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Fluency in a language means speaking easily, reasonably quickly and without having to stop and pause a lot. @mahdavi_amin86

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In the office vs at the office vs in office

In the office vs at the office vs in office

What we would normally say is either “in the office” or “at the office” (notice the definite article). The preposition “in” in “I am in the office” implies that the office is a room and you are inside that room. The word “at”, on the other hand, conveys the general idea of the location of one’s office and is often interchangeable with “at work”. To sum it up:

I am in my/the office. = My office is a room and I am in that room.
I am at my/the office. = I am somewhere near my office or in it. I am at work.
“In office” (without an article) means something quite different. We say that someone is “in office” when they work in an official position, usually for the state. For example, we could say:

Bill Clinton was in office from 1993 to 2001.
when referring to his presidential post.

Finally, “at office” (without an article) isn’t common usage. If you feel the urge to say “at office”, say “at the office” instead:

I am not at the office right now.
I am not at office right now.

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Common Mistakes with prepositions

Prepositions are small words but they are important ones. Some common mistakes in the use of prepositions are given here.

Incorrect: Who is the girl you were speaking with?

Correct: Who is the girl you were speaking to?

Incorrect: This is the house I was born on.

Correct: This is the house I was born in.

Incorrect: What are you looking in?

Correct: What are you looking at?

To look at something is to gaze in a specified direction.

Incorrect: The manager has promised to look at the matter.

Correct: To manager has promised to look into the matter.

To look into something is to investigate it.

Incorrect: It has been raining from Monday.

Correct: It has been raining since Monday.

Use from to show the starting point only when the end point is also mentioned. In other cases, use since.

Incorrect: I have been waiting from two hours.

Correct: I have been waiting for two hours.

Use for to indicate duration.

Incorrect: I will be attending the classes regularly since Monday.

Correct: I will be attending the classes regularly from Monday.

Incorrect: Divide the food between the children.

Correct: Divide the food among the children.

Between is used when only two parties are involved. Among is used when more than two parties are involved.

Incorrect: We went to school by foot.

Correct: We went to school on foot.

Use ‘on’ with foot.

Incorrect: He doesn’t know how to ride on a bicycle.

Correct: He doesn’t know how to ride a bicycle.

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#video #psychology

6 Thoughts That Are Making You Depressed


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💎چند نمونه اشتباه رایچ که خیلی از دوستان مرتکبش میشن رو در اینجا بررسی میکنیم

1⃣هیچ وقت نگید : Praise for her بگید : Praise her

2⃣هیچ وقت نگید : clap to him بگید : clap him

3⃣هیچ وقت نگید : applaud for him بگید :applaud him

4⃣هیچ وقت نگید : Thank for you بگید : Thank you

5⃣هیچ وقت نگید : I respect for him بگید : I respect him

6⃣هیچ وقت نگید : Pray to him بگید : Pray him

7⃣هیچ وقت نگید : Greet for them بگید : Greet them

8⃣هیچ وقت نگید : Speak for her بگید : Speak her

9⃣هیچ وقت نگید :Congratulate for him بگید : Congratulate him

🔟 هیچ وقت نگید :Write for him بگید : Write him


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❇️9 Signs You Have a Broken Heart


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6 Habits That Destroy Your Emotional Wellbeing


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🎬 Motivational Video 2016
🕖 04:08 💾 3.75 MB


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🎬 Midnight Horror Story Animated
👤 Llama Arts
🕚 12:56 💾 11.98 MB



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❇️تدریس خصوصی آنلاین و حضوری آیلتس آکادمیک و جنرال
برای اطلاعات بیشتر با آیدی زیر تماس حاصل نمایید.

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🎬 Amy Coney Barrett speaks after Trump announces her nomination for Supreme Court
👤 CNBC Television
🕖 07:30 💾 6.94 MB


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Man has only one mind, but he has two distinct phases or functions of the one mind. Each phase is characterized by its own phenomena, which is peculiar to itself. Each of these minds is capable of independent action as well as synchronous action. We call one the objective mind because it deals with external things, and the other is the subjective mind. The subjective mind is amenable and controlled by suggestion of the objective or
conscious mind. The objective mind takes cognizance of the objective world. The media of observation are the five physical senses. The objective mind is your guide in your contact with the environment. We gain knowledge through the five senses. The objective mind learns through observation, experience, and education. The greatest function of the conscious mind is that of reasoning. The subconscious mind has the ability to apprehend the thoughts of others without the use of the ordinary, objective means of communication. So it is of the greatest importance that we understand the interaction of the conscious and subconscious mind, in order to learn the true art of prayer. The subjective mind is always amenable to suggestion; it is controlled by suggestion.

