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Junction Bot News

Hey there, Junction Bro here! 👋😎

Today, we'll take a look at one of the most valuable features of the Junction Bot — copying the history of channels and chats in Telegram. This feature is priceless when you need to ensure the preservation of important posts and messages that you fear might be lost.

How does it work? It's easy and straightforward, as always with Bro. Use the familiar /new command to create a forwarding rule. The source can be any channel or group that your account is a member of. Yes, you'll need a Direct Connection for this as for any serious task.

Got it set up? Now it's time to apply the necessary filters, replacements, and other settings to this rule. This will allow you to precisely determine which messages will be copied and how they will be modified.

After setting it up, send the /history command. You'll be able to select the necessary range of messages, just in case you don't need the entire chat history from time immemorial. Note, copied messages will be dated with the time of copying, not the original publication date. These are Telegram's technical limitations.

That's it! The bot will begin copying the history in the background according to the specified parameters. But be prepared to wait a bit, especially if there are many messages or large media files involved.

Using these features, you can create backup copies of valuable information in just a couple of clicks. Junction Bot makes this process simple and clear, saving you time and effort. And if anything remains unclear, Bro is always here to help!

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Junction Bot News

Hey, friend, Junction Bro is here! 👋😎

Today we're discussing propagation of edits and deletions of messages through Junction Bot. Sounds weird, but these features are particularly useful when you manage content that may be updated, corrected, or even deleted from the source. For instance, if you're distributing important announcements or news updates across multiple channels and chats, you'll want all changes in the original message to be automatically reflected in all copies, and mistakenly published announcements not to spread further. Junction Bot is a powerful tool that helps you keep your content up to date even after changes. Let's dive into how it works, but remember, both features are available only with Direct Connection.

Editing Propagation
To set up propagation of edited message, go to Menu → Forwarding settings → Editing.
The 'edit' mode will apply edits from the original to the copy, 'new' will send the change as a new message, and 'ignore' will simply skip them.

Delete deleted messages
And for setting up deletion propagation, head to Menu → Forwarding settings → Deletion. Here there are only two modes — 'yes' will erase the copy of the deleted original, and 'no' will leave it. Telegram does not allow bots to delete messages older than 48 hours, so if you need to remove old messages, use the forwarding mode on behalf of your own account. This will allow you to bypass the time restriction.

So, buddy, now you know how to set up Junction Bot to handle edited and deleted messages. This gives you more control over the content of your channels and chats. Try it out, experiment, and don't forget to share your impressions or questions in the comments! Junction Bro is always here to help you set everything up just right.

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Junction Bot News

Hey, Junction Bro here! 👋😎🪄

Today, let's talk about advanced tuning of filters and replacements using regular expressions. RegEx is a special language for working with text. It allows Junction Bot to find complex patterns in messages, such as all words starting with a capital letter or all web addresses.

Talking about filters. Usually, we use simple keyword filters. But what if our query is broader, say, we need messages containing time in HH:MM format? A RegEx filter with a regular expression describing all possible character combinations comes to the rescue:


This gibberish might be intimidating at first. Yes, buddy, RegEx is a serious tool that takes time to master. It might be difficult initially, but it's worth it. Once you've got it down, you can perform real magic! Many questions can be solved with the help of regex101.com and ChatGPT. And for our paid subscribers, my bot-avatar is always ready to help with complex regexes.

Using this filter and the right expression, you can find posts containing:

- Words in a specific order or a word from a set;
- Words in Latin or in uppercase;
- Links, e-mails, or phone numbers;
- And much more.

You'll find templates and detailed documentation on applying the filter on our website. Regular expressions cover a broad topic, and one post can't cover it all. In the next post, I'll talk about replacements using them. I hope this talk inspires you to experiment. And share your tasks in the comments; let's try to solve them together!

