Silicon Carbide May Replace Zirconium Alloys for Nuclear Fuel Rod Cladding
Hackaday Links: December 8, 2024
Pedaling your Mobile Web Server Across the Globe
New Tullomer Filament Claims to Beat PEEK
Tiny NFC-Powered Keychain Thermometer
The Audiophile Carrot
WASM-4: Retro Game Dev Right in Your Browser
Cheap FPGA PCIe Development
A Look inside IKEA’s Vallhorn Motion Sensor Teardown
Microchess Remembered
The £25,000 Tom Evans Pre-Amp Repair and a Copyright Strike
Liquid Metal Ion Thrusters Aren’t Easy
Tis the Season
Printing in Multi-material? Use These Filament Combos
FlatMac: Building the 1980’s Apple iPad Concept
For some reason, we never tire of stories highlighting critical infrastructure that’s running outdated software, and all the better if it’s running on outdated hardware. So when we learned that …read more (
Читать полностью…We tinkerers often have ideas we know are crazy, and we make them up in the most bizarre places, too. For example, just imagine hosting a website while pedaling across …read more (
Читать полностью…Recently a company called Z-Polymers introduced its new Tullomer FDM filament that comes with a lofty bullet list of purported properties that should give materials like steel, aluminium, and various …read more (
Читать полностью…What if your keychain could tell you the temperature, all while staying battery-free? That’s the essence of this innovative keychain ‘NFC_temp’ by [bjorn]. This nifty gadget harnesses energy from an …read more (
Читать полностью…The widely quoted carrot factoid that the vegetable’s orange colour is the result of patriotic Dutch farmers breeding them that way may be an urban myth, but it’s certainly true …read more (
Читать полностью…Have you ever dreamt of developing games that run on practically anything, from a modern browser to a microcontroller? Enter WASM-4, a minimalist fantasy console where constraints spark creativity. Unlike …read more (
Читать полностью…Typically, if you want to build an FPGA project inside a PC, you’d need a fairly expensive development board that plugs into the bus. However, [CircuitValley] found some IBM RS-485 …read more (
Читать полностью…A good source of hackable home automation parts has come for a while in the form of inexpensive modules offered by large retailers such as Lidl, or IKEA. They’re readily …read more (
Читать полностью…Playing chess has always been a bellwether for computers. The game isn’t trivial, but the rules are managably simple. However, the game is too complex to be easily solved entirely, …read more (
Читать полностью…We were recently notified by a reader that [Tom Evans] had filed a copyright claim against [Mark]’s repair video on his Mend it Mark YouTube channel, taking down said repair video …read more (
Читать полностью…What do scanning electron microscopes and satellites have in common? On the face of things, not much, but after seeing [Zachary Tong]’s latest video on liquid metal ion thrusters, we …read more (
Читать полностью…’Tis the season for soldering! At least at my house. My son and I made some fairly LED-laden gifts for the immediate relatives last year, and he’s got the blinky …read more (
Читать полностью…If one has a multi-material printer there are more options than simply printing in different colors of the same filament. [Thomas Sanladerer] explores combinations of different filaments in a fantastic …read more (
Читать полностью…The Apple FlatMac was one of those 1980s concepts by designer [Hartmut Esslingers] that remained just a concept with no more than some physical prototypes created. That is, until [Kevin …read more (
Читать полностью…If there’s anything more frustrating than mounting holes that don’t line up with the thing you’re mounting, we don’t know what it could be. You measure as carefully as possible, …read more (
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