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Today, we stand with our brothers and sisters in marking the 76th year of Nakba, the Palestinian Catastrophe.

Since the late 40s, the situation has only worsened. In October 2023, another Nakba began, one arguably worse than the last.

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Today marks the Nakba, the "Catastrophe" in Arabic, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homes in 1948, orchestrated by Zionist forces.

Supported by the major powers of the world, Zionist gangs attacked Palestinian cities, destroying some 530 villages, killing over 13,000 and displacing over 700,000, around two-thirds of the whole population.

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Which country has the best mental health?

The answer may surprise you.

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Chinese leader Xi Jinping has visited Europe this week, with many citing the visit as a frantic attempt to iron out ongoing economic disputes between the EU and China.

But we will not let this distract from the ongoing Uyghur genocide, in which millions have been put into concentration camps, forcibly sterilised, had foetuses aborted, wombs removed, raped, or killed.


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Ireland's oldest university is cutting ties with all Israeli businesses after a successful five-day student protest.

The decision will hit firms that operate shamelessly in occupied Palestine and those on the UN blacklist.

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Almost 2,000 vulnerable children have been abandoned by the Home office, after a technical flaw led to cases being removed.

According to data, many of these young people may have been trafficked or victims of modern slavery.

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The recent seizure of the Rafah Border Crossing by Zionist forces has sparked a renewed humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with aid deliveries halted and civilian movement restricted.

Notably, it is the one and only gateway between Gaza and Egypt.

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No European country has gone further than Germany in its violent crack-down on Palestinian solidarity, but western media outlets are silent.

Dr. Salman Butt speaks to historian Dr. Stef Keris who was raised in Germany and knows the people and landscape well enough to help us understand just what the heck is happening and what we need to do about it.

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Universities across the United States have become battlegrounds for pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrators, resulting in hundreds of arrests and violent clashes.

In one example at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), what began as a peaceful rally for a ceasefire in Gaza, quickly descended into disorder when counter demonstrators breached security barriers, leading to verbal and physical attacks.

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In a fantastic unified show of support for the people of Gaza, celebrated faces will take part in a special game to raise awareness of the plight of Gaza's girls and boys. Led by Nujum Sports, the line-up is expected to star top current and former European players, including Robin van Persie, former Manchester United striker and all-time top scorer for the Dutch national squad; Sam Morsy, Ipswich Town captain and midfielder; Emile Heskey, former Liverpool, Leicester City, and Aston Villa striker; and many more big names.

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”With torture, you live it twice. Once, when it happens and, once again, when you have to tell it.”

In this third instalment of A Boy Named Justice — a special Islam21c-CAGE International project, penned by none other than Zimarina Sarwar — we learn about Shaykh Adel Abdul Bary's insatiable hunger for 'ilm, and how it has shaped him into the man he is today.

We also hear about his wife's remarkable strength of character, always remaining hopeful and full of optimism, whilst carrying their family in his unavoidable absence.

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The world has watched for over 200 days, as a live genocide has taken place right in front of us.

Abu Ubaydah, Spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, mentioned in a series of messages that Israel has not been able to achieve any of its goals in Gaza.

In fact, the only thing they have achieved is the massacre of civilians and civilian infrastructure.

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The three-way meeting held between the Turkish and Egyptian Foreign Ministers, Turkish President Erdoğan, and Palestine's Ismail Haniyeh, is a step in the right direction.
However, more Muslim countries should be taking on the responsibility to support an end to 200+ days of genocidal destruction at the hands of the apartheid state.

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Instead of blaming the Gazans for causing death by applying the biological, moral, and societal imperative of armed resistance to genocide, blame them for desiring to live dignified lives. Blame them for refusing to lick the boots of their oppressors.

Blame them for wanting to live like lions. The lion, although arguably the most ferocious animal, has no predator! While the innocuous and docile sheep enjoys being the prey to almost everything else.

If you choose to lower your head before a genocidal entity, prepare to lose it. Gaza has chosen to resist.

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My message to Muslim parents is, we must no longer believe we are second-class citizens, no matter how much sections of British society seek to portray you as a fifth column, seeking to infiltrate public institutions, conspiring against “British values”. 

The mother and daughter who brought the case against Michaela School's discriminatory prayer ban showed resilience and bravery. They ought to be commended and supported. 

Far too many parents withdraw from difficult challenges for want of an easy life. This Muslim mother didn’t. May Allah (subḥānahu wa ta’āla) reward her for taking a stand.