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Junction Bot News

Hey, friends, Junction Bro here! 👋😎

I'm going to share some real stuff today, for true Junction Pros. You know how it is when you're customizing the bot for yourself, creating a bunch of forwarding rules with filters, and then you want to transfer all that goodness to another account or share it with a friend? Yeah, usually it's a headache and a lot of hassle.

But not with Junction Bot! We've thought about such cases and introduced a mega-useful feature - import and export settings! Now, you can save all your forwardings and related settings into a file in no time with the /dump command. The bot will generate a list of commands with all the settings.

What to do with this file? It's simple — use the /batch command to upload all or part of the settings back into the bot. Just send it a list of commands starting with /batch, where each line is a separate command. The bot will understand everything and execute each command sequentially!

What's it for, you ask? There are tons of uses for it! For example, you connected Junction Bot on your work account, customized everything, and then decided to switch to a personal account. Re-enter all the subscriptions and filters? Of course not. First - export, second - import. And all the settings are already on the new account!

Or you found a set of filters to track a certain topic. Why not share it with your colleagues? You upload the settings to a file and share it. And it's just as easy to transfer settings between sources. Upload, grab the settings you want, change the link to the source, import - all in a matter of seconds!

In short, my friend, exporting and importing settings gives power, convenience, and freedom for every Junction Bot user. Try it, experiment, share with friends! And we, the Junction Bot team, are already thinking about what cool features to develop next. Have ideas or suggestions - welcome in the comments, let's discuss!

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Junction Bot News

Hey, friends, Junction Bro here! 👋😎📂

Today, I want to delve deeper into one of the coolest new features of Junction Bot - grouping sources using Telegram folders. It's convenient and saves a ton of time!

Imagine you have several channels or chats with similar themes, and you want to apply the same filtering, formatting, etc., settings to them. Without grouping, you would have to set up forwarding for each source separately, and that's quite a hassle...

But with Junction Bot, this problem is solved in no time. Just create a folder, throw in sources, create forwarding with this folder as the source — done! One set of settings — and they are automatically applied to all sources in the folder.

You can change the composition of the folder — the forwarding will automatically update. After the name of the folder in the settings, the bot will show the number of channels, groups, and personal chats in its composition — a kind of mini-statistics, something Telegram itself doesn't show. Beautiful!

If you have a separate forwarding from a specific channel, and that same channel is included in a folder that is also a source - don't worry, there will be no duplicates. The bot is smart, it will take the settings of the individual forwarding and apply them to the message from this channel. Everything is clear and without confusion!

In short, friends, if you haven't used source grouping in Junction Bot yet - it's high time to try. It's really convenient and boosts your content management efficiency. But note that this feature requires Direct Connection - it's worth it, believe me!

So, what do you think about this update? Are you already planning which folders you'll create and how you'll organize your chats and channels? Share your ideas and lifehacks in the comments - let's together unleash the full potential of this cool Junction Bot feature!

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Junction Bot News

Junction Bro here! 👋😎🧪

You know well how indispensable Junction Bot can be on a journey through the stormy ocean of information. That's why Bro has so many friends. And some of them are happy to share their experience. Over to Alexander:

So, I work at State University of Chemistry and Technology as an engineer for scientific and technical information. One of my duties is to collect and post information about upcoming conferences related to the university's scientific fields on the university's website. I try to automate this task as much as possible, and here's how I do it:
1) I collect information into a "junk" channel using your bot.
2) Then, I filter the necessary information into a more useful channel.
3) Finally, I personally review the filtered channel and select information for the 'clean' channel, which is used by the university staff.

Scientific communication is a worthy application for Junction Bot! Besides the overall reduction in labor, Alexander appreciates the service for its duplicate removal and AI filtering features. By the way, our friend threw in a cool idea about GPT digests, and the developers are already thinking about how to implement it. Thanks for the story and insight, Alexander!

I'm sure you, friends, have your unique experiences and ideas for improving Junction Bot. Share them in the comments. Let's together explore new scenarios and possibilities. Productive work with Junction Bot and stay in touch!