We must recognize that the subconscious mind accepts all suggestions; it does not argue with you, but it fulfills your wishes. All things that have happened to you are based on thoughts impressed on the subconscious mind through belief. The subconscious mind will accept your beliefs and your convictions.

Our Subconscious mind is like the soil; it will accept any seed that you deposit in it, whether it is good or bad. Whatever you germinate in your mind (irrespective of good or bad) it will grow. Remember: Anything that you accept as true and believe in will be accepted by your subconscious mind, and brought into your life as a condition, experience, or event. Ideas are conveyed to the subconscious mind through feeling.

Your subconscious mind is the captain of your life (ship).

Stay safe and stay healthy

Start your day with positive affirmations in your subconscious mind.


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❇️❇️لغت آیلتس : چه بخوانیم و چگونه بخوانیم!

اگر درباره ی یادگیری لغت های پیرامون آیلتس ، اطلاعات چندانی ندارید باید در همین ابتدای امر بدانید که دایره واژگان ۲۵% از نمره آیلتس شما را شامل می شود. و اینکه، جدا از اسپیکینگ و رایتینگ که شما باید بهترین دایره ی واژگانی خود را به نمایش بگذارید، آزمون های لیسنینگ و ریدینگ هم دایره لغت شما را تست خواهند کرد.

❇️❇️بهترین راه یادگیری لغت برای آیلتس چیست؟

🙏کار آسانی است. باید خود را در مواجهه با تعداد کثیری از واژگان قرار بدهید. سپس، باید راهی برای به کار گیری آن ها بیابید. با دوست خود حرف بزنید. یا در یک کلاس بحث آزاد ثبت نام کنید.

👈نکاتی پیرامون یادگیری لغات:

به خودتان زمان بدهید و با نظم باشید:
یادگیری لغت نیازمند زمان است. من همواره به دانشجوهایم می گویم که باید ابتدا بیاموزید. سپس چند هفته منتظر باشید تا لغات آموخته شده اصطلاحا درونی شده و به ناخودآگاهتان وارد شود.

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Especially or specially?


Especially and specially are adverbs.

Especially means ‘particularly’ or ‘above all’:

She loves flowers, especially roses.

I am especially grateful to all my family and friends who supported me.

Not: Especially I am …

We use specially to talk about the specific purpose of something:

This kitchen was specially designed to make it easy for a disabled person to use.

He has his shirts made specially for him by a tailor in London.

Especially can also be used to mean ‘for a particular purpose’:

I bought these (e)specially for you


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🔷Own up:
⚪️اعتراف کردن


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Verbs which may take either the "Infinitive" or "Gerund"

stop, regret, remember, love, like, prevent, intend, allow, permit, can/could bear, hate, loathe, forget, try, cease, continue, begin, start, advice, recommend

Verbs take either "Gerund" or "Infinitive" without change of meaning
start, begin, continue, cease

"Can/Could (chiefly used in negative) bear can be followed by Gerund or Infinitive. But infinitive may refer to the delibarate action that expresses subject's feeling prevent(ed) him/her to perform an action. (I couldn't bear to tell him. {So I didn't})

● "Intend" is usually followed by an infinitive.

● " allow , permit , recommend , advice " when the person concerned is mentioned are followed by an infinitive. (He adviced me to apply at once. They don't allow us to park). But when the person is not mentioned they're followed by an indinitive. (They don't allow parking. He adviced applying at once.)

● "it needs/wants" are usually followe by both "Gerund" or Passive Infinitive". But Gerund is more usual. (The grass wants cutting. The grass needs to be cut)

● "regret , remember , forget"
They're followed by gerund when action in the gerund is the earlier action. (I regret spending so much money = spending money is the first action)
"Forget" is always used in negative followed by a gerund usually with "will never forget" (I will never forget waiting for bombs falling down)

"Regret, Forget, Remember" are followed by an infinitive when themselves describe an earlier action. (I regret to tell u that U've failed ur exam = Regret is the first action. I'll remember to call John. I always forget to sign my cheque)

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🔵دیدین تو فارسی میگیم "دیگه داری کاسه ی صبرم رو لبریز میکنی"؟

⚪️stretch sb's patience to the limit

🔵Sometimes my students do their best to stretch my patience to the limit.