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Though the adage “The apple never falls far from the tree” is ominously significant in this context, it fails to capture the rot setting into the apple, as Netanyahu drives the Zionist project to its ethical and political demise.
Netanyahu isn’t merely an apple under the fascist tree which designed the Nakba — he is its historical continuum, now rotting in its shadows.

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Cambridge University's richest college is divesting from all weapons firms including Elbit Systems.

It was previously revealed that Trinity had invested £61,735 at the notorious Israeli firm.

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The Gaza genocide has revealed many cracks in the current world order.

While many people are entering into Islam in droves, there is something beyond the personal spiritual, intellectual and moral void that needs filling.

Something wider. Something GLOBAL.

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Given the level of betrayal and indifference of some Arab and Muslim regimes, you may ask why I am wasting my time talking about military intervention by the official armies of these countries.

The so-called Israel Defense Forces is behind this ongoing genocide, but who makes up the real Zionist Defence Force?

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“I felt like I had entered Hell, since before and after your own beatings you would only hear the screams of the other prisoners being tortured, day and night.”

In this fourth instalment of A Boy Named Justice — an Islam21c-CAGE International project, authored by Zimarina Sarwar — we rejoin Shaykh Adel Abdul Bary whilst on the run from Egyptian state security on the orders of Anwar Sadat.

Why was he on the run? He had become prominent among his community for a fearless approach to Islamic education while speaking against state repression and corruption.

In the eyes of the government, he had to be stopped. His time was up.

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Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism. Just hear what this Jewish Rabbi says about those responsible for the ongoing genocide.

#rafah #palestine #gaza

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Families of prisoners of war still being held in Gaza have taken to the streets of Tel Aviv to call on Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government to accept the latest ceasefire deal. Israel has refused to accept the deal, saying it did not address its core demands. 
Now, the IDF says it is conducting “a limited operation” in Rafah to kill Palestinian fighters and dismantle infrastructure used by Hamas.
In a statement, the Palestinian resistance organisation said, "If his aggression continues, he will only suffer more defeats and disgrace." 
"The occupation army’s storming of the Rafah crossing, and its barbaric and criminal bombing, at the insistence of Netanyahu and his extremist warlords, is an open attempt to sabotage all the efforts of the mediators to achieve an agreement to stop the aggression against our people, and at the same time it is a desperate attempt to create an image of an illusion of victory to save face."

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Many British Muslims are aware of the illustrious history of the Ottomans, but few may know about a special, and recent, connection to the dynasty found right here in the UK.

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"I'm so proud of you”

Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad has an important message about our duty to support the brave students protesting all across America.

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Robert Cohen, a Professor of Social Studies and History at New York University, who is knowledgeable on the topic of student activism, has stated that the continuing demonstrations in support of Palestine could be “the largest student movement so far”.
Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad encourages us to learn from the young students in America bravely demonstrating against the Zionist genocide in Gaza, and make it global.

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Shaykh Dr Haitham al-Haddad answers the question on many Muslim Londoners' minds: 
Who do we vote for in the the upcoming mayoral elections?
They discuss broader strategies for weighing individuals and candidates in light of Islamic principles, as well as practically what Muslim Londoners should do on Thursday.

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Palestine has surely taught us the real meaning of freedom, especially as it remains free despite being oppressed.

And there’s nothing more infuriating to an oppressor than witnessing their oppressed embody and express liberation and independence from them.

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Ever met an innocent person who was stuck behind bars for over a decade, without so much as a charge, let alone trial?  

In this second instalment of A Boy Named Justice — written by our prominent contributor, Zimarina Sarwar, and a joint Islam21c-CAGE International project — we learn about Shaykh Adel Abdel Bary's roots, a country named Egypt.

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Many Muslims have misunderstood modernity, postmodernism and secularism.
US-based Imam Tom Facchine challenges conventional wisdom and takes on contentious topics in today's Unscripted podcast.
From exposing Jordan Peterson's "intellectual" theories to exploring the intricate concepts of deconstruction, modernism, and postmodernism.
Speaking on his personal journey to Islam, Imam Tom shares why Islam emerged as a formidable contender against Western epistemology as he navigated through postmodernist deconstruction, ultimately finding solace and truth in Islam. 
Learn about the pitfalls modern Muslims face, from falling into societal traps to grappling with secularism, hijab, red-pill, and Tateism.

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Many parents, students, and school leaders were understandably shocked to learn about the recent High Court ruling which upheld Michaela Community School’s controversial ritual prayer ban.

But the judgment leaves a number of serious questions unanswered.

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