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We give you that tiny reminder to move forward, every single day. Ads: 🎗 Cross: @goldeneagle (30k and up)

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If you had to choose: Is Hard Work Really the Key to Success? 💪🏆 Or is it about Luck and Connections? 🤔 Share your thoughts and experiences below 👇!

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What do you think? Leave your comments below 👇

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It has been a few days since most of the channel followers voted to boost the channel. Since then, only 1 person followed through and actually boosted the channel 😄 so we are going to cancel this whole boosting thing.

Now for that one person: thank you BEnt! You actually proved that at least one person in this channel puts their money where their mouth is! In return we will reward you with 3 times free advertising on this channel. Feel free to message me on @GoldenEagle and we'll get you sorted.


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🧠 Have you ever wondered what the ego really is?

The ego, it's that little voice in your head. You know, the one that's always running the show, typing your thoughts, and speaking your words. But wait, isn't it weird that everyone talks about the ego as if it's separate from them? 🤔

🌟 Is the ego really the one doing all the talking?

Not exactly! The ego is just a part of our mind, like our thoughts and emotions. It's like a program running in the background. But here’s the kicker—most people don't even realize it's their ego talking.

🧘 Can we observe the ego?

Absolutely! Just like you can notice your thoughts or emotions, you can observe your ego. Anytime you make an “I” statement, that’s your ego at work. For example, "I am good at this" or "I feel sad."

🌍 What is the ego’s role in our identity?

Ego is all about identity—what we consider "me" or "mine." It gives us a sense of possessiveness and "Iness." Think of it as the default mode of our brain that makes us aware of ourselves in the world.

🔬 Can thoughts exist without ego?

Yes, they can! You can think without involving your ego. For instance, when you drink water, you’re just drinking it. No ego involved there. Ego comes into play when you make comparisons or judgments about yourself or others.

💡 Is there a state beyond the ego?

Yes, and it’s fascinating! Imagine jumping into cold water—you're just pure existence in that moment, no identity attached. That’s an egoless state. And there's even more beyond the ego: pure consciousness, the ultimate observer of all our thoughts and feelings.

🌿 What about mindfulness and the ego?

Mindfulness can help reduce the ego’s grip. Practices like dialectical behavioral therapy have shown that increased awareness can diminish the symptoms of conditions like narcissism by making individuals more aware of their behaviors.

✨ So, next time you catch yourself thinking, remember to observe. Is it you or your ego? Keep looking, keep observing, and who knows, you might just find what’s beyond it all.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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People have spoken! Let's boost! 😎👇🏻

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