♯1 collection of famous sayings in Telegram! Quotes from famous authors, movies and people. Amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth and love. Ad manager → @cosmic_ranger
Liberty, taking the word in its concrete sense, consists in the ability to choose
© Simone Weil @quote
The belief that youth is the happiest time of life is founded upon a fallacy. The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts, and we grow happier as we grow older
© William Phelps @quote
The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life
© Eckhart Tolle @quote
A man is not where he lives but where he loves
Our greatest glory is not in never failing but rising everytime we fall.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
© Ralph Emerson @quote
A subtle thought that is in error may yet give rise to fruitful inquiry that can establish truths of great value
© Isaac Asimov @quote
There is one thing you have got to learn about our movement. Three people are better than no people.
© Fannie Hamer @quote
The cause is hidden. The effect is visible to all
© Ovid @quote
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy
© William Blake @quote
The world doesn’t happen to you it happens from you.
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible
© Tony Robbins @quote
Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.
© Richard Bach @quote
To enjoy life, we must touch much of it lightly
© Voltaire @quote
Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more
© Anthony Robbins @quote
🌝 Greetings to all thinkers, lets discuss:
"The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health"
In today's digital age, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, and the world at large. However, there's growing concern about how these platforms affect our mental well-being. Does social media foster meaningful connections or contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness?
Join the discussion as we explore the pros and cons of social media on mental health, share personal experiences, and discuss strategies for maintaining a healthy balance. Your insights and experiences are valuable in understanding this complex issue.
Write your thoughts and communicate with other people in the comments below 🫡
Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
© Jean de la Fontaine @quote
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Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.
© John Lennon @quote
Time is not a measure the length of a day or month or year but more a measure of what you have accomplished
© Byron Pulsifer @quote
The past has no power to stop you from being present now. Only your grievance about the past can do that
© Eckhart Tolle @quote
Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly.
© Plutarch @quote
Going back to zero can help creative juices no matter the art form you are attempting to create
© Byron Pulsifer @quote
There are people who have money and people who are rich
© Coco Channel @quote
We never live; we are always in the expectation of living.
© Voltaire @quote
Fate is in your hands and no one elses
© Byron Pulsifer @quote
We never understand how little we need in this world until we know the loss of it
© James Barrie @quote
All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?
© Buddha @quote
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us
© Helen Keller @quote
The only way to tell the truth is to speak with kindness. Only the words of a loving man can be heard.
© Henry Thoreau @quote