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Junction Bot News

Hey, Junction Bro here! 👋😎

Friends often ask Bro how Junction Bot copes with forwarding into and from groups divided into topics. It's easy to get lost in endless topics, but Junction Bot effortlessly carves its path even through the slums of supergroups. Let's break down what it specifically offers here:

1. Forwarding from a Specific Topic
Need to forward messages only from one topic across the entire group? A filter will help us out. To set a topic filter, use the command: /filtertopic source_channel mustHave topicID

To determine the topic number of a group, take a link to any message in the topic. The number in the middle of the link is the topic identifier. For example, if the link is /channel/randomchat/1203/65456, the topic number is 1203.

2. Forwarding to a Specific Topic
Conversely, this function will help direct forwarding to a chosen topic. Where to find it: Menu → Forwarding settings → Choose source and destination → Send to topic. You already know how to determine the topic number.

These functions are invaluable for content management, allowing you to extract only the information you need from groups and deliver it to its destination in large communities.

How do you use these features in your projects? Do you have any secret life hacks? Share in the comments!

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Junction Bot News

Junction Bro here! 👋😎📝

The new feature of Junction Bot, forwarding from folders, is the perfect solution for those who value order and efficiency when working with Telegram. However, when consolidating information streams, it's often important to maintain source attribution. I'll tell you about two ways to indicate the author when forwarding in Junction Bot.

1. "Message Author" Setting
Where to find: Menu → Forwarding Settings → Select Source and Destination → Author
You can choose how the author's name will be displayed, and the bot will make it a link to the author's profile.

2. "Delivery Mode" Setting
Where to find: Menu → Forwarding Settings → Select Source and Destination → Delivery Mode → forward_client.
This method allows the use of Telegram's standard message forwarding function, preserving information about the original message's author.

These features are designed to assist content curators in preserving the original author's credit, and enable communities to easily trace and reference sources during discussions.

Which of these settings do you use more often in your projects? Share in the comments!

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Junction Bot News

Bro's back in touch, buddy! 👋😎

Today, I want to share a convenient way to manage your subscriptions in Junction Bot for those using the Standard plan. If you haven't used this lifehack yet, you're definitely missing out! Subscriptions in Junction Bot are essentially forwarding to the bot. This means you can easily manage them right from the web menu using "forwarding settings".

What's the convenience? All your subscriptions are displayed in the web application, simplifying their review and management. Use the search feature to save your time from scrolling through the entire list. Change settings or unsubscribe from channels in just a few clicks!

You know, the Bro team is always striving to make Junction Bot even more useful and functional. Tell us, what features are you missing most in the web application? What would make your experience with Junction Bot even more enjoyable and efficient? Share your ideas and suggestions in the comments!

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Junction Bot News

Buddy, Junction Bro here! 👋😎🗓

A while back, we introduced a few features as an experiment. Back then, we thought they were just cool little extras. I'm talking about the forwarding parameters: Delay, Schedule, and Message Rate.

Turns out, our admin friends saw great potential in these little tricks for solving a crucial admin task: automated content posting! Let me explain the idea: it might be much more convenient to fill your private storage-group with ready content and let the bot publish according to media plan than to manually load up scheduled posts each time. And think of the possibilities for teamwork!

So, we've seriously started thinking about creating a full-fledged scheduler as part of Junction Bot. It's a promising idea, and our developers have already rolled up their sleeves.

But what's this endeavor without your input! What features would you like to see in our wonder auto-poster? Share your ideas, and together we'll create the scheduler of our dreams!

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Junction Bot News

Hey, Junction Bro here! 👋😎

Modern life has turned into an endless techno festival. Lights flicker everywhere, and the digital beep and crackle come from every little household item. For now, it's mostly notifications, but the most advanced gear has already started talking. Wherever you look — innovations are blooming wildly.

It's captivating... until the air of novelty becomes too heavy. Indeed, life has never been so complicated as in this era of "simplicity and convenience." Our attention flutters like a fish in an aquarium. We've lost our former receptiveness. For many, information overload is the "new normal."

