Be a hedonist. Have a word? Reach me on @Rosinda
Don't lose Hope... maintain your Focus.
Move at your own pace and with determination and your eyes on the ball, success will be yours. Never bother about how fast people are moving.
Remember it's not how fast you build your house but it's how firm and strong the house will be when the storms come...
You have the seal of Greatness on you so don't settle for less.
I am at that stage of life where not everyone has access to my energy. The people who are kind & gentle with me are whole-heartedly welcome. There is no space for drama, judgement and toxicity. I desire peace in my life and allow only those who inspire me & have pure intentions.
"You’re going to realize it one day — that happiness was never about your job, or your degree, or being in a relationship. Happiness was never about following in the footsteps of all of those who came before you, it was never about being like the others. One day, you’re going to see it — that happiness was always about the discovery, the hope, the listening to your heart and following it wherever it chose to go. Happiness was always about being kinder to yourself, it was always about embracing the person you were becoming. One day, you will understand. That happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself, that happiness was never in the hands of other people. It was always about you. It was always about you."
Bianca Sparacino
X²¹ Peniel ♾
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• second guess everything
• analyze things to death
• always expect the worst
• hate making decisions
• can’t let things go
• always expect the worst
• is a perfectionist
• self-critical
• can’t turn your brain off
• take things personally
Find your way out of your head. Find your peace. People can point out the way for you but you yourself must strive. Words can comfort you, therapy may guide you, but nobody will fight your battles for you.
You have to keep battling these demons in your mind, these powerful negative voices echoing repeatedly trying to trap you back in this vicious cycle of torment!
They won't ever stop tormenting you until they destroy you. They know exactly how to get to you; they know you better than you know yourself.
Recognize their voice and don't let them win!!
Healing, letting go and forgiving are processes that don't just happen overnight. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes years in extreme cases some people don't ever end up finding peace.
The journey is a roller-coaster. There will be days where you'll feel strong and happy, then days where you will relapse and feel the hurt resurface freshly. These are normal emotions. Go through them.
Be kind and patient with yourself. There's no shame in struggling to heal. As long as you're trying your best to get better, that's what matters the most. You will get there.
Be humble. You may be wrong.
Be kind. You may be remembered.
Be hard working. You may be luckier.
Be trustworthy. You may see further.
Be generous. Others may reciprocate.
Be curious. You may stay teachable.
Be forgiving. You may feel lighter.
Be yourself. You will be happier.