2 youtubes to which you must subscribe:
1. Super Deluxe. Super Deluxe makes stuff for people. Subscribe for swagger boosts, turnt beauty tutorials, party recipes, relaxing eye candy, the strangest in politics and pop culture, and more.
Ronen Bekerman's cabin visualization process: some sketchup and lumioun stuff
what a surprise - oculus and xiaomi...
An amazing zach lieberman wrote about his insane second year of daily sketching in openframeworks.
One of the examples that show how you can use photoshop together with sketchup
now i fucking want this amazing cookbook
Emotional design
I noticed how many designers nowadays prefer to thinking about design like a very strict discipline. Of cause it's okay because when you've learned some rules you understand why this looks nice. But what a surprise - you can't be a good designer based only on a rules! Why? To answer for this question i'll need to appeal to the music. I'll tell you a secret - you can learned a lot about design or something else from the music! This is called synesthesia and it's our the best inborn creative helper. For example you can feel the power of this phenomenon when working with music in the background. You've probably noticed how a good track makes creative work more productive. So, the music also has its own rules but the most important rule is to put feelings into it. You can correctly play all the notes but something will be missed because music is not about notes, you know...
A little advice to those who make first steps - design it's not fucking rocket science. Design is about emotions, passion, rhythm and sex. Don't forget about this! bless you 💋
Do you want to create a sexy design? Okay, the simplest method is to add a female body lines to your work. This tumblr should help with this:
i also want to advise this cocktail crafting book
this is the coolest 🍖 cooking utube!
⚠️ don't watch this channel on an the empty stomach motherfuckers