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Junction Bot News

❄️ Friends, Merry Christmas!
- In the latest release we have added schedule setting, scheduling of delayed publication. It works similarly to delay: you specify the number of seconds to delay publication. Only, unlike delay, it puts the message into the internal Telegram scheduler, where you can edit or delete it. Therefore, it works only for publishing in copy_client mode - publishing on behalf of a connected account. Also, this setting doesn't have any limit on the maximum delay.
If you need more sophisticated scheduling settings - please let us know!
- We've added the ability to put a pro account on freeze. If you turn the freeze on, after the current payment period expires, all your pro services, such as direct connection, will be suspended, even if you have enough money in your balance to renew. When you turn the freeze off, all services will automatically renew. It's now easier to use bonuses when paying for several months, even if you're not sure you're going to use the bot all that time without interruption.

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Junction Bot News

Friends, there is now an option to add a publish date of an original post to a resulting post. See the setting 'header'.

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Junction Bot News

🔥 Friends, this is huge! We're super excited to share with you a new feature of the bot: integration with OpenAI ChatGPT.
Finally, without leaving the bot, you can do translations, analyze and summarize long texts, do smart filtering, modify numbers in text according to specific criteria, and much more. The limits of what's possible are only bounded by our imagination.
As always - we're eager for your feedback!

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Junction Bot News

Friends, mass failures are being registered in Telegram today. The platform suddenly gives the error of lack of rights when sending to some channels and groups. Therefore, the bot temporarily disables the corresponding redirects.
The /enableall command should enable your forwarding rules back. But until the problem on Telegram itself is solved, it won't help. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon.
If you have a direct connection, switching to sending on behalf of your account will solve the issue.
You can follow the news on our channel and in the support chat.

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Junction Bot News

🎬 Friends, we are happy to introduce support for Stories!
You can enable the copying of stories by setting story message. For now, only the option available is to pass stories as new messages. Keep in mind, for new forwarding rules the setting is enabled by default. The setting works only for direct connections.
In case of any problems - write to support! Enjoy!

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Junction Bot News

Friends, unfortunately Telegram constantly blocks our service accounts associated with the standard tariff. Therefore, on the standard tariff some channels can be in the "connecting" state for a long time and work with a delay of up to 12 hours. It's a new normal, we do not know when the delay will be reduced back.
Direct connections are not affected in any way and work without delays.

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Junction Bot News

🤖 Friends, we've fixed the incorrect copying of thumbnails for some media files. Let us know if you still experience something strange related to the thumbnails!

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Junction Bot News

🤖 Friends, there is a couple of small improvements:
- You can now set posting intervals to stretch the flow of messages over time.
- Filters now work for the name of the attached documents as well. For example, now you can pass only documents with a certain extension.

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Junction Bot News

We've added a support for topics in destination groups. Now you can set to which topic the message will go using the setting topic. You can read more about it here.

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Junction Bot News

Friends, in the coming days there will be problems with message delivery on the standard accounts (including express). Unfortunately Telegram has disabled some of our service accounts in the process of tightening their security constraints. We're working hard to restore message delivery as soon as possible. Channels on standard accounts already are becoming available in the order of popularity. Expected time till full recovery is around 10 days.

If you are experiencing problems with your direct connection, please use the /reconnect command.
On a direct connection, if no code comes, try turning off a cloud password and requesting the code again. If that doesn't work then you need to wait. Many people get the code after a certain wait. We are working on a code request function via call, this should help.

Thank you for your patience!

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Junction Bot News

A couple of improvements, folks:
- The /restrict command now also disables the bottom menu with the bot command list for group chats and the bot's reaction to non-admin's commands.
- If you need more than 100 subscriptions, there's now no need to create multiple accounts in multiple groups. You can purchase +100 subscriptions as an additional package.

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Junction Bot News

The bot now supports sending large media messages on behalf of the bot, not just on behalf of your own account. This means that copying large messages from protected channels is now available for standard accounts as well.

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Junction Bot News

Hey, everyone!
As you know, Telegram has had another big update to protect content from being copied from closed channels. We've just released an update to the bot that allows it to function properly with the new conditions. It works as follows:
- Where no protection is in place, forwarding works at the same speed as before.
- Where there is protection, the bot needs additional time to process the files. This time depends directly on the file size and the number of files being processed simultaneously. If you have a direct connection, the speed is only affected by the load on your particular connection. If you have a standard account, the speed depends on the overall load.
Unfortunately, some messages will be lost during the update, but this will quickly normalize. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Let us know if you encounter any problems!