گاهی اوقات دانش آموزام نهایت تلاششون رو میکنن تا کاسه صبرم رو لبریز کنن😫


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Clauses that start with as if / as though describe an unreal or improbable situation if they are followed by an unreal tense (the past subjunctive or the past perfect subjunctive). Otherwise, they express that the statement is true.

The past subjunctive after as if / as though indicates an unreal situation in the present. However, if the situation is true, we use a real tense to express present time:

He looks as if he knew the answer. (he gives the impression that he knows the answer, but he (probably) doesn't know or we don't know whether he knows or not)
He looks as if he knows the answer. (he knows the answer)

If we put the verb preceding as if / as though into the past tense, the present simple knows changes into past simple, whereas the past subjunctive knew stays the same. Therefore, both sentences will read as follows:

He looked as if he knew the answer.

Consequently, the meaning of this sentence (whether he knew the answer or not) can only be deduced from the context.

The past perfect subjunctive after as if / as though is used to refer to an unreal past situation. If the situation is true, we use a real tense to express past time:

He seems as if he hadn't slept for days. (it seems that he hasn't slept for days, but he (probably) has or we don't know whether he has or not)
He seems as if he hasn't slept for days. (he hasn't slept for days)

If the preceding verb is put into the past tense, the present perfect hasn't slept changes into past perfect, while the past perfect subjunctive hadn't slept stays the same:

He seemed as if he hadn't slept for days.


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❇️7 Signs of Dark Tetrad Personality

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♦️Verb + aim

1️⃣ clarify + aim
You'll need to clarify the aims and objectives of your project. Make sure you state them clearly at the beginning of your report.

2️⃣ achieve + aim
Our organisation is committed to achieving its aims through peaceful means. We totally reject violence as a means of political change.

3️⃣ pursue + aim
Some companies pursue their aims in a very ruthless way - with no thought of what they are doing to the environment.

4️⃣ support + aim
I support the aims of animal rights activists because I want to see a ban on using animals in

5️⃣ have + aim
He's just drifting. He seems to have no aims in life at all. Would you talk to him?

6️⃣ set out + aim
All parents receive a booklet which sets out the school's aims and objectives before their children start their first term.



With the aim of + adjective

1️⃣ With the aim of + employment
My sister went to Valencia last year with the aim of finding employment in the hotel industry so that she could improve her Spanish.

2️⃣ With the aim of + awareness
This booklet has been produced with the aim of increasing public awareness of AIDS.

3️⃣ With the aim of + dependency
A new scheme has been set up with the aim of reducing people's dependency on the welfare state.

4️⃣ With the aim of + relations
The police regularly visit schools in run-down inner-city areas with the aim of improving community relations.

5️⃣ With the aim of + homelessness
A new charity has been set up with the aim of tackling homelessness among young single men.



✅ Upper-intermediate

Common adjective + aim

1️⃣ clear + aim
Before you start this project, it is important to have a clear aim in mind. You really need to know where you're going.

2️⃣ laudable + aim
Increasing the state pension is a laudable aim, but I don't think the country can afford it.

3️⃣ long-term + aim
Promotion to the first division is the long-term aim of the club, but our immediate aim is to win our next match.

4️⃣ broad + aim
I sympathise with the broad aims of the party, but on this particular issue I'm afraid I have to disagree.

5️⃣ underlying + aim
Although the President is here on an official visit, I think the underlying aim is to promote trade.

6️⃣ sole + aim
He's a selfish sort of person. His sole aim in life seems to be to make money.

7️⃣ common + aim
This company will only be successful if people work together with common aims.


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✔ To make a killing
با ی چشم بهم زدن و مثل آب خوردن پول هنگفتی به جیب زدن

》To make a lot of money quickly and easily.

▪︎Joe made a killing with the sale of his country house.

▪︎You don't make a killing on your first investment; you have to be patient.


