🔄Make the funtastic use of knowledge 🔄Know how to make life funtastic and more valueable 🔺 Unique life fact 🔺 It's Small Effort To Spread Positivity 👌 Meditation 🎆 Positive Affirmation 🌍 Universal fact Contact @azwakeup
People with depression can be some of the most chill and nicest human beings you ever meet.
*We are not here for ordinary things in life. We are human beings, the greatest of all creations of God. Lift ourselves, so that we can lift others. We are not here to be lost as a statistical entity in life. The moment we identify a goal larger than ourselves, the moment we envisage a vision for the greater benefit of the society, the moment we work for a purpose to enhance, empower and emancipated other fellow beings, the transformation begins. Within each one of us, therefore, is the power to transform the world. There is no human being without a potential. Somewhere we have to believe that we are here for a meaningful purpose; beyond me, mine and myself. The beliefs we hold at the beginning of our journey define our journey.*
Читать полностью…There is a great difference between "Worry" & "Concern",
A worried person only sees the problem & a concerned person solves the problem..!
If we Change the texture of our thoughts & our life will change.
The future is not something we await..
It is something we Create.
Our act of Revenge might Sometimes give Temporary Satisfaction to Our Ego.
But, The Joy induced in Our act of Forgiving Would last for Ever.
A research in California conducted by psychotherapists proved that- Energy Flows where Attention Goes
~ Everything in our Universe is Energy.
~ When you say, “ I don’t want War.” you are giving your attention to war and where you give your attention, your Energy will flow there.
~ Law of Attraction will match your Energy with that and bring it in your Three Dimension reality.
So instead of saying, “I don’t want War.” you should say “I want Peace.”
Then your attention is on Peace, so you are giving your Energy to Peace and Law of Attraction will match your Energy with Peace and your life will be Peaceful.
~ This Universe works on Vibrations. So similarly change your statements -
~ Instead of saying, I don’t want to fail, say I want to Win!
~ Instead of saying, I don’t want to be sick, say I want to be healthy.
~ Instead of saying, I don’t want to have a struggling job, say I want to have a happy and exciting job.
~ Instead of saying, I don’t want to fight with my husband, say I want to have a happy relationship with my husband and so on..
~ Our thoughts are very powerful because Energy is transmitted through thoughts.
~ If you think and speak about what you don’t want, you will attract what you don’t want!
~ But if you speak about what you want you start attracting only what you want!
~ Also remove words from your dictionary like,
Depression, Hatred, Failure, Illness, Disease, Jealousy, Misunderstanding, Problem
~ Instead of telling problem, you should say challenge.
~ Words are very powerful. Use words properly. That's called "power of spoken words",as you keep on repeating the same words again and again, as if you apply energy/force to the word & it starts multiplying & the effects manifest in your Life.
Also do chant following positive affirmations - everyday.
I am Happy
I am healthy
I am wealthy
I am worthy
I am hopeful
I am helpful
I am humble
I am blessed
I am thankful
I am greatful
I am unique
I am a genius
I am kind
I am courteous
I am confident
I am courageous
I am loving
I am caring
I am honest
I am hard working
I am going to make best out of this life.
Be Happy,
Keep Smiling.
Words can hurt your feelings,
silence breaks your heart.
So always speak what you want to say, Because New door might never open unless you ring the bell.
Fine words butter no parsnips.
If You Judge People Nobody Is Yours.
If You Try To Understand People Everyone Is Yours.
Develop The Habit Of Understanding And You Will Experience Peace And Love In All Relations.
If nothing is impossible and everything is possible does it mean it's possible to be impossible since everything is possible and nothing is impossible?
Читать полностью…In Russia, it is illegal to tell kids that gay people exist.
🧐 @Followbrightlife 🤓
Workout can improve the look of your skin
When someone asks you, who is/are your bestfriend(s)?
There will be few/many names on your list.
That's absolutely fine. But we forget to mention the most important bestfriend we have. And that is We ourself.
We never say that i am my best friend, it may sound crazy but trust me if you are your own bestfriend, nothing can stop you.
Keep the list of friends long, but the first person you should have the deepest bond that can be possible is with you, yourself!!
You are never alone, because you have yourself!
Every night sit for 10 mins with eyes closed, and just talk in mind with yourself, talk what went well in the day, what will be your goals for next day, crack a joke and laugh aloud and just relax.
Best ways to Find Happiness in Life
We all look for happiness in life and all of us have certain things that make us happy. In this busy stressful, goal oriented life, we often forget about the happiness that we get after doing small things in life. For example, after a tiring day at the office, happiness could mean spending time with your family or your pet dog. Each and every person is different and hence the definition of happiness can also differ. In this article, we have shared some of the best ways to find happiness in life. Let us go through the list together.
Help the People Around – There is no greater happiness in helping the person in need. You may start by offering food to a homeless person or you may simply go and spend some time in an old age home. You will never return without a smile.
