Everyday you meet new people, new faces and new personalities
Lumberjacks undercut a Giant Sequoia tree 25 feet in diameter in Northern California, 1902 @facethenation
Читать полностью…Eisenhower, giving the final order for D-day, the assault on Nazi-occupied France. It was the beginning of a campaign of of liberation of Europe from nazi tyranny
Henry Ford with Westinghouse Steam Engine No. 345 in Dearborn on his sixtieth birthday
Germany became a modern, unified nation under the leadership of the "Iron Chancellor" Otto von Bismarck, 1890
Italian inventor Davide Cislaghi driving his monowheel motorcycle in France, 1935
Fleming returned to his lab from vacation and noticed mold growing in a petri dish. There were no bacteria in the area around the mold because something in the mold was killing them
Albert Einstein with Edwin Hubble, in 1931, looking through the lens of the 100-inch telescope 🔭 through which Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe in 1924
US marines take part in a tactical exercise a few seconds after an atomic bomb. Many soldiers who were present were exposed to high levels of radiation
The Tehran was a strategy meeting of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill from Nov 28 and Dec 1, 1943. It was the first of the World War II conferences of the "Big Three" Allied leaders
The Avrocar VZ-9 was developed by Avro Canada as a top secret black project for the U.S. Army and Air Force, but the flying saucer shaped aircraft was a failure
Horse-drawn fire engine racing to a fire. The era of the fire horse lasted roughly fifty years stretching from the end of the Civil War until the end of 1915 @facethenation
Читать полностью…In 1925 and 1926, the Ku Klux Klan descended on Washington for two massive marches.
In the early 1920's, the KKK was at the peak of its membership, numbering 4 million strong. The growth of the hate group was fueled by the 1915 release of the silent film Birth of a Nation, which portrayed members as heroes, coinciding with the widespread xenophobia following the devastation of World War I.
The KKK's hatred was directed not only against black people, but also against European Catholic and Jewish immigrants flocking to the U.S. after the war.
French soldiers moving into attack from their trench during the Verdun battle on the Western Front in France, on February 21, 1916, during the first World War @facethenation
Читать полностью…On May 6, 1937, the German passenger airship Hindenburg experienced a mid-air explosion at Lakehurst, New Jersey and was engulfed in flames in just 32 seconds.
At the time, the Hindenburg was the fastest and most luxurious way to cross the Atlantic. It had already completed 63 flights from its base in Germany to a range of destinations including Rio de Janeiro. It had also been used as a propaganda tool to support Hitler’s remilitarisation of the Rhineland in 1936, and flew over the Berlin Olympics later that year.
The Hindenburg began its maiden trans-Atlantic flight exactly one year before the disaster, on May 6, 1936. By the end of the year it had crossed the Atlantic 34 times, transporting 3.500 passengers and 30.000 kg of mail. It was, therefore, a proven and reliable form of transport – if you could afford a ticket!
When the Hindenburg arrived at Lakehurst on May 6, 1937, Captain Max Pruss delayed landing due to poor weather conditions. Three hours later he carried out a swift landing to take advantage of an improvement in the weather. The landing ropes were dropped at 7.21pm, and shortly afterwards the Hindenburg was engulfed by flames.
The most widely accepted explanation for the fire is that the airship was statically charged as a result of flying through the storm, and the landing ropes ‘earthed’ the airship, resulting in a spark. However, the biggest single cause of the fire is simple: the Hindenburg contained 7 million cubic feet of explosive hydrogen gas
President John Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy arrive at San Antonio Airport on November 21, 1963. Kennedy's last day @facethenation
Читать полностью…The lumberjacks of the 1800s performed their difficult and dangerous work without any of the conveniences of modern technology. They used axes and long, flexible saws known as "misery whips". Daily pay of around $1.25 and tools such as steel wedges, sledgehammers, and log-moving tools, made logging a perilous and underpaid profession.
Up until the 1880s, lumberjacks felled trees with axes. Lumberjacks used two types of axes: a single-bitted or single-headed axe and a double-bitted axe. Some loggers believed the double-bitted axe to be a dangerous choice, and preferred to use two single-bitted axes instead. They would use one axe to get through the bark and the second for the tree itself.
