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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: Buy Ads: 👇👇👇

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Learn English Idioms Land

Advanced English: 10 Non-Literal Idioms With THROW


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Medical and Health Idioms


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🔰take/sign the pledge


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A Hard Nut To Crack


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Run Idioms


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✅Most common American idioms ( part 3 )

❗️He ratted on me.
▪️He informed others about my secrets.

❗️She is a stool pigeon.
▪️She informs on everybody.

❗️I can't make heads or tails of it.
▪️I can't understand what you are talking about.

❗️She's no spring chicken.
▪️She is a tough old lady.

❗️She lost her head.
▪️She did something crazy.

❗️He can't keep his head above water.
▪️He's too busy with many things.

❗️That's just off the top of my head.
▪️Here's an idea without too much thought.

❗️She'll got her head in the clouds.
▪️Her ideas are not practical.

❗️She's levelheaded.
▪️She's always has good practical ideas.

❗️I've got a lump in my throat.
▪️I am emotionally involved and distressed.

❗️You'd better save your neck.
▪️You must survive this situation.

❗️You better turn the other cheek.
▪️ Don't let what they say bother you!

❗️Just swallow your pride.
▪️Forget your pride and solve the problem.

❗️My lips are sealed.
▪️I will never reveal the secret.

❗️It's a slap in the face.
▪️That is an insult.

❗️You can talk until you're blue in the face.
▪️They aren't listening to you.

❗️You must face the music.
▪️Admit your error solve it and go on.

❗️She's got a big mouth.
▪️She talks too much and says the wrong things.


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✅Most common American idioms (part 1)

❗️She is a peach.
▪️She's sweet and helpful.

❗️He's full of beans.
▪️He's not telling the truth.

❗️It's not my cup of tea.
▪️I don't care for that.

❗️He's full of baloney.
▪️He doesn't know what he's talking about.

❗️It's just sour grapes.
▪️They have resentment.

❗️That's corny.
▪️It's sentimental, old, and not funny anymore.

❗️I'm in a pickle.
▪️I'm in a dilemma.

❗️He brings home the bacon.
▪️He brings home the family money.

❗️She's in a stew.
▪️She's upset.

❗️He's the top banana.
▪️He's the headman.

❗️He's the salt of the earth.
▪️He's a very good person.

❗️She's worth her salt.
▪️She's a valuable employee.

❗️They're two peas in a pod.
▪️If you see one you see the other.

❗️I'm nuts about you.
▪️I'm in love with you.

❗️It's a piece of cake.
▪️It's quite simple.

❗️You can't have your cake and eat it too.
▪️You can't use it and save it.

❗️He's a real ham.
▪️He's just an actor (a bad actor.)

❗️It's a hard nut to crack.
▪️It's a difficult problem to solve.

❗️He's a bad egg.
▪️He cannot be trusted.

❗️We need to break the ice.
▪️Everyone's a little tense - lets be friendly.

❗️We'll get a baker's dozen.
▪️We'll get 13 items (one extra.)

❗️He's got a finger in every pie.
▪️He has many deals going.

❗️You'll have to take potluck.
▪️Be happy with what we have on hand.


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a (whole) heap of sth


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a (heavy) cross to bear


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without a murmur


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swallow your words


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🔰" A bad break "

1. A misfortune. 2. A serious bone fracture.


1. Tony has lost his job, just when he needed the cash to move house. That's a bad break.
2. Tanya's leg was crushed when the rock fell on it - a really bad break the doctor said.

➖Where did it originate❓:
1. USA 2. UK.
➖Where is it used❔:
1. USA. 2. Widely used.


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famous last words


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📌 idioms starting with #G

🔰Get Down to Brass Tacks:
✔️To become serious about something.

🔰Get Over It:
✔️To move beyond something that is bothering you.

🔰Get Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed:
✔️Someone who is having a horrible day.

🔰Get Your Walking Papers:
✔️Get fired from a job.

🔰Give Him The Slip:
✔️To get away from. To escape.

🔰Go Down Like A Lead Balloon:
✔️To be received badly by an audience.

🔰Go For Broke:
✔️To gamble everything you have.

🔰Go Out On A Limb:
✔️Put yourself in a tough position in order to support someone/something.

🔰Go The Extra Mile:
✔️Going above and beyond whatever is required for the task at hand.

🔰Good Samaritan:
✔️Someone who helps others when they are in need, with no discussion for compensation, and no thought of a reward.

🔰Graveyard Shift:
✔️Working hours from about 12:00 am to 8:00 am. The time of the day when most other people are sleeping.

🔰Great Minds Think Alike:
✔️Intelligent people think like each other.

🔰Green Room:
✔️The waiting room, especially for those who are about to go on a tv or radio show.

