Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump Reserved for the 45th President of the United States https://donaldjtrump.com
Читать полностью…FACEBOOK, which has lost Billions of Dollars in value since “deplatforming” your favorite President, me, has just announced that they are reinstating my account. Such a thing should never again happen to a sitting President, or anybody else who is not deserving of retribution! THANK YOU TO TRUTH SOCIAL FOR DOING SUCH AN INCREDIBLE JOB. YOUR GROWTH IS OUTSTANDING, AND FUTURE UNLIMITED!!!
Читать полностью…Top channels to join on Telegram:
🇺🇸 @real_DonaldJTrump
🇺🇸 @TheAmericanTribune 🔥
🇺🇸 @EpochTimes
🇺🇸 @TheIJR
🇺🇸 @TrumpChannel
🇺🇸 @Project_Veritas
🇺🇸 @AmericasDoctors
🇺🇸 @KayleighMcEnany7
🇺🇸 @LetsGoBrandon
🇺🇸 @WesternJournal
🇺🇸 @CatturdFanClub
🇺🇸 @NTDNews
🇺🇸 @PearFEED (top posts)
See More: t.me/ConservativesOnTelegram/183
The FBI guy after me for the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, long before my Election as President, was just arrested for taking money from Russia, Russia, Russia. May he Rot In Hell! https://saferead.org/QAO
Читать полностью…Mitch McConnell is either the WORST negotiator in the history of politics, or a stone cold CROOK. There can be no other explanation as to why he has become such a rubber stamp for the Democrats. Republicans, use Debt Ceiling to get it all back!
Читать полностью…They created this Documents mess for themselves by being so totally DERANGED about me, and I did NOTHING WRONG!!!
Читать полностью…Making a big political speech today at TRUMP DORAL, in Miami. The Fake News says I am not campaigning very hard. I say they are stupid and corrupt, with the Election still a long time away. But do not fear, MANY GIANT RALLIES and other events coming up soon. It will all be wild and exciting. We will save our Country from DOOM and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Читать полностью…Op-Ed: Trump Gives Voice to the Spirit of Winston Churchill
The White House just announced that there are no LOGS or information of any kind on visitors to the Wilmington house and flimsy, unlocked, and unsecured, but now very famous, garage. Maybe they are smarter than we think! This is one of seemingly many places where HIGHLY CLASSIFIED documents are stored (in a big pile on the damp floor). Mar-a-Lago is a highly secured facility, with Security Cameras all over the place, and watched over by staff & our great Secret Service. I have INFO on everyone!
Читать полностью…The Special “Prosecutor” assigned to the “get Trump case,” Jack Smith(?), is a Trump Hating THUG whose wife is a serial and open Trump Hater, whose friends & other family members are even worse, and as a prosecutor in Europe, according to Ric Grenell, put a high government official in prison because he was a Trump positive person. Smith is known as “an unfair Savage,” & is best friends with the craziest Trump haters, including Lisa Monaco who runs “Injustice.” The Boxes Scam is a HOAX.
For seven years, from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, the Democrat Party has WEAPONIZED the “Legal” System, using City, State, and Federal Law Enforcement against me and the Republican Party as though they were a Private Protection Agency. The greatest Witch Hunt in American History must end now. I beat the Fake Impeachments, the disgraceful Mueller Persecution, and much else that the Fake News doesn’t want to write or talk about, but this charade MUST STOP NOW!!!
Fire a man who may very well turn out to be a criminal, Jack Smith. His conflicts, unfairness, and mental state of derangement make him totally unfit for the job of “getting Trump." Go after Biden and the Biden Crime Family instead. Like Bill Barr, the U.S. Attorneys in Delaware and Illinois are weak, ineffective, and afraid to do what must be done. The Election was RIGGED, and we are now losing our Country. We can’t let that happen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Just two years ago we had the strongest, safest Southern Border in USA HISTORY. Look at it now, a dangerous, drug infested nightmare!
Читать полностью…Really bad news for Republicans and frankly, ALL Americans. Our beautiful Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away at her home in the State she loved so much, North Carolina. Silk was with her all the way, and at her passing. There was no better TEAM anywhere, or at any time! Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her big and precious HEART just plain gave out. Rest In Peace our Magnificent Diamond, you will be greatly missed!
Читать полностью…Remember when the lightweight and perennially wrong Failing New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman predicted that the Stock Markets and U.S. Economy would CRASH while I was in office. Well, he was 100% wrong, again. But it did later crash, as Inflation lifted it’s ugly head, after I was out - Self inflicted wounds all! If you sold the day I left, you would have made a “fortune!” Next time, when I leave, SELL…And don’t listen to dopey Paul Krugman.
Читать полностью…So an out-of-control wild man kills beautiful Ashli Babbitt, a true Patriot, who was the only one killed on January 6th. Her mother goes to protest her death and memory, and they arrest her mother. Something has to be done about these Communists and Marxists that are taking over and destroying our Country. Pray for Ashli, and her wonderful, brave mother! https://letsgobrandon.plus/ashli-babbits-mother-arrested-memorializing-daughters-death
Читать полностью…FIRST COME THE TANKS, THEN COME THE NUKES. Get this crazy war ended, NOW. So easy to do!