So how do we mitigate the negative effects of the gadget dictatorship? Quit social media? Swap smartphones for button phones? Move out of the city and settle in a hut? No, not necessarily (though for some, these options might work perfectly). Bro knows the answer: the problem isn't technology itself, but how we use it.

Digital minimalism changes the approach to the subject. The concept was popularized by author Cal Newport in his book of the same name. Here are the two main points:

Intentionality and mindfulness. Ask yourself: when you open this app, are you doing it consciously? Is there a specific purpose to the launch? Struggling with the answer? Uninstall it without further hesitation.

Quality over quantity. It doesn't matter how many apps your phone can run at once, how many subscriptions are in your Telegram. How many of them truly enhance your life? Admit it, most just weigh you down. Give preference to what genuinely brings something useful into your life. And don't be afraid to discard the excess, happiness isn't in the quantity.

These principles may seem trivial, but try to adhere to them for just a week and see how your world clears up. I'll share more practical tips on digital hygiene from Dr. Newport with you, but for now, lay it on me — how do you manage to keep your sanity in our era of information deluge?

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Junction Bot News

Junction Bro is here! 🫵😎

You already know that in the world of turbulent information flows, maintaining control over our time and attention is a real science. But how can we master it?

Bro doesn't just understand your aspirations; he shares them. Bro will offer you specific steps so you can finally tame this information chaos:

Watch the video — learn more about the capabilities and convenience of using our bot.

Read the manual — get acquainted with detailed instructions for setting up and optimizing your news feed.

Activate the trial version — try all the Junction Bot features for free and see their effectiveness for yourself.

Join our group — Bro's friends will always support and share their experience.

Message us — our team is always connected, ready to help you get started.

Junction Bot is here to be your reliable compass on this journey. We believe everyone deserves to live a life filled only with meaningful and useful content. So, don't delay, act — because it's your actions that will lead to the changes you dream of.

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Junction Bot News

Hey there, Junction Bro here! 👋😎

Every great story begins with a story of a person. Yes, today Junction Bot is one of the most popular and advanced services in its niche, but back in 2016, it started as just a small pet-project by developer Andrey. When a new feature - channels - appeared in his favorite messenger, he quickly appreciated all its advantages but also faced the same problem as most of you – too many channels of interest. Subscription management simply became uncontrollable. Being a staunch proponent of optimizing all aspects of life, Andrey didn't give up in the face of difficulty and created the first version of the bot. It collected content from several channels into one feed, preliminarily filtering out unnecessary information.

After a year of development and using the bot himself, our hero realized: this was not just a convenient utility, it was a real gem. Junction Bot indeed helped to control the flow of information. And then the decision was made: it was time to share his creation with the world. In 2017, the first public version was released, which immediately found its fans. From the very beginning of this phase, Andrey bet on feedback from users. It became the compass that guided the project in the right direction. Every new feature, every improvement was the result of your suggestions and ideas, friends.

Today, Junction Bot helps more than 100,000 users monthly. Alongside another brainchild of the team grows - Lectum, a subscription management bot for admins of paid channels. Now, the developers are looking to the future, wondering if they can create something even greater. They invite all friends of Junction Bro to join them in this quest for answers. Share your stories about how you use Junction Bot, what features you like, and what more you would like to see. Your feedback is the fuel for our growth and development.

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Junction Bot News

Friends, a couple of news:
- We've moved to a new server. Now everything should work even faster! Remember that if you have delays on the DC, you can remove them with the /support command.
- Finally, we have added the ability to manage subscription settings (news feed) in the web app, where forwarding settings are now. Including settings of all service channels!

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Junction Bot News

Hello, friend, Junction Bro here! 👋😎🗝

Today, I'm excited to announce the relaunch of our channel. We'll be transforming it into an extensive knowledge base about Junction Bot: from step-by-step guides for beginners to cunning tricks and unusual usage scenarios for pros. 🐣📚👨‍🔧

Our team has amassed a wealth of knowledge and we can't wait to share it with you, but we're equally eager to hear your voice — comments are now open for opinions and experiences. Feedback helps us grow! 🌱💬🪴

There's a lot more to come, so subscribe to stay tuned!

