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Nature 🌎

Cat didn't expect such a flood of love.

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Nature 🌎

Tiger has a unique pattern of stripes not only on its fur, but also on its body.

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Nature 🌎

Spectacular modern fountains in Chengdu, China.

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Nature 🌎

Hyenas love petting too.

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Nature 🌎

Road to Machu Picchu.

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Nature 🌎

Evening beauty of the island of Tinos, Greece.

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Nature 🌎

Just a bird having fun

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Nature 🌎

Old town night vibe Phuket, Thailand.

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Nature 🌎

Yellow-billed stork.

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Nature 🌎

Early morning with wildflowers under Crested Butte mountain.

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Nature 🌎

Коринфский перешеек.

Isthmus of Corinth.

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Nature 🌎

Среди нас.

Among Us!

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Nature 🌎

Фиолетовые жабы
«Ателопус барботини».

Purple toads "Athelopus barbotini".

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Nature 🌎

Восход солнца на берегу Лаго-Пехо в Национальном парке Торрес-дель-Пайне, Чили.

Sunrise on the shores of Lago Pejo in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile.

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Nature 🌎

Тропический лес Сишуанбаньна.

Xīshuāngbǎnnà tropical forest.

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Nature 🌎

Just look at an elephant's reaction when a man asked for help in the water.

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Nature 🌎

Samosir Island, Lake Toba, North Sumatra.

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Nature 🌎

Coiba National Park, Panama.

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Nature 🌎

Amazing colorful Kelimutu lakes on Fures island, Indonesia.

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Nature 🌎

Fifth Water Hot Springs, Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah, USA.

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Nature 🌎

Como Laucala Island, Fiji.

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Nature 🌎

Khashupse Canyon in Abkhazia.

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Nature 🌎

Stunning view upon Louise lake.

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Nature 🌎

Friendship with benefits.

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Nature 🌎

Очаровывающие летние вечера на севере.

Charming summer evenings at north.

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Nature 🌎

Водные процедуры.

Spa treatments.

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Nature 🌎

Гора Эльбрус.

Elbrus mountain.

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Nature 🌎

Подводная лодка 'спящий ламантин’.

‘Sleeping manatee’ submarine.

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Nature 🌎

Тихий зимний вечер.

Peaceful winter evening.

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Nature 🌎

Серебряный фазан

GeoNews Planet 🌍

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