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Most people don’t struggle to obtain what they want, they actually don’t know what they want.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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If you have time to worry about things you cannot control anyway, you are distracted.

Peace of mind comes from being focused on the right things.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Why Relationships Require Self-Love

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Optimists do more!

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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The importance of Focus

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🤔If you have a partner who threatens to leave you each time you have a serious argument and because you love him/her so much you don't know what to do, then please read on, this can save you a lot of unnecessary pain and heartache:

⚠️First of all this is not professional advice. So look for it if you need it.

❓What would be the healthy thing to do in a situation where you love someone so much that whenever that person threatens to leave you, you agree to what they say or compromise so they won't leave?

🔰The behavior of threatening to leave during arguments is often called "emotional blackmail" or "manipulation." It is a form of coercive control that can be emotionally abusive. Here are a few examples:

❌Threatening to leave or break up during an argument to get their way or make their partner feel guilty.

❌Using emotional statements such as "If you loved me, you would do what I want" or "I can't believe you would do this to me" to control their partner's behavior.

❌Making ultimatums, such as "If you don't do this, then I'm leaving."

❌Ignoring or withholding affection, attention, or communication until their partner gives in to their demands.

❌Blaming their partner for their own emotional reactions or making their partner feel responsible for their happiness or well-being.

❌Gaslighting, which involves manipulating their partner's perception of reality to make them doubt themselves or question their own memory or perception.

❌Punishing their partner with silent treatment or other forms of emotional distancing to get their way.

✅In a healthy relationship, partners should be able to communicate openly and honestly without fear of abandonment or retaliation. When one partner consistently threatens to leave during disagreements, it can create a power dynamic where one partner holds the other hostage to their demands.

If you find yourself in this situation, it's important to set boundaries and communicate your needs and expectations clearly with your partner. If the behavior continues despite your efforts, it may be necessary to end the relationship for your own emotional well-being. Remember, you deserve to be in a healthy and supportive relationship.❤️

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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The longer you are living on autopilot, the harder the future is going to be.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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It's funny how many people who could do anything, precisely ended up doing nothing, because they were scared of making a decision.

People get lost when they have too many options.

Sometimes, you just have to pick a direction, and start walking.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Love is not unconditional, but it is not negotiable.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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What do you think? 🤔

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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The best way to prepare yourself for a career in venture capital is to start a startup. But if you do that well enough, you won't need a career in venture capital.😄

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes things happen that are completely out of our control. 😬 But here's the thing: we always have the power to take full responsibility for our reactions and actions, even in the face of adversity. 💪

Taking full responsibility means acknowledging that while we may not have caused a certain event or situation, we do have control over how we respond to it. 💭 We can choose to take a victim mentality and blame others or external circumstances, or we can choose to take ownership of our reactions and learn from the experience. 🤔

When we choose to take full responsibility for our lives, we become empowered. 🔥 We stop feeling like life is happening to us, and instead, we start taking charge of our own destinies. 🌟 We recognize that we have the ability to shape our lives and make positive changes, no matter what challenges we may face.

This attitude can truly change your life for the better. 🌈 By taking responsibility, you free yourself from the burden of blaming others or feeling like a victim. You become more resilient, adaptable, and open to new possibilities. 🌞 You start to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as setbacks. 🌱

So if you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed by life's challenges, remember that you have the power to take full responsibility for your reactions and actions. 💪 It may not always be easy, but by doing so, you'll open up a world of possibilities for yourself and create a brighter, more fulfilling future. 🌟

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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