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Junction Bot News

Friend, Junction Bro is on the line!👋😎

Today, we will be discussing in detail one of the most powerful features of Direct Connection with Junction Bot — the ability to forward messages from other bots and and vice versa. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for automating and integrating various services directly within Telegram.

Let me first remind you that Direct Connection allows you to link your Telegram account with Junction Bot, enabling you to control the flow of messages from any source it's a member of. Messages are delivered without delay, making this tool ideal for handling information quickly.

One of the standout features of Direct Connection is the ability to forward messages from other bots. This opens the door to creating comprehensive automated solutions within your Telegram environment. For instance, you could connect a bot that applies watermarks to images or automatically decodes voice messages.

How to set it up? Simply use the /new command as for a common forwarding. You can choose between the bots you have activated as the source or destination.

Direct connections and message forwarding between bots are powerful tools for enhancing the functionality of your Telegram projects. Utilize these features to create more efficient and automated workflows. Experiment, try out different options, and don't hesitate to share your experiences or ask questions. Junction Bro is always here to help you make the most out of all the capabilities of Junction Bot.

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Junction Bot News

Hey, Junction Bro here! 👋😎✨

Let's continue diving into the magic of regular expressions. Last time, we talked about filtering with RegEx. But the true power of regexes is unleashed when you start using them for text modification. You can not just find certain patterns, but transform them almost any way you like!

To make the bot recognize regular expressions, don't forget to check the RE box next to the relevant rule. Or, if you're more comfortable with commands, use /filterrx.

Remove all HTML tags? 👉 Replace <[^>]*> with an empty field.

Hide email addresses? 👉 Set up a replacement for \b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b with [email hidden].

Delete text from all image captions? 👉 Just replace .* with an empty field.

Make all numbers bold? 👉 Replace ([0-9]+) with <b>$1</b>

In the last example, we use $1 to insert the text found by RegEx back into the replacement. This is a very powerful tool! You can use brackets ( ) to capture multiple text fragments and then insert them in the desired order using $1, $2, etc.

All details and examples are on the website. I'll repeat, RegEx is a complex tool that requires practice. But believe me, buddy, once you master it, you'll be able to automate tasks you couldn't even dream of before.

Try the examples from this post, study RegEx, experiment. And don't forget to share your best finds in the comments. That's all for today. Keep casting magic!

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Junction Bot News

Buddy, Junction Bro is on the line! 👋😎

Today, we'll dive into a hot topic — how to forward premium content with Junction Bot. We're talking about premium emojis and long captions for media, available only to Telegram Premium owners.

According to the strict laws of Telegram, bots can't directly use premium features. But Junction Bot has its own trick up its sleeve! If you have a premium account connected to the bot via Direct Connection, you can set it up to send messages on behalf of your account. Then all the premium perks will be preserved in forwarding! I've recently talked about how to do this. But remember, the premium must be for the account to which Junction Bot is connected.

As for long captions, Junction Bot can send them as separate messages! This helps to keep the entire text, even without a premium subscription. Just activate the separate mode in the Caption settings. I've talked more about this feature here. As you see, it has a multitude of useful applications!

These are the premium tricks Junction Bot has in store! Try, experiment, enhance your channels and chats. And if you have questions or cool life hacks on this topic — welcome to the comments, Junction Bro is always happy to respond!

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Junction Bot News

Friends, Junction Bro here! 👋😎

Today, I want to address one of the most common questions Junction Bot users ask me: "How to forward the caption separately from the picture and vice versa?". Well, let's dive into it!

So, imagine: you have a post with interesting information that you want to keep, but the photo is completely unnecessary. Or, conversely, you only need the picture without the text. What to do?

