Heathkit Signal Generator Gets an Update
A Modern PC With a Retro OS
Give Your SMD Components a Lift
A Wobble Disk Air Motor with One Moving Part
For Desalination, Follow the Sun
The 2024 Hackaday Supercon SAO Badge Reveal
Pushing the Plasma Limits With a Custom Flyback Transformer
In its Second Year, JawnCon Was Bigger and Better
Libre Space Foundation Aims to Improve Satellite Tech
“Click to Cancel” Coming Soon
Pac-Man Ghost Helps With Air Quality Sensing
Open-Source, 3D Printed Trackpad
[DTSS_Smudge] correctly intuits that if you are interested in an old Heathkit signal generator, you probably already know how to solder. So, in a recent video, he focused on the …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/heathkit-signal-generator-gets-an-update/)
Читать полностью…Despite the rise of ARM processors in more and more computers from embedded systems to daily driver PCs, the x86 architecture maintains a stronghold in the computing space that won’t …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/a-modern-pc-with-a-retro-os/)
Читать полностью…When you are troubleshooting, it is sometimes useful to disconnect a part of your circuit to see what happens. If your new PCB isn’t perfect, you might also need to …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/give-your-smd-components-a-lift/)
Читать полностью…In general, the simpler a thing is, the better. That doesn’t appear to apply to engines, though, at least not how we’ve been building them. Pistons, cranks, valves, and seals, …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/a-wobble-disk-air-motor-with-one-moving-part/)
Читать полностью…It’s easy to use electricity — solar-generated or otherwise — to desalinate water. However, traditional systems require a steady source of power. Since solar panels don’t always produce electricity, these …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/for-desalination-follow-the-sun/)
Читать полностью…We’ve been hinting at it for a few months now, running a series of articles on SAOs, then a Supercon Add-On Challenge. We even let on that the badge would …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/the-2024-hackaday-supercon-sao-badge-reveal/)
Читать полностью…For serious high-voltage plasma, you need a serious transformer. [Jay Bowles] from Plasma Channel is taking his projects to the next level, so he built a beefy 6000:1 flyback transformer. …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/pushing-the-plasma-limits-with-a-custom-flyback-transformer/)
Читать полностью…Starting a hacker con is hardly what anyone would describe as easy — but arguably, the truly difficult part is keeping the momentum going into the second year and beyond. …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/in-its-second-year-jawncon-was-bigger-and-better/)
Читать полностью…There’s no shortage of movies, TV shows, and books that show a dystopian future with corporations run amok in outer space with little or no effective oversight. Dune, The Expanse, …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/libre-space-foundation-aims-to-improve-satellite-tech/)
Читать полностью…If you’ve ever had to suffer through a call tree and a 9,000 hour wait on hold to cancel a subscription, we have good news for you if you live …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/22/click-to-cancel-coming-soon/)
Читать полностью…In the past, building construction methods generally didn’t worry much about air quality. There were enough gaps around windows, doors, siding, and flooring that a house could naturally “breathe” and …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/21/pac-man-ghost-helps-with-air-quality-sensing/)
Читать полностью…Touchpads, or trackpads, have been around since the 1980s. Today, you can often find them in laptops and notebook computers as pointing devices. With no moving parts, a trackpad are …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/21/open-source-3d-printed-trackpad/)
Читать полностью…Generally speaking, the Hackaday Supercon badge will always have a place for SAO (rebranded as “Supercon add-ons”), and that makes sense. We did originate them, after all. This year, though, …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/21/an-sao-for-hams/)
Читать полностью…[Igor] has an AS5600 magnetic rotary encoder chip on a breakout board. Normally, you’d think that was an easy device to work with since it has an I2C interface. But …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/21/i2c-the-hard-way/)
Читать полностью…Anyone who works with radio transmitters will know all about matching and impedance, and also about the importance of selecting the best co-axial cable connecting transistor and antenna. But here’s …read more (https://hackaday.com/2024/10/21/save-a-packet-use-cheap-co-ax/)
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