Читать полностью…We must clean out the rot and corruption in Washington D.C!
Читать полностью…My phone call to the Secretary of State of Georgia, and a second call which the Marxists, Communists, Racists, and RINOS don’t even want to talk about, were “PERFECT” calls. Many people, including lawyers for both sides, were knowingly on the line. I was protesting a RIGGED & STOLEN Election, which evidence proves it was. I won Georgia by a lot, but only needed a small number of votes from that total number. They cheated in many ways including STUFFING Ballots, ALL CAUGHT LIVE ON TAPE.
With many people on the line on what was a PERFECT call protesting the Rigged Georgia Election, which I have a clear right to do, and in fact an obligation to do since I made the call as President, how come not one person said, while on the call, that I acted inappropriately, or made a statement of protest at what I said, & then slammed down the phone. Not one, even with so many opposing people, lawyers, and others on the line. NO ADMONISHMENT at all. We nicely agreed to speak again.
That was the call to Georgia. It was PERFECT, nothing done or said wrong. We agreed to continue our conversation at a later date. The other call, that was probably taped by them illegally, was so good that when the Washington Post heard it, they did a retraction and apology because they were fed false information, perhaps by the Secretary of State’s office, and they were angry about it! The Election in Georgia was RIGGED AND STOLEN. We have all the evidence needed. That is the CRIME!
I’ve got a 75 year old man, who has NEVER been in trouble before, sitting in PRISON over not paying a small tax on the use of a company apartment, a company car, or his grandchildrens education, etc., while drug dealers & murderers freely roam the sidewalks of New York, with nothing being done to stop them. Crime, in fact, is at an all time high! The Radical Left Democrats put him there. 90 days in jail, or 10 years (life!), depending on what you say about “Trump.” Our Country is going to Hell!
Читать полностью…Remember, we are talking about New York City as the Crime and Murder Capital of the World, where no murder case has even been tried by the D.A. in 6 years, and yet they spend tens of millions of dollars, view 11,000,000 pages of documents, years of investigation, and weeks in trial over the education of grandchildren, etc. Such a thing has never happened before. He was offered a “DEAL” if he pled GUILTY TO EVERYTHING - 90 days, or Life in Prison. Allen Weisselberg is a CRIME VICTIM, and so am I.
Читать полностью…We have two standards of justice in our Country…
Читать полностью…Why aren’t they asking President Obama what’s going on with his Administration? Crooked Hillary took and illegally deleted and acid washed 33,000 Emails AFTER getting a Subpoena for those Emails from the United States Congress, and who knows how many Classified Documents Joe took, especially pertaining to Ukraine and China. Maybe Trump Hating Special “Prosecutor” Jack Smith, who is doing the dirty work for his Marxist Democrat friends, should do the right thing for our Country!
Читать полностью…Was Joe Biden really paid $50,000 a month by Hunter for a house that’s worth comparatively very little. Who actually owns the house? This is just the beginning of one of the greatest political and money laundering Scams of all time. However, don’t know wether or not the Rigged and Corrupt Fake News Media will want to report on it. Probably not, they’d rather report on a 75 year old Trump employee who did not pay tax on the use of a company car or apartment (few people do, never charged before).
Читать полностью…Join these popular conservative voices on Telegram:
🇺🇸 @real_DonaldJTrump
🇺🇸 @TheAmericanTribune
🇺🇸 @EpochTimes
🇺🇸 @TheIJR
🇺🇸 @TrumpChannel
🇺🇸 @WesternJournal
🇺🇸 @CandaceOnFire
🇺🇸 @NTDNews
🇺🇸 @Project_Veritas
🇺🇸 @AmericasDoctors
🇺🇸 @JamesWoodsFans
🇺🇸 @LetsGoBrandon
🇺🇸 @PearFEED (top posts)
See More: t.me/ConservativesOnTelegram/183
Paul Krugman of The Failing New York Times writes that just about everything the GOP says about the U.S. Economy is wrong, and yet, it was Krugman who said that if I won the 2016 Election, everyone should SELL, the Stock Market would crash. He was proven sooo WRONG. Had people listened to this moron, they would have lost MUCH, or MOST, of their money. With that in mind, and in the public interest, why hasn’t The Times fired this poor, hapless soul. Put him out to pasture where he belongs!
Читать полностью…CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah Huckabee Sanders on being sworn in today as the first female Governor of the GREAT STATE of ARKANSAS. She is a fantastic person and will be a truly incredible Governor. In the Trump Administration, Sarah was highly skilled, and respected by all. Her mother Janet, and father, Governor Mike, are very proud parents, and they would like nothing more than to see her do even better than Mike—not easy! Bryan, Scarlett, William, and George will make the people of Arkansas very proud. Go to it, Sarah!
Читать полностью…There can be NO EXCUSES for what is happening on our Southern Border. We are like a Third World Nation, but worse. Our Country is falling apart (in so many other ways, also). Anybody check out our Airports lately?
Читать полностью…Schiff is a sleazebag and traitor, and should be prosecuted for the damage he has done to our Country! https://saferead.org/OYO
Читать полностью…Kevin McCarthy Credits Trump for House Speaker Victory