Bro says, "Relax, I've got everything covered!". Head to Menu → Forwarding settings, select the required source and destination, and behold the magical Caption option.

Here we have three options for dealing with it:

separate — The picture and the caption will come as two separate messages. First the photo, then the text. Clean and neat.

caption_name — for those who like everything in one. The picture and caption will be formatted in a single message, even with the source mentioned and a link to the original post. However, if the caption is too long, the bot will trim it a bit.

text_only — only the caption, without any pictures. Pure text, nothing extra. Ideal for those who save on data or just don't like visual noise.

In cases where only the picture is needed, creating a replacement rule will help:

1. Go to Replacements in the forwarding settings and create a rule.
2. Use the regular expression .* in the first field, it means "all text."
3. Leave the second field empty.
4. Check the RE box so the bot processes the regular expression and don't forget to save. This rule will remove the caption, and messages without pictures won't be forwarded at all.

In short, friends, now you know how to tame pictures and captions in Junction Bot. Try different options, experiment, and tailor everything to your needs. If you have questions or cool lifehacks on this topic — share them in the comments. Junction Bro is always connected and ready to learn wisdom from its users!

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Junction Bot News

Hey, friend! Junction Bro here. 👋😎

Today, let's tackle one of the frequent questions new users ask me — can I change the displayed name and avatar of the bot when forwarding to my group or channel? You know, many would like messages to come not from Junction Bot but under their own name. Unfortunately, there's no direct way for such renaming — such are Telegram's limitations...

But for "Direct Connection" subscribers, there are workarounds! Just set up forwarding on behalf of your account by changing the delivery mode. To do this, go to Menu → Forwarding settings → Source and destination → Delivery mode and choose copy_client.

Done! Now, either your name and personal photo or the group's avatar (if the "Remain anonymous" option is enabled in its settings) will be proudly displayed in your group as a post's author. And the best part — with this forwarding method, you don't even need to add the bot to the chat! However, note that buttons in messages won't be preserved.

So, as you see, even if there's no direct path, Junction Bro always finds a way around. Do you have your own hacks for setting up Junction Bot? Share in the comments, let's hack the system together!

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Junction Bot News

In our news channel, you've probably already had a chance to meet Junction Bro, the great master of optimization and information flow control. Now you have a chance to chat with him and become even closer. Write 24/7 to @junction_bro_bot, he will be happy to answer your questions on Junction Bot customization!
Please don't forget to rate his answers with the buttons under each message, it will help us to pay attention to weaknesses in the knowledge of our new assistant and fix them.
Bro is working in test mode and answers only to questions of users on paid accounts. Later - we'll see!

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Junction Bot News

Friends, Junction Bro is back online! 👋😎👍

Today, I'll tell you about a useful feature that our admin friends particularly appreciate. It helps control the content you forward. I'm talking about the review mode.

Review mode allows you to manually edit posts from the source before publishing them in the destination channel, and also to manually approve posts for forwarding or skip them. You can enable it through Menu → Forwarding Settings → Select source and destination → Review Mode or by using the command /settingchannel source_link review on.

When review mode is enabled, for each new post in the source, the connected account will send a copy of the post to a special bot @Junction_Review_Bot. Below this post, you'll find information about the source and destination, and buttons "Publish" and "Skip". You can edit the post directly in the chat with @Junction_Review_Bot and publish it to the destination by clicking "Publish".

You can also send posts for approval to a service group, which is helpful for teamwork and sometimes just more convenient. To do this, use the setting Menu → Forwarding Settings → Select source and destination → Review Group.

This feature is especially useful for administrators of groups and channels who want to control the quality of content and edit it manually before it is published. Share in the comments what tasks you solve using the review mode.

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Junction Bot News

☀️ Friends,
The first update of this spring. And what an update! We haven't been this excited since we added ChatGPT integration... Junction Bot can now work with Telegram folders! Just select the folder itself as the source, no need to add a forwarding rule to each channel. And, accordingly, you can keep one set of settings for the whole folder, it will be applied to every member of it.
All this is still in testing mode, you know😅.... For more details, read our tried and true documentation.
Isn't it a dream? Test it, send us feedback and enjoy using it!