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Junction Bot News

Hi everyone!
We've added the ability to copy polls. To do this, use the setting poll.

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Junction Bot News

We've added a long awaited feature: a batch execution of a list of the commands. To do this, use the /batch command followed by a list of your commands. Each command must start on a new line.
The following commands are currently supported: / filter, /filterrx, /replace, /replacerx, /settingchannel.
If you need other commands, let us know!

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Junction Bot News

☃️ Friends, some cozy winter news:
- We've added the ability to do reviews in a group chat. Now it is even more convenient to work on content together with colleagues!
- We have also added translation of the bot into several other languages. You can see the available languages with the /language command. The translation is automatic, so if you understand English or Russian, we advise you to stick to one of these languages.
- Speaking about translations, we'll use this chance to remind you, that you can automatically translate forwarded content (and do other crazy stuff) using our ChatGPT integration.

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Junction Bot News

☀️ Friends, problems on hosting are solved, the bot runs in normal mode. Direct connections work as usual. Messages to standard accounts will start coming within a couple of hours.

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Junction Bot News

Friends, it seems that the problem on the Telegram side is solved. You can turn on disabled redirects back with the command /enableall

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Junction Bot News

Friends, the bot was upgraded to the latest Telegram API version and now supports quotes and other new features. As the bots are not allowed to use them directly yet, you will see them only if you are using delivery on behalf of your account.

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Junction Bot News

🚅 Friends, we are happy to share with you that standard accounts are stable again. Currently, maximum delays are no more than a few hours. We hope to eventually reduce the delays even more.
Also, with the command /status you can now see the maximum estimated delay for standard accounts. It's calculated in real-time using the actual system benchmarks.
Although we are doing our best to keep standard accounts stable, please remember, that the only way to have the maximum performance is to use a direct connection.

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Junction Bot News

🚀 Friends, we are glad to present you an important update! We have started to move the most difficult to learn part - settings management - to the new bot interface. Our goal is to make bot management as intuitive as possible and not requiring text commands. We are very inspired by the possibilities that new features of Telegram open up for this.
The interface is accessible by clicking the Menu button in the bottom bar. Filter management, as well as bulk settings management, are next in line.
Your ideas and suggestions are welcome!

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Junction Bot News

We are extremely happy to announce a new feature - Review mode! It allows you to manually edit posts from the source before publishing them to the destination. It also allows you to manually approve or skip posts for publication.

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Junction Bot News

☀️ Friends, a little holiday update! Now:
- You can disable a web-preview with a setting preview.
- The bot is able to copy premium smileys if the copy_client mode.
- Album delivery has been fixed for the copy_client mode.
Happy New Year! 🌲

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Junction Bot News

☀️ The operation of suspended sources on standard accounts has been finally restored. All active standard and demo account holders have had their accounts extended for 8 days.

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Junction Bot News

🚀🚀🚀 Friends,
We're unleashing the long awaited feature to copy a channel's history!
Available only for direct connections. Can be launched with the command /history.

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Junction Bot News

A new feature for direct connection owners! You can now set up message delivery by forwarding (rather than copying as usual). This is identical to the Forward function when you forward a message manually. See here for details.

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Junction Bot News

Following your multiple requests, we're adding another option for alert buttons. Now you can copy the content of alert without a button, by adding it to the text of the message. To do this, use the following construction:

/settingchannel source click .* 0 body

Where .* and 0 means to copy all buttons with a delay of 0, and body means to pass the notification text in the body of the message. Of course, you can set a delay other than 0, as before, by specifying a range in seconds. For example:

/settingchannel source click .* 10-60 body

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Junction Bot News

Hey, folks!
Recently there were many little improvements. For some it can be interesting to know about a couple of them. First, it's now possible to add a clicking delay to buttons with alerts. If you are using a setting "click', we recommend you to check it up.
Second, the maximum possible value for a setting "delay" is now increased to 3 hours.

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Junction Bot News

🚚 Friends, we've added a feature to export current subscriptions, forwards and their corresponding settings. Use the /dump command for this. Then these settings can be imported with the /batch command.
This function is also useful if you want to copy, for example, replacements to a new forward.

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Junction Bot News

Hi there,
The requirements of the bot to work in groups have slightly changed.
For non-service chats (which are like separate accounts), neither the bot nor the manager need to be administrators. That is, you can simply add the bot to any group and subscribe to any channel.
Remember, if you want the bot in the group to only respond to administrator's commands, use the /restrict command.
For service chats, everything remains the same. Both you and the bot must be administrators.

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