is the question of becoming one with everything? Where is the question of knowing truth?
Your division is because of your stupidity; it has nothing to do with reality. Good and bad are always according to your ego requirements. If you go by this, you enslave yourself to the dualities of life; you divide the existence. So the question of turning spiritual never arises.

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Spiritual Library


When suffering arises, the first thing to do is to stop, follow our breathing, and acknowledge it. Don’t try to deny uncomfortable emotions or push them down.

Breathing in, I know suffering is there.
Breathing out, I say hello to my suffering.

To take one mindful breath requires the presence of our mind, our body, and our intention. With our conscious breath, we reunite our body and mind and arrive in the present moment. Just breathing in mindfully already brings us a surprising amount of freedom. With each breath, we generate mindful energy, bringing mind and body together in the present moment to receive this caring acknowledgment of our suffering. In just two or three breaths taken with your full attention, you may notice that regret and sorrow about the past have paused, as well as uncertainty, fear, and worries about the future.

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