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Junction Bot News

Hey, buddy, Junction Bro here! 👋😎

Have you ever thought about boosting your forwarding system with AI? Imagine how it could change the game. Let's dive in. We've integrated the ability to use ChatGPT so you can automate cool stuff without leaving Telegram. How about translating texts, analyzing and summarizing large volumes of information, or even creating "smart" filters for content? All of this is now possible! Check it out:

1. Prompt for automatic translation:

Translate the following text into German: ${body}

You'll be able to create an automatic mirror of your channel in different languages by setting up copying from the original channel.

2. Prompt for smart filtering:
If the text mentions a deal's success probability of 90% or higher, send it to me unchanged. Otherwise, reply 'copying not required'. ${body}

Use AI as a filter that lets through only the messages you need. Those marked for deletion can easily be filtered out with a regular filter.

3. Prompt for summarizing texts:
Summarize the following text and present the key theses as a numbered list: ${body}

Get the essence of long articles or reports to quickly grasp their key ideas.

Activating the integration with OpenAI API is a breeze: Menu → Forwarding settings → Select source and destination → Integrations. Use AI for experiments or regular work — we've got convenient payment options for every case.

And a little future note. We're working on improving our bot's support, and soon we'll introduce a support chatbot based on AI. This will make your experience with Junction Bot even more enjoyable.

Now, tell us, how do you use the GPT integration? What cool things have you managed to do? Share in the comments, let's explore the new horizons of possibilities in Telegram together!

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Junction Bot News

Hey crew, Junction Bro here! 👋😎🔎

Today's post is for those facing unruly filter behavior. Here's what to do when they stop playing by your rules:

1. Dive into Settings → Click on Menu → Forwarding Settings → Select source and destination → Click on Explain-report. You've got a VIP pass to the filter party in your pocket.

2. Get details on every message — With Explain mode activated, you'll know exactly which filters triggered and why. All the details right at your fingertips!

3. A separate channel for reports? Bingo! — Create a channel, enable Explain there, and toss in messages for analysis. It's like having your own private detective in the world of filters.

A real-life story: How Eser wrestled with the "Affiliate Reward: 5%" filter. It stubbornly refused to work correctly. After some mystical rituals, a visit to regex101, and a chat with support, he realized the issue wasn't complexity, but precision in setting. The original message contained hidden formatting only revealed in the report. Ultimately, a simple tweak to the filter fixed the issue, and the desired messages flowed like a river.

Remember, filters are case-sensitive. If things go awry, Explain mode can be your lifesaver, sparing you loads of time and nerves.

Got your own filter battle stories or a cool life hack? Share in the comments, let's make our collective journey more enjoyable and simpler!

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Junction Bot News

Friends, a couple of new features have been added with the latest update:
- Message history can now be copied from private chats with other users or bots as well.
- It is now possible to create a forwarding rule from a private chat to the same private chat. In combination with ChatGPT on such a forwarding rule this can be used as an autoresponder.
Have a great weekend!

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Junction Bot News

Hello, Junction Bro here! 👋😎

You know, I have many entertaining stories to share. But even the most vivid retelling can't replace the kind words and life wisdom shared by our Bro's friends. My long-time friend Nikolai writes:

Hello everyone! I want to share my experience in creating feeds of my favorite channels. I've been on Telegram for about two years. During this time, I accumulated over 70 channels on various topics. Reading and managing them became difficult. I first tried using the system folders - Telegram offers ten for free. I organized them by topics. It was better than before, but there still was no unified feed - each channel was separate. While browsing reviews of useful bots, I stumbled upon a description of the Junction Bot. Tried the demo version - it works. Easy to set up. I bought a subscription. Next:

1. I launched the bot in a separate folder, which I named 'MY FEEDS'.

2. I created several service group chats, each named by topic (news, culture, analytics, etc.), and even put effort into setting avatars.

