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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: Buy Ads: 👇👇👇

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Drop like flies


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💯Highly Recommended☝️

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🐄 Cow Idioms


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🔰seal sb's fate

💢If an action, event, or situation seals your fate, nothing can stop some unpleasant thing happening to you:

🔺From the moment she stepped into the busy road her fate was sealed.


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🔋12 English Idioms with the word “Head” that you can use everyday.
It’s time for some more idioms and I’d like to dedicate this post to some common expressions we use with the word “head”. They are, in fact, idioms that are used very often in both spoken and written English.

I. I always keep my head.
💢Meaning: I never lose control of my emotions.

2. It never entered my head.
💢Meaning: I never even thought about it.

3. I brought matters to a head.
💢Meaning: I made sure something had to be decided.

4. My head is in the clouds.
💢Meaning: I’m not a practically minded person.

5. I can’t make head nor tail of this.
💢Meaning: I don’t understand it at all.

6. I’m in way over my head.
💢Meaning: I’m involved so far that it’s out of my control.

7. I could do it standing on my head.
💢Meaning: I find it really easy.

8. The fame has completely gone to my head.
💢Meaning: I’ve let my feelings get out of control.

9. He’s off his head.
💢Meaning: He’s gone mad or he is completely drunk (depending on the context)

10. She likes to keep her head down.
💢Meaning: She avoids attracting attention.

11. They’re still scratching their heads over the results.
💢Meaning: They’re finding it hard to understand the results.

12. That joke just went over my head.
💢Meaning: I didn’t understand the joke.

💥 @Idiomsland

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10 Non-Literal Idioms With THROW

🔰Throw A Wrench In The Works
✍🏾To do something that stops an event or activity from being successful. Origin of this idiom: a wrench is a type of tool, and if a wrench accidentally gets caught in machinery, the machine will stop working. Note: The British English form of this idiom is “put a spanner in the works.”

🔺“I’m trying to plan a birthday party for my husband, but his busy schedule is throwing a wrench in the works. It’s nearly impossible to find a night when he’s free.”

🔰Throw (Someone) Off / Throw (Someone) For A Loop
✍🏾To distract, confuse, or surprise someone, especially when they are in the middle of doing something that requires concentration. To “throw someone for a loop” is similar and emphasizes the sudden, intense surprise.

🔺“I think I answered all the questions in the job interview pretty well – except for the random one about my personal life. I wasn’t expecting it, so it threw me off.”
🔺“My father’s had a beard for as long as I can remember, so it really threw me for a loop when he shaved it off!”

🔰Throw In The Towel
✍🏾To give up, to admit failure.

🔺“After fifteen unsuccessful attempts to start a business, John finally threw in the towel.”

🔰Throw (Someone) Under The Bus
✍🏾To sacrifice someone who you had previously supported or agreed with.

🔺“I thought she was my friend, until she threw me under the bus and told our manager that the project’s failure was my fault.”

🔰Throw Oneself At
✍🏾Someone who is really desperate to be romantically involved with another person may “throw himself/herself” at that person – it means to do things that make your romantic/sexual interest extremely obvious. This is generally used with a negative connotation – it’s not considered something admirable to do.

🔺“Abigail can’t stand being single – she’s been throwing herself at every guy she meets ever since Brad broke up with her.”

🔰A Stone’s Throw From
✍🏾Very close, not far away.

🔺“Our hotel was just a stone’s throw from the beach – we could walk there in less than 5 minutes.”

🔰Throw Caution To The Wind
✍🏾To become very careless and take a dangerous risk.

🔺“I told him not to invest all his money in a single stock, but he threw caution to the wind and did it anyway.”

🔰Throw Together
✍🏾To create something in a rush.

🔺“We only had a half hour for lunch, so we just threw together a salad.”

🔰Throw A Tantrum
✍🏾To have a sudden explosion of angry, childish behavior. This phrase is often used with kids, but can be applied to adults when you want to emphasize that the behavior is immature.

🔺“My 6-year-old threw a tantrum when I said he couldn’t have dessert until he’d finished his broccoli.”

🔰I Wouldn’t Trust Him As Far As I Could Throw Him
✍🏾This means that you don’t trust somebody at all.
🔺“I don’t trust used car salesmen as far as I could throw them.”

#Idioms_with _THROW

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Idioms With Tools


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Idioms to say something is really easy


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💥on the wagon

🔰If you are on the wagon, you have decided not to drink any alcohol:
🔺He was on the wagon for ten years, when he was living in Connecticut.

🌀 @Idiomsland

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To Blow Hot and Cold


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✅Most common American idioms ( part 2 )

❗️It's just monkey business.
▪️The business is either his own business or fake.

❗️He'll weasel out.
▪️He'll back out of all agreements.

❗️She'll go ape.
▪️She'll become very upset.

❗️Let's talk turkey.
▪️Let's begin to talk seriously.

❗️Don't let the cat out of the bag.
▪️Don't tell our secret.

❗️Those are crocodile tears.
▪️Those are false tears.

❗️He's a card shark.
▪️He is a professional card player.

❗️We had a whale of a time.
▪️We had a great time.

❗️He drinks like a fish.
▪️He is a heavy alcohol drinker.

❗️I've got a frog in my throat.
▪️I need to clear my throat in order to talk right.

