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Linguistics Library

Acoustics of Bangla Speech Sounds

Asoke Kumar Datta (2018)

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Linguistics Library

Rhetoric, Discourse and Knowledge

Edited by Maria Załęska & Urszula Okulska (2016)

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Linguistics Library

Appalachian Speech

Walt Wolfram & Donna Christian (1976)

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Linguistics Library

Structuralist Theory of Science: Focal Issues, New Results

Edited by Wolfgang Balzer and C. Ulises Moulines (1996)

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Linguistics Library

Collocation and Preposition Sense: A Phraseological Approach to the Cognition of Polysemy (Ph.D. Thesis)

Yoshihito Kamakura

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Linguistics Library

Language Disorders in Children and Adults: New Issues in Research and Practice

Edited by
Victoria Joffe
Madeline Cruice
Shula Chiat

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Linguistics Library

The Bloomsbury Companion to Syntax

Edited by
Silvia Luraghi and Claudia Parodi

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Linguistics Library

Communication Disorders in Childhood Cancer

Bruce E. Murdoch

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Linguistics Library

Understanding Syntax (4th ed.)

Maggie Tallerman

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Linguistics Library

Multilingual Aspects of Fluency Disorders

Edited by
Peter Howell and John Van Borsel

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Linguistics Library

Language Development: An Introduction (8th ed.)

Robert E. Owens, Jr.

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Linguistics Library

Grammar with Laughter: Photocopiable Exercises for Instant Lessons

George Woolard (1999)

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Linguistics Library

A Primer of American Intonation

Richard Gunter (1987)

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Linguistics Library

Literary Worlds and Deleuze: Expression as Mimesis and Event

Zornitsa Dimitrova (2017)

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Linguistics Library

The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism (8th Ed)

C. K. Ogden & I. A. Richards (1946)

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Linguistics Library

Canonical Correlation Analysis in Speech Enhancement

Jacob Benesty & Israel Cohen (2018)

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Linguistics Library

Gradience in English Syllabization and a Revised Concept of Unmarked Syllabization

Charles-James N. Bailey (1978)

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Linguistics Library

Report Of The Twenty-Third Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies.

Sociolinguistics: Current Trends and Prospects

Edited by Roger W. Shuy (1973)

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Linguistics Library

Peirce on Perception and Reasoning: From Icons to Logic

Edited by Kathleen A. Hull and Richard Kenneth Atkins (2017)

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Linguistics Library

The Syntax of Ellipsis: Evidence from Dutch Dialects
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck

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Linguistics Library

Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Practical Strategies for Teachers and Other Professionals

Northumberland County Council Communication Support Service

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Linguistics Library

Communication Disorders in Multicultural and International Populations

Dolores E. Battle
With 16 Contributing Authors

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Linguistics Library

Researching Communication Disorders

Alison Ferguson
Elizabeth Armstrong

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Linguistics Library

Lévi-Strauss, Anthropology and Aesthetics

Boris Wiseman

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Linguistics Library

The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders

Edited by
Raymond D. Kent

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Linguistics Library

Variation in the Data: Can Linguistics Ever Become a Science?

Charles-James N. Bailey (1992)

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Linguistics Library

American Spoken English

D. G. Davis (1993)

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Linguistics Library

Dialogic Pedagogy: The Importance of Dialogue in Teaching and Learning

Edited by David Skidmore and Kyoko Murakami (2016)

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Linguistics Library

Philosophy of Nature

Paul Feyerabend

Edited with an Introduction by Helmut Heit and Eric Oberheim
Translated by Dorothea Lotter with assistance from Andrew Cross (2009) [2016]

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Linguistics Library

Translation: The Basics

Juliane House (2018)

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