What Happens If You Speedrun Making A CPU?
Amazon Receives FAA Approval for MK30 Delivery Drone
A Lesson in RF Design Thanks to This Homebrew LNA
Power-Over-Skin Makes Powering Wearables Easier
Supercon 2024: Badge Add-On Winners
Pi Zero to AR: Building DIY Augmented Reality Glasses
I Installed Gentoo So You Don’t Havtoo
Reusing an Old Android Phone For GPIO With External USB Devices
How to Shoot Actors with Arrows Sans CGI
Building a Discrete 14-Bit String DAC
GNSS Reception with Clone SDR Board
Hackaday Links: November 3, 2024
All You Need for Artificial Intelligence is a Commodore 64
Oscillator Needs Fine-Tuning
It’s been about a decade since Amazon began to fly its delivery drones, aiming to revolutionize the online shopping experience with rapid delivery of certain items. Most recently Amazon got …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/06/amazon-receives-faa-approval-for-mk30-delivery-drone/)
Читать полностью…If you’re planning on working satellites or doing any sort of RF work where the signal lives down in the dirt, you’re going to need a low-noise amplifier. That’s typically …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/04/a-lesson-in-rf-design-thanks-to-this-homebrew-lna/)
Читать полностью…The ever-shrinking size of electronics and sensors has allowed wearables to help us quantify more and more about ourselves in smaller and smaller packages, but one major constraint is the …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/04/power-over-skin-makes-powering-wearables-easier/)
Читать полностью…This year we challenged the Hackaday community to develop Shitty Simple Supercon Add-Ons (SAO) that did more than just blink a few LEDs. The SAO standard includes I2C data and …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/04/supercon-2024-badge-add-on-winners/)
Читать полностью…If you’re into pushing tech boundaries from home, this one’s for you. Redditor [mi_kotalik] has crafted ‘Zero’, a custom pair of DIY augmented reality (AR) glasses using a Raspberry Pi …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/04/pi-zero-to-ar-building-diy-augmented-reality-glasses/)
Читать полностью…A popular expression in the Linux forums nowadays is noting that someone “uses Arch btw”, signifying that they have the technical chops to install and use Arch Linux, a distribution …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/04/i-installed-gentoo-so-you-dont-havtoo/)
Читать полностью…Each year millions of old smartphones are either tossed as e-waste or are condemned to lie unloved in dusty drawers, despite the hardware in them usually being still perfectly fine. …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/04/reusing-an-old-android-phone-for-gpio-with-external-usb-devices/)
Читать полностью…Today, movie effects are mostly done in CGI, especially if they’re of the death-defying type. [Tyler Bell] shows us how they shot actors with arrows before CGI. Almost every medieval …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/04/how-to-shoot-actors-with-arrows-sans-cgi/)
Читать полностью…How easy is it to build your own Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)? Although you can readily purchase a wide variety of DACs these days, building your own can be …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/03/building-a-discrete-14-bit-string-dac/)
Читать полностью…We love seeing the incredible work many RF enthusiasts manage to pull off — they make it look so easy! Though RF can be tricky, it’s not quite the voodoo …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/03/gnss-reception-with-clone-sdr-board/)
Читать полностью…“It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times?” Perhaps not anymore, if this Ig Nobel-worthy analysis of the infinite monkey theorem is to be believed. For …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/03/hackaday-links-november-3-2024/)
Читать полностью…Artificial intelligence has always been around us, with [Timothy J. O’Malley]’s 1985 book on AI projects for the Commodore 64 being one example of this. With AI defined as being …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/03/all-you-need-for-artificial-intelligence-is-a-commodore-64/)
Читать полностью…Man holding brass bar stock with several polygons turned on end
" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="https://hackaday.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/polyturnbanner.jpg?w=400" data-large-file="https://hackaday.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/polyturnbanner.jpg?w=800" tabindex="0" role="button">Most professionals would put a polygon on the end of a turned part using a milling machine. But many a hobbyist doesn’t have a mill. And if the polygon needs …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/03/polygons-on-a-lathe/)
Since their invention more than a century ago, crystal oscillators have been foundational to electronic design. They allow for precise timekeeping for the clocks in computers as well as on …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/03/oscillator-needs-fine-tuning/)
Читать полностью…When we think of an m.2 slot in our laptop or similar, it’s usually in the context of its PCI connectivity for high-speed applications such as solid state disks. It’s …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/11/03/m-2-makes-an-unusual-microcontroller-form-factor/)
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