❗️He rolled snake eyes.
▪️His dice had two ones.

❗️She's pig-headed.
▪️She is very stubborn.

❗️It sounds fishy.
▪️It doesn't sound like it's true.

❗️Don't make a hog of yourself.
▪️Don't take more than your share.

❗️Quit horsing around.
▪️Stop being silly and get serious.

❗️He's a rat.
▪️He is not to be trusted.


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📌 idioms starting with #H

🛡Haste Makes Waste:
→Quickly doing things results in a poor ending.

🛡Hat Trick:
→When one player scores three goals in the same hockey game. This idiom can also mean three scores in any other sport, such as 3 home runs, 3 touchdowns, 3 soccer goals, etc.

🛡Have an Axe to Grind:
→To have a dispute with someone.

🛡He Lost His Head:
→Angry and overcome by emotions.

🛡Head Over Heels:
→Very excited and/or joyful, especially when in love.

🛡Hell in a Hand basket:
→Deteriorating and headed for complete disaster.

🛡High Five:
→Slapping palms above each others heads as celebration gesture.

🛡High on the Hog:
→Living in Luxury.

🛡Hit The Books:
→To study, especially for a test or exam.

🛡Hit The Hay:
→Go to bed or go to sleep.

🛡Hit The Nail on the Head:
→Do something exactly right or say something exactly right.

🛡Hit The Sack:
→Go to bed or go to sleep.

🛡Hocus Pocus:
→In general, a term used in magic or trickery.

🛡Hold Your Horses:
→Be patient.


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a (quick/brisk) trot through sth


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Steal someone's thunder


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📢📢📢Visit daily to learn some popular 🇬🇧English🇺🇸 phrases Words,Quotes,Slang,Idioms&Phrasal Verbs on a regular basis.

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🔰be nothing for it

🔜used to emphasize you will have to do a particular thing to solve a problem:

▪️There's nothing for it but to get some extra help.


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🔰be part and parcel of sth

✍🏾to be a feature of something, especially a feature that cannot be avoided:

🔺Being recognized in the street is part and parcel of being a celebrity.


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be worth your/its weight in gold


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Advanced English: 10 Non-Literal Idioms With THROW


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Medical and Health Idioms


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🔰take/sign the pledge


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A Hard Nut To Crack


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Run Idioms


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✅Most common American idioms ( part 3 )

❗️He ratted on me.
▪️He informed others about my secrets.

❗️She is a stool pigeon.
▪️She informs on everybody.

❗️I can't make heads or tails of it.
▪️I can't understand what you are talking about.

❗️She's no spring chicken.
▪️She is a tough old lady.

❗️She lost her head.
▪️She did something crazy.

❗️He can't keep his head above water.
▪️He's too busy with many things.

❗️That's just off the top of my head.
▪️Here's an idea without too much thought.

❗️She'll got her head in the clouds.
▪️Her ideas are not practical.

❗️She's levelheaded.
▪️She's always has good practical ideas.

❗️I've got a lump in my throat.
▪️I am emotionally involved and distressed.

❗️You'd better save your neck.
▪️You must survive this situation.

❗️You better turn the other cheek.
▪️ Don't let what they say bother you!

❗️Just swallow your pride.
▪️Forget your pride and solve the problem.

❗️My lips are sealed.
▪️I will never reveal the secret.

❗️It's a slap in the face.
▪️That is an insult.

❗️You can talk until you're blue in the face.
▪️They aren't listening to you.

❗️You must face the music.
▪️Admit your error solve it and go on.

❗️She's got a big mouth.
▪️She talks too much and says the wrong things.


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✅Most common American idioms (part 1)

❗️She is a peach.
▪️She's sweet and helpful.

❗️He's full of beans.
▪️He's not telling the truth.

❗️It's not my cup of tea.
▪️I don't care for that.

❗️He's full of baloney.
▪️He doesn't know what he's talking about.

❗️It's just sour grapes.
▪️They have resentment.

❗️That's corny.
▪️It's sentimental, old, and not funny anymore.

❗️I'm in a pickle.
▪️I'm in a dilemma.

❗️He brings home the bacon.
▪️He brings home the family money.

❗️She's in a stew.
▪️She's upset.

❗️He's the top banana.
▪️He's the headman.

❗️He's the salt of the earth.
▪️He's a very good person.

❗️She's worth her salt.
▪️She's a valuable employee.

❗️They're two peas in a pod.
▪️If you see one you see the other.

❗️I'm nuts about you.
▪️I'm in love with you.

❗️It's a piece of cake.
▪️It's quite simple.

❗️You can't have your cake and eat it too.
▪️You can't use it and save it.

❗️He's a real ham.
▪️He's just an actor (a bad actor.)

❗️It's a hard nut to crack.
▪️It's a difficult problem to solve.

❗️He's a bad egg.
▪️He cannot be trusted.

❗️We need to break the ice.
▪️Everyone's a little tense - lets be friendly.

❗️We'll get a baker's dozen.
▪️We'll get 13 items (one extra.)

❗️He's got a finger in every pie.
▪️He has many deals going.

❗️You'll have to take potluck.
▪️Be happy with what we have on hand.


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a (whole) heap of sth


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a (heavy) cross to bear


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