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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: Buy Ads: 👇👇👇

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📔need (something) (about) as much as (one) needs a hole in the head

📋To have absolutely no need or use for something.

🗣I'm perfectly happy having a cell phone that just makes phone calls—I need a fancy new smartphone about as much as I need a hole in the head.
🗣We have enough problems with the business as it is, so we need an audit as much as we need a hole in the head.


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📔 go through the roof

  to become very angry or upset

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 When they realized he'd lied to them, his parents went through the roof.

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📔 sitting duck

a person or thing with no protection against an attack or other source of danger.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 Nancy knew she'd be a sitting duck when she raised the trap door. 

🗣The senator was a sitting duck because of his unpopular position on school reform. 

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📔 Storm in a teacup (UK idiom)

   A small event that has been exaggerated out of proportion.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 The whole controversy turned out to be a storm in a teacup.

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📔 Sitting on the fence

  a person's lack of decisiveness, neutrality or hesitance to choose between two sides in an argument or a competition, or inability to decide due to lack of courage. 

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “The councilman is afraid he'll lose votes if he takes sides on the zoning issue, but he can't sit on the fence forever.”

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📔 Time flies

  used to observe that time seems to pass very quickly.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 "people say time flies when you're having fun"

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📔 Storm in a teacup (UK idiom)

   A small event that has been exaggerated out of proportion.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 The whole controversy turned out to be a storm in a teacup.

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📔 Sitting on the fence

  a person's lack of decisiveness, neutrality or hesitance to choose between two sides in an argument or a competition, or inability to decide due to lack of courage. 

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “The councilman is afraid he'll lose votes if he takes sides on the zoning issue, but he can't sit on the fence forever.”

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📔 raise the roof

make or cause someone else to make a great deal of noise, especially through cheering. 

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 "when I finally scored the fans raised the roof"

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📔 the big picture

  the situation as a whole.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 "he's so involved in the minutiae that he often overlooks the big picture"

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📔 roll (one's) eyes

To turn one's eyes upward or around in a circle, usually as an expression of exasperation, annoyance, impatience, or disdain.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Don't you roll your eyes at me, young lady! You will finish your homework this instant, or you can kiss your weekend goodbye!

🗣I just rolled my eyes as my dad told another one of his corny jokes.

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📔 blow (one's) stack

To become very angry, often quickly.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Oh man, Dad is going to blow his stack when he sees that I wrecked his car!

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📔 shotgun house

slang A one-story house in which each room is in a straight alignment with the others, connected by a continuous hallway running from the front to the back of the residence. Chiefly used in the Southern United States.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣When our whole family goes to stay in my grandmother's shotgun house in New Orleans, it always feels like we're all right on top of one another.

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📔 seep out (of something)

Of a liquid, gel, paste, etc., to leak or flow out of some crack, breach, or flaw in something.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I realized there was a fire downstairs when I noticed smoke seeping into our bedroom.

🗣I made sure to make the container airtight so no moisture seeps in.

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📔 The sky is the limit

  If you say the sky is the limit, you mean that there is nothing to prevent someone or something from being very successful.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit. 

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📔 wide berth

A good distance (between things, people, etc.). Originally referred to ships.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Once I learned that there was a lice outbreak, I kept a wide berth from all of my students for the rest of the day.

🗣We've been keeping a wide berth from John ever since he dumped our good friend.

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📔 be not short of a penny (or two)

To be exceptionally wealthy; to have no concerns regarding money.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣A: "I just heard Sarah just lost her job!" B: "Well, her husband's family isn't short of a penny, so I think they'll be just fine."

🗣I once dated a guy who, though he was never short of a penny or two, was the most miserly person I'd ever met. He wouldn't even tip when we went out to eat!

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📔on the fiddle

Engaged in deceitful, fraudulent, or dishonest means of obtaining money.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣My career will be over if anyone ever finds out I was on the fiddle during my time as the company treasurer.

🗣There are always politicians on the fiddle, looking for ways to use their positions of power to earn a bit more money.

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📔 be tipping (it) down

To be raining very heavily. Primarily heard in UK.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣We have a football match scheduled for tomorrow, but if it keeps tipping down like it is today, I'm sure that it will be cancelled.

🗣Looks like it's tipping it down outside again. I guess I won't be cycling to work this morning.

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📔 get taken to task (by someone)

To be scolded, rebuked, reprimanded, or criticized (by someone).

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I got taken to task by the headmaster for disrupting class again

🗣It's not entirely fair that the bankers are the only ones getting taken to task for the economic collapse, when a great many politicians are to blame as well.

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📔a woman of her word

📋A woman who can be expected to keep or follow through with her promises or intentions; a truthful, trustworthy, or reliable person. (Masculine: "man of his word.")

🗣Bob, I'm a woman of my word. If I tell you I'll be at your house tomorrow morning at 10, then that's when I'll be there.
🗣I've found Mary to be a woman of her word so far, so I'm confident she'll get us the best deal possible.

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📔caught on the hop

📋To encounter or try to communicate or work with someone at an inopportune time, such as when they are busy or preoccupied; to catch one off guard.

🗣I'll definitely help you with that report later—you just happened to catch me on the hop right now.
🗣If Dean was grumpy, you probably just caught him on the hop.


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📔 living on the edge

 To have an adventurous or perilous lifestyle; to behave in a manner which creates risks for oneself.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 Despite the apparent respectability, he was a man who liked to live on the edge.

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📔 Fair and square

Being direct or fair.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣To tell you fair and square, I did everything that I was meant to do, but I still feel unfulfilled.   

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📔 To be in the doldrums

To be in a low spirit

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣When I got to know about the increasing cases of COVID 19 in my area, I was in the doldrums.

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📔 the elephant in the room

  a major problem or controversial issue which is obviously present but is avoided as a subject for discussion.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 "they've steadfastly ignored the elephant in the room: the ever-growing debt burden on graduates"

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📔 all sharped up

Very nicely dressed.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣The guys in the wedding party are all sharped up for the ceremony—they look so handsome!

🗣I have to be all sharped up at this event tonight—a lot of important people will be there.

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