Do What You Love – Pursuing your hobbies is another best way to find happiness in life. Some may love shopping and other may have hobbies like cooking, photography or dancing. Follow your hobbies and do what you love.
Spend Time with People You Love – The best way to be happy is to surround yourself with people whom you love. Spend time with your parents, friends, spouse, children or even pet. They value your time and you will be able to make memories.
Travel – Travelling is another thing which can change you as a person. It can give you valuable experience and if you are an adventure enthusiast then spend some time with nature on long treks. Your life would change for good.
The real question is not
whether life exists after death.
The real question is
whether you are alive
before death.
~ ....
While Investing We Calculate Interest On Principal Amount.
In Real Life....
We Talk On Principles But Act On Interest....
Nothing has to be wrong for the mind
to launch an attack. Nothing has to be wrong for it to make up big stories, out of nothing actually. There only has to be a seed of a thought given attention, ‘Hmm, there's still some separation…?’And the mind says, You see?
I’ve been trying to tell you!’ and there you go,
sailing off down the road with the unstable
and unreliable mind. It can happen just like this. The mind doesn’t need any substance or truth. You can give him anything.
He is like a goat—he eats anything.
And we are quick to believe anything it says.
Our life is chiefly made up of thoughts, interpretations —and wrong interpretations also, based upon fear, desire and rejection.
This is why I say: pay attention to the sense of being—the Self. Be one with the Self, rather than trying to pick and choose through
the innumerable thoughts and sensations
that mind tends to see—which one is true and which is false.
You can spend lifetimes doing this
and you will never come to the end of it.
As soon as you finish pruning this tree,
new leaves are coming.So don’t waste time cleaning up the mind.
Stay as the Self. As you train your attention
and mind to stay as the Self, the space
in which the mind and person lives vanishes.
Thus you come to experience a completeness,a contentment in just resting in and as the Self. And when you are content, the interest will fall away from these other rooms and their contents.
The feeling of separation, or even union,
all of this becomes redundant as thoughts.
You simply are. There is a unity in that.
There is a harmony in this.And where no doubts come,there is even no need for union or separation.
You experience real unity beyond even the concept of unity. This is your natural state.
~ Mooji
The Silent Retreat
Four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks. They began with enthusiasm and no one said a word the whole day. By nightfall of the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out.
The first monk blurted out, "Oh, no! The candle is out."
The second monk said, "Hey! We are not supposed to speak!"
The third monk said in an irritated voice, "What is this? Why did you two break the silence?"
The fourth monk smiled and said, "Wow! I'm the only one who hasn't spoken."
Each monk broke the silence for a different reason, each of which is a common stumbling block in our inner journey: distraction, judgement, anger and pride.
The first monk got distracted by one aspect of his experience (the candle) and forgot what was more important - the practice of witnessing without reacting.
The second monk was more worried about others following the rules than in actually practicing himself. He was quick to judge without noticing that he himself was guilty of what he was criticizing.
The third monk let his anger towards the first two monks affect him. The singular burst of anger ruined the effort of the day.
The fourth monk lost his way because of pride. He was convinced he was superior to the others, proving his ignorance.
Why did the fourth monk speak at all? He could have simply maintained his silence and he would have been successful in his endeavor. But if he had, chances are, the other three might have continued to argue and not even noticed his silence. Some people are like this. Their motto is "If I'm doing something good, but no one notices, I might as well not be doing it at all." They believe that the reward is not in the effort, but in the recognition.
There is a beautiful quote, "It is the provence of knowledge to speak; it is the privilege of wisdom to listen."
As we learn to truly listen, witness and observe without impulsively reacting with distraction, judgement, anger and pride, then we understand the true meaning of silence.
True silence really means going deep within yourself to that place where nothing is happening, where you transcend time and space. You go into a brand new dimension of nothingness.
That is where all the power is.
That's your real home.
That's where you really belong where there is no good and bad, no one trying to achieve anything. Just being - pure being. The only freedom you will ever have is when you go deep into the Silence and you transcend, transmute the universe, your body and your affairs.
~ Robert Adams
Each Day Is A Chance
Each day we wake up,
We have another chance.
We could just keep on moving,
Or we could decide to dance.
Dance as if you are alone,
And no one will ever see,
As this is your chance,
To see what you could be.
Remind yourself you are someone,
Someone who is grand.
Believe you can do anything,
Get up and take a stand.
Always keep looking forward,
Looking back is never good.
You want to look to the future,
And that is something you should.
~ Catherine Pulsifer
People May Not Believe What We Say.
They Will Always Believe What We Have done .
So Prove Our Excellence In Action Better Than In Words.
The record for the longest kiss is 32 hrs, 7 mins and 14 secs.
#love 🤷♂ 🗯
We learn how to laugh before we learn how to talk.
Lack of sleep and going to sleep irregularly can lead to early death.
🧐 @followbrightlife 🤓