✔ Not be on speaking terms

》(of two or more people) To be so angry with each other that they refuse to speak to each other.
قهر بودن ، قطع رابطه کردن

▪︎They haven't been on speaking terms since they fought over their parents' inheritance.


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🎬 19 facts the MSM won't report
🕙 04:20 💾 4.01 MB


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🎬 4 Short True Scary Stories
👤 Mr. Nightmare
🕑 10:15 💾 9.49 MB


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🎬 What's Actually Inside A Black Hole?
👤 The Infographics Show
🕜 09:27 💾 8.76 MB


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What is the difference between motion and action?

The difference between motion and action always exists and the difference sounds good. These two words sounds similar, but they are not the same. When you’re in motion, you’re planning and strategizing and learning. Those are all good things, but they don’t produce a result. Action, on the other hand, is the type of behavior that will deliver an outcome. If I outline twenty ideas for articles I want to write, that’s motion. If I actually sit down and write an article, that’s action. If I search for a better diet plan and read a few books on the topic, that’s motion. If I actually eat a healthy meal, that’s action.

If motion doesn’t lead to results, why do we do it? Sometimes we do it because we actually need to plan or learn more. But more often than not, we do it because motion allows us to feel like we’re making progress without running the risk of failure. Most of us are experts at avoiding criticism. It doesn’t feel good to fail or to be judged publicly, so we tend to avoid situations where that might happen. And that’s the biggest reason why you slip into motion rather than taking action: you want to delay failure.

It’s easy to be in motion and convince yourself that you’re still making progress. You think, “I’ve got conversations going with four potential clients right now. This is good. We’re moving in the right direction.” Or, “I brainstormed some ideas for that book I want to write. This is coming together.”

Motion makes you feel like you’re getting things done. But really, you’re just preparing to get something done. When preparation becomes a form of procrastination, you need to change something. You don’t want to merely be planning. You want to be practicing. If you want to master a habit, the key is to start with repetition, not perfection. You don’t need to map out every feature of a new habit. You just need to practice it.

The best is the enemy of the good


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🔹over and done with
finished; no longer important: 

🔺He has behaved very 
wickedly in the past 
but that's all over and done with now. 


🔹Rat race

an exhausting and repetitive routine, a hectic struggle for success

🔺 I’m so tired of the rat race. I’d love to retire and move to the country.

🔺 She started to work from home as she couldn’t stand the rat race at the office.


🔹 Cat burglar

a stealthy burglar who climbs into buildings, usually through upper windows, skylights, etc.

🔺 Grandfather’s old telescope has disappeared from the loft. It must have been a cat burglar that took it.

🔺 The inspector was surprised by the exploits of a cat burglar who only stole from upper floors and attics.

🔹do out

✍🏾to clean thoroughly:

🔺The room's tidy – I did it out yesterday.


🔹do out oo

to prevent from getting, especially by using dishonest methods:

🔺My boss tried to do me out of a day's holiday.


🔹done for

ruined, defeated or about to be killed etc :

🔺The police are coming – run for it or we're done for!


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On The Edge Of Seat
✴️excited, nervous, or filled with suspense while one waits to see what happens next
❇️Her character is so deliciously sinister and conniving that I was always on the edge of my seat to see what she would do next.

Put/set Someone Straight
✴️to correct someone's attitude, belief, or behavior, to make sure someone understands something correctly
❇️Helen told me she thought the moon landing was faked, so I had to put her straight!

✴️Have A Knack For
to be exceptionally proficient at something
❇️Jenny's got a real knack for the piano.

Crack Of Dawn
✴️a time very early in the morning, daybreak
❇️I've been up since the crack of dawn, working on the assignment.

A Rap On/over The Knuckle
❇️the act of speaking to someone severely or angrily because of something they have done or failed to do
✴️I got a rap on the knuckles for not finishing my essay on time.


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🔷Million Dollar Baby

⚪️The plot:
Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) is a veteran Los Angeles boxing trainer who keeps almost everyone at arm's length, except his old friend and associate Eddie "Scrap Iron" Dupris (Morgan Freeman). When Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) arrives in Frankie's gym seeking his expertise, he is reluctant to train the young woman, a transplant from working-class Missouri. Eventually, he relents, and the two form a close bond that will irrevocably change them both.

Initial release: December 5, 2004 (New York City)

Director: Clint Eastwood


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