3. In each chat, I subscribed to the relevant channels by topic. Result: each chat got its own feed, using filters to manage incoming messages. I'm extremely pleased... 😇👍

This way, Nikolai transformed his Telegram experience using Junction Bot. And, in my opinion, his method of organizing the news flow is noteworthy: all information is neatly sorted into personal channels, while the internal chat of the bot itself remains free for a convenient conversation with the bot itself. Thus, Nikolai manages information, rather than being overwhelmed by it as before. Well, now it's your turn, friend. How does Junction Bot help you?

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Junction Bot News

Hello, Bro on the line. 👋😎📰

In our last conversation, you were surprised, wondering why Fred's business matters and what do I care about 600 channels in his network? How does it relate to me?

My answer is this: whoever you are on Telegram, a prominent admin or an ordinary reader, alone you are nothing against the power of large numbers. Think about it: every day 1,700,000 public channels and chats produce 40,000,000 new publications and messages. And this number has doubled in a year! “Well, that’s for everyone, we’ve grown too,” you might say. But no, the average number of channels each user is subscribed to is also growing. If in 2021 only every third person was subscribed to more than 25 channels, now half are! And every fourth person is subscribed to more than 50 channels. Yes, today even a simple attempt to organize your own subscriptions becomes a challenge as big as managing a huge network.

This is exactly what I'm talking about, friend — in this information storm, we all are in the same boat. But whatever happens, Junction Bro has a lifebuoy for everyone. Even on the basic plan for just a euro, Junction Bot will help tame up to 100 channels, combining them into one feed and clearing all unnecessary content. You can try it right now, you get control over a feed of seven channels from me for free. And for the bravest heroes of Telegram, Bro has a special tool: direct connection. On this plan, there are no limits on the number of subscriptions and redirects, nor on the types of sources and content. With these tools, you can control information flows, filter them, and direct them along any routes you need.

Junction Bro has an instrument for everyone, regardless of the scale of their business. But hey, how do you cope with this? Share, how many channels are you subscribed to and how many do you really read?

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Junction Bot News

Junction Bro on the line, friend! 👋😎📞

You've always known — whoever controls information, controls the world. And one day you woke up realizing that you had long lost this power. The desire to reclaim it brought you to Telegram. Here, you met Junction Bro and his friends. We are here for one purpose: to give everyone back the ability to manage information, not to be overwhelmed by it. Indeed, today in Junction Bot our friends already read news in a feed without any distractions. And many have found a way to extract from the endless streams of information exactly what helps in making the right decisions. 🌀👑🌍

But sometimes, friend, you find yourself at the center of the cyclone, and then it's no time for jokes. Listen to the story of my old buddy Fred:
Well, we have a pretty large network of channels, themed 'vacancies,' about 600 of them.
Indeed, how to manage such an enterprise is a great mystery, but the master shared with his Bro friends his main secret:
A lot is tied to Junction Bot.
Fred's method involves building a hierarchy of channels based on a regional principle: from cities to regions and the entire country. With the help of Junction Bot, he created a system of cascading redirections, allowing content to be spread through this multi-dimensional network.
I can't imagine how one could manually post an ad in 600 channels.
And not just mass posting, but targeting specific regions or cities. The information reaches the local audience — a challenging task for Telegram.
For networkers, your bot is a huge salvation, indeed!

Fred's story is a vivid example of how Junction Bot and business acumen help in managing the most complex and large-scale projects. I have plenty more examples like this. And know — I am always ready to be a guide in your informational adventures. Alright, enough stories from me. You surely have a couple or more worthy stories of your own for Bro and his friends. Share, how do you manage to stay afloat in the turbulent waters of Telegram? Does Junction Bot helps? 🌬🧘🌊"

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Junction Bot News

⚙️ Friends, a pretty little update!
Now you can enable/disable/delete forwarding rules via a web-interface.

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