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Hacker tricks

NtDumpBOF: BOF port of the tool NativeDump

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Hacker tricks

This BOF can be used to identify processes that hold handles to a given file. This can be useful to identify which process is locking a file on disk

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Hacker tricks

EchoStrike is a tool designed to generate undetectable reverse shells and perform process injection on Windows systems

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Hacker tricks

A bunch of scripts to reduce friction when pentesting Active Directory from Linux

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Hacker tricks

Windows AppLocker Driver LPE – CVE-2024-21338

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Hacker tricks

DeadPotato: is a windows privilege escalation utility from the Potato family of exploits, leveraging the SeImpersonate right to obtain SYSTEM privileges

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Hacker tricks

Escalating Privileges in Google Cloud via Open Groups 

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Hacker tricks

Binary Hollowing

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Hacker tricks

Breaking Barriers and Assumptions: Techniques for Privilege Escalation on Windows: Part 1

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Hacker tricks

Local KDC for Windows: This is an example program that can run a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) on a Windows host and have Windows authenticate to that without joining it to a domain

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Hacker tricks

DockerSpy: searches for images on Docker Hub and extracts sensitive information such as authentication secrets, private keys, and more

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Hacker tricks

ICMTC Finals Digital Forensics Challenges
ELJoOker/icmtc-finals-digital-forensics-challenges-50d358ccf5c7" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@ELJoOker/icmtc-finals-digital-forensics-challenges-50d358ccf5c7

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Hacker tricks

How to Leverage PowerShell Profiles for Lateral Movement

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Hacker tricks

Specula - Turning Outlook Into a C2 With One Registry Change

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Hacker tricks

Hellshazzard: Indirect Syscall implementation to bypass userland NTAPIs hooking

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Hacker tricks

This project steals important data from all chromium and gecko browsers installed in the system and gather the data in a stealer db to be exfiltrated out

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Hacker tricks

Infiltrax is a post-exploitation reconnaissance tool for penetration testers and red teams, designed to capture screenshots, retrieve clipboard contents, log keystrokes, and install AnyDesk for persistent remote access

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Hacker tricks

Dump Kerberos tickets from the KCM database of SSSD

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Hacker tricks

Car Hacking: The ultimate guide! — Part II
redfanatic7/car-hacking-the-ultimate-guide-part-ii-445fe022a07c" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@redfanatic7/car-hacking-the-ultimate-guide-part-ii-445fe022a07c

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Hacker tricks

Teaching the Old .NET Remoting New Exploitation Tricks

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Hacker tricks

Create your own custom implant

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Hacker tricks

Generating legitimate call stack frame along with indirect syscalls by abusing Vectored Exception Handling (VEH) to bypass User-Land EDR hooks in Windows

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Hacker tricks

Credential Disclosure in LastPass

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Hacker tricks

Exploit for CVE-2024-36401 GeoServer RCE
Outlook CVE-2024-21413 for RCE. Hacking through a letter

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Hacker tricks

URL Requester: is an advanced multi-protocol request tool designed for performing HTTP requests to multiple URLs with comprehensive support for proxy usage, rate limiting, and other advanced features

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Hacker tricks

Android malware (.apk) can be spread through a fake PDF document by manipulating the file extension in the WhatsApp application

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Hacker tricks

How To Find And Exploit Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities
shaikhminhaz1975/step-by-step-guide-to-finding-information-disclosure-vulnerabilities-7a2ee33a82cd" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@shaikhminhaz1975/step-by-step-guide-to-finding-information-disclosure-vulnerabilities-7a2ee33a82cd

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Hacker tricks

[Shellcode x64] Find and execute WinAPI functions with Assembly

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Hacker tricks

.NET profiler DLL loading can be abused to make a legit .NET application load a malicious DLL using environment variables. This exploit is loading a malicious DLL using Task Scheduler (MMC) to bypass UAC and getting admin privileges

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Hacker tricks

Double Dipping Cheat Developer Gets Caught Red-Handed

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