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Telegram-канал sandboxgametrading - The Sandbox Trading Talk


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The Sandbox Trading Talk

I am not here to convince you bro..but sandbox..they hosted an event in some bought land it in...and maybe In mana too

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Do as he says if you want to loose all your crypto 😂

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

If u are judging based on the current coin price

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

It's of metavwrse bro...and no meta coin has been pumped till now

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

When they actually do something

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

When sandbox will go up

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Please, is there a way to invest money with less loss?

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Hello there, please keep the conversations related to The Sandbox only.

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

enry, your message was hidden, links not allowed in this group.

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Hello there, please keep the conversations related to The Sandbox only.

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

That's how crypto works

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Noo bro that's not how it's total a supply and demand work...just like share market

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Sold new tokens which is released into market and Cashed out

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Greedy devs ate my money, not inflation

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Where is the money, sandbox!?

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Metaverse maybe not, but sandbox on the other hand 🤣 convince me otherwise 🤷🏻‍♂️

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Deаr invеstоrs! I found аn аmаzing сhаnnеl where а сryрtо whаlе рrоvidеs exсlusivе mаrkеt infоrmаtiоn. Тhеir аnаlуsis is dеер аnd оftеn роints tо роtеntial oрроrtunitiеs inассеssiblе tо thе mаssеs. Маnу оf thеir рrеdictiоns hаvе bееn сorrесt, сrеаting орроrtunitiеs fоr bеnеfiсiаl trаdеs. Ноwеvеr, kеер in mind thе risks аnd alwaуs dо yоur own аnаlуsis beforе mаking сhоiсеs.То jоin, just tуре the wоrd "СhоWНL" in thе mеssеngеr seаrch bох.

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Metavwrse can't be a dead hasn't even started

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Already it's standing at 1 billion cap

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

hold on to this coin bro.lateron u will regret selling it at this price

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

You invest first, less loss or more loss will decide later

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Gm, Is there anyone looking for a frontend and smart contract dev?
I have strong experience in building Defi yield farming, NFT minting/marketplace, farming/staking platforms, betting system, lending system using Rust, Solidity, Haskell and Web3.js, and React.js and Next.js and Vue.js.

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Hello there, please keep the conversations related to The Sandbox only.

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Take good care of yourself

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Ищу людей с биржами, BYBIT, OKX, Bitget, MEXC аккаунты давать не нужно. Хороший доход. Писать в личку

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

They released new tokens🥲🥲 When there's no demand

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Anyone interested in making money from investing.
You can earn up to 7% daily, ask me how..
I have a reliable and legitimate platform where you can earn money
Message me for more information

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

True bro, they released new tokens and cashed out

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Inflation ate your money

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The Sandbox Trading Talk

Hello Admin....does anyone sell Bitcoin here.

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