🔰Gut Feeling:
✔️A personal intuition you get, especially when feel something may not be right.


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📌 idioms starting with #F

💯Feeding Frenzy:
🗨An aggressive attack on someone by a group.

💯Field Day:
🗨An enjoyable day or circumstance.

💯Finding Your Feet:
🗨To become more comfortable in whatever you are doing.

💯Finger lickin' good:
🗨A very tasty food or meal.

💯Fixed In Your Ways:
🗨Not willing or wanting to change from your normal way of doing something.

💯Flash In The Pan:
🗨Something that shows potential or looks promising in the beginning but fails to deliver anything in the end.

💯Flea Market:
🗨A swap meet. A place where people gather to buy and sell inexpensive goods.

💯Flesh and Blood:
🗨This idiom can mean living material of which people are made of, or it can refer to someone's family.

💯Flip The Bird:
🗨To raise your middle finger at someone.

💯Foam at the Mouth:
🗨To be enraged and show it.

💯Fools' Gold:
🗨Iron pyrites, a worthless rock that resembles real gold.

💯French Kiss:
🗨An open mouth kiss where tongues touch.

💯From Rags To Riches:
🗨To go from being very poor to being very wealthy.

🗨An old-fashioned and foolish type of person.

💯Full Monty:
🗨This idiom can mean either, "the whole thing" or "completely nude".

💯Funny Farm:
🗨A mental institutional facility.


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Idioms With Tools


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Idioms to say something is really easy


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💥on the wagon

🔰If you are on the wagon, you have decided not to drink any alcohol:
🔺He was on the wagon for ten years, when he was living in Connecticut.

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To Blow Hot and Cold


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✅Most common American idioms ( part 2 )

❗️It's just monkey business.
▪️The business is either his own business or fake.

❗️He'll weasel out.
▪️He'll back out of all agreements.

❗️She'll go ape.
▪️She'll become very upset.

❗️Let's talk turkey.
▪️Let's begin to talk seriously.

❗️Don't let the cat out of the bag.
▪️Don't tell our secret.

❗️Those are crocodile tears.
▪️Those are false tears.

❗️He's a card shark.
▪️He is a professional card player.

❗️We had a whale of a time.
▪️We had a great time.

❗️He drinks like a fish.
▪️He is a heavy alcohol drinker.

❗️I've got a frog in my throat.
▪️I need to clear my throat in order to talk right.

❗️He rolled snake eyes.
▪️His dice had two ones.

❗️She's pig-headed.
▪️She is very stubborn.

❗️It sounds fishy.
▪️It doesn't sound like it's true.

❗️Don't make a hog of yourself.
▪️Don't take more than your share.

❗️Quit horsing around.
▪️Stop being silly and get serious.

❗️He's a rat.
▪️He is not to be trusted.


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📌 idioms starting with #H

🛡Haste Makes Waste:
→Quickly doing things results in a poor ending.

🛡Hat Trick:
→When one player scores three goals in the same hockey game. This idiom can also mean three scores in any other sport, such as 3 home runs, 3 touchdowns, 3 soccer goals, etc.

🛡Have an Axe to Grind:
→To have a dispute with someone.

🛡He Lost His Head:
→Angry and overcome by emotions.

🛡Head Over Heels:
→Very excited and/or joyful, especially when in love.

🛡Hell in a Hand basket:
→Deteriorating and headed for complete disaster.

🛡High Five:
→Slapping palms above each others heads as celebration gesture.

🛡High on the Hog:
→Living in Luxury.

🛡Hit The Books:
→To study, especially for a test or exam.

🛡Hit The Hay:
→Go to bed or go to sleep.

🛡Hit The Nail on the Head:
→Do something exactly right or say something exactly right.

🛡Hit The Sack:
→Go to bed or go to sleep.

🛡Hocus Pocus:
→In general, a term used in magic or trickery.

🛡Hold Your Horses:
→Be patient.


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a (quick/brisk) trot through sth


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mustn't grumble


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swallow the bait


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🔰" A big ask "

A favour which is a lot to ask of someone.

🔺Tod had only just got home from his overnight flight when his boss told him to get back to the airport and fly to Sydney. That was a big ask.

💥Where did it originate?:
💥Where is it used?:


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speak/talk out of turn


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on an even keel


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idioms starting with #E

💢Eighty Six:
Ⓜ️A certain item is no longer available. Or this idiom can also mean, to throw away.

💢Elvis has left the building:
Ⓜ️The show has come to an end. It's all over.

💢Ethnic Cleansing:
Ⓜ️Killing of a certain ethnic or religious group on a massive scale.

💢Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining:
Ⓜ️Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.

💢Everything But The Kitchen Sink:
Ⓜ️Almost everything and anything has been included.

💢Excuse my French:
Ⓜ️Please forgive me for cussing.


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