General Eisenhower speaks with the 101st Airborne Division just before they board their planes to participate in the first assault of the Normandy invasion on June 5, 1944 @facethenation
Читать полностью…Henry Ford was born on a farm family in Dearborn, Michigan. Henry himself did not like farming, but he did like fooling around with machines. Henry liked to fix all the farm machines, and he was known around the area to be a handyman. So as a youth Henry fixed various machines for surrounding farmers. This hobby of Henry's made his father angry, he would neglect all of his farm chores.
When he was 16, Henry left to work in nearby Detroit as an apprentice machinist. After completing his apprenticeship in 1882 he returned to his father's farm. A neighbor, John Gleason, paid him $3 a day to operate a small portable steam engine that cut corn, ground feed, and sawed wood. Ford's ability came to the attention of the district representative of the Westinghouse Engine Company of Schenectady, New York, and he was hired late in the summer of 1882 to travel throughout southern Michigan setting up and servicing Westinghouse steam traction engines.
In 1913 Henry Ford began searching for that little steam-engine. All he knew was its number, 345. After a long hunt it was found on a farm in Pennsylvania, rusty with disuse. The number plate was found in the farmhouse kitchen, used as a patch on an old cookstove. The farmer wanted ten dollars for the worthless thresher. Ford paid it and gave him a new Model T as a bonus; and he threshed again with the old steam-engine in Dearborn on his sixtieth birthday
In 1864 Otto von Bismarck initiated decisive wars with Denmark, Austria and France to unite 39 independent German states under Prussian leadership @facethenation
Читать полностью…A monowheel is one big wheel with rider and engine inside its circumference. The first monowheel designs appeared as early as 1869.
In the early 1900's, a group of American inventors attempted to develop a propeller-driven monowheel. Monowheels were also built in Europe. The Italian inventor Davide Cislaghi designed a monowheel with a tilting outer wheel for turning. He received a French patent for the device in 1924 and a British patent in 1927. Historical accounts indicate that he went on to commercialize production of his design under the Motoruota name.
Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered the antibiotic penicillin in 1928, these natural inhibitors of microbial growth have revolutionized medicine and saved countless lives @facethenation
Читать полностью…Not long ago, there were no galaxies far, far away. In fact, less than a century ago, many scientists believed there was just one galaxy, the Milky Way. All that changed, however, on December 30, 1924, when astronomer Edwin Hubble announced he had evidence that the Milky Way galaxy was just one of the many galaxies in an ever expanding universe.
Discovering that our galaxy wasn’t alone was just the beginning for Hubble. He continued measuring distances and velocities in deep space, finding that the further apart galaxies are from each other, the faster they move away from one another. His findings, published in 1929, led to the widely accepted notion that the universe is expanding. Albert Einstein personally thanked Hubble for the support his findings gave to his theory of relativity.
Earlier, in 1917, Albert Einstein had found that his newly developed theory of general relativity indicated that the universe must be either expanding or contracting. Unable to believe what his own equations were telling him, Einstein introduced a cosmological constant to the equations to avoid this "problem". When Einstein learned of Hubble's redshifts, he immediately realized that the expansion predicted by General Relativity must be real, and in later life he said that changing his equations was "the biggest blunder of his life".
US marines watch a test explosion of an American atom bomb, 1952. Over 2000 marines took part in the tests @facethenation
Читать полностью…Soviet Premier Josef Stalin, US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, meeting at the "Big Three" Tehran Conference around December 1, 1943 @facethenation
Читать полностью…First ever video footage of New York fire brigade, 1893 🚒
Ku Klux Klan members hold a march in Washington
The battle that raged for 10 terrible months: soldiers wait in the trenches as they prepare to make their way "over the top" to face the enemy
The airship Hindenburg, the largest dirigible ever built and the pride of Nazi Germany, burst into flames
John Kennedy's motorcade cruises through San Antonio on November 21, 1963, the day before he was assassinated in Dallas
Apollo 7 astronaut Walt Cunningham floats in the zero-gravity of space on October 14, 1968