Small Feathers, Big Effects: Reducing Stall Speeds With Strips Of Plastic
Exploring the Sounds and Sights Of Alien Worlds
Building Experience and Circuits for Lithium Capacitors
Balancing Balls With A Touchpad
Stripping GoPros To The Bone For Model Rocketry
Electrostatic Puck: Making An Electret
When Transistor Count Mattered
Creating a Signature Wood Joint
Tailwheel Trainer Go-Cart To Avoid Wrecked Planes
8-Bit Computers Crunch Advanced Scientific Computations
Upgrading the M4 Mac Mini with More Storage
Pushing 802.11ah to the Extreme with Drones
Making a Stool from Clay
Arduino VGA, The Old Fashioned Way
Uncle Sam Wants You to Recover Energy Materials from Wastewater
The 20th century saw humankind’s first careful steps outside of the biosphere in which our species has evolved. Whereas before humans had experienced the bitter cold of high altitudes, the …read more (
Читать полностью…For the cautious, a good piece of advice is to always wait to buy a new product until after the first model year, whether its cars or consumer electronics or …read more (
Читать полностью…Energy is expensive these days. There’s no getting around it. If, like [Giovanni], you want to keep better track of your usage, you might find value in his DIY energy …read more (
Читать полностью…The small size of action cameras has made them a great solution for getting high-quality experimental footage where other cameras don’t fit. GoPros are [Joe Barnard]’s camera of choice for …read more (
Читать полностью…You might have heard of electrets being used in microphones, but do you know what it is? Electrets produce a semi-permanent static electric field, similar to a magnet produces a …read more (
Читать полностью…Many Hackaday readers have an interest in retro technology, but we are not the only group who scour the flea markets. Alongside us are the collectors, whose interest is as …read more (
Читать полностью…We really love when makers make their construction techniques evident in an aesthetically-pleasing way, and [Laura Kampf] has created a clever joint that reveals how a piece is made. [Kampf] …read more (
Читать полностью…Taildraggers remain a popular configuration for small aircraft, but they come with a significant risk during ground handling: ground loops. If the tail gets too far off course, it can …read more (
Читать полностью…Although largely relegated to retrocomputing enthusiasts and embedded systems or microcontrollers now, there was a time when there were no other computers available other than those with 8-bit processors. The …read more (
Читать полностью…Apple’s in-house chips have some impressive specs, but user serviceability is something Apple left behind for consumer machines around a decade ago. Repair legend [dosdude1] shows us how the new …read more (
Читать полностью…It might come as a surprise to some that IEEE, the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, does more than send out mailers asking people to renew their memberships. In …read more (
Читать полностью…We’ve seen furniture made out of all sorts of interesting materials here, but clay certainly isn’t the first one that comes to mind. [Mia Mueller] is expanding our horizons with …read more (
Читать полностью…Making a microcontroller speak to a VGA monitor has been a consistent project in our sphere for years, doing the job for which an IBM PC of yore required a …read more (
Читать полностью…The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) was founded to support moonshot projects in the realm of energy, with a portfolio that ranges from the edge …read more (
Читать полностью…Back when CD-Rs were the thing, there were CD burner drives which would etch images in the unoccupied areas of a CD-R. These so-called LightScribe drives were a novelty of …read more (
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