📒go after (2)
to try to get something
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Are you planning to go after Alex's job when he retires?
💬 If Rupert thinks there's a chance to take over a profitable company, he'll go after it with everything he's got.
💠 empty-nester 🇺🇸
a parent whose children have grown up and left home
❕For example
🔺After spending many years raising their children, Kevin and Joan are now empty-nesters after their youngest daughter went to live with some friends.
🔺We're still getting used to being empty-nesters. The house seems so quiet all the time.
📒take up (3)
to shorten a piece of clothing or a curtain to make it the right size
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 These jeans are a bit too long. Could you take them up for me?
💬 I have to take up the new curtains in the bedroom.
💠 zine 🇺🇸
a cheaply produced magazine, usually related to music or the arts
❕For example
🔺This friend of ours has just started putting out his own zine. It's about music and the arts in Melbourne.
🔺How much do you reckon it'd cost to publish a monthly zine?
📒embark on
to begin something, usually something that will be challenging and time-consuming
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 After quitting her job as a teacher, Sam embarked on a new career as a clothes designer.
💬 We're embarking on a campaign to encourage our young people to eat healthy food.
📚lend someone a hand
If you lend someone a hand, you help them.
❗️For example
🔸Could you lend me a hand with these bags?
🔸Sue's husband is amazing. He'll even lend a hand in the kitchen when she's cooking for a dinner party!
📒 All truths are not to be told
Some truths are better left unspoken. It is not always necessary to repeat something even though it be true.
📚a pipe dream
A pipe dream is a plan or a dream for the future that could never come true or be achieved.
❗️For example
🔸The idea of a perfect world in which everyone lives in peace and harmony is just a pipe dream.
🔸Pipe dreams only ever come true in the movies.
📒 Where there's a will there's a way
If we have the determination to do something, we can always find the path or method to do it.
📚zero-sum game
A zero-sum game is a situation in which any gain by one side or person is at the expense of a loss to another side or person involved in the situation.
❗️For example
🔸The stock market has become a giant zero-sum game in which one investor gains what another investor loses.
🔸In a zero-sum game, if you add the total gains of the participants and the total losses of the participants, the sum will always be zero.
📒 Nothing ventured, nothing gained
We can't expect to achieve anything if we never take any risks.
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💠 sickie 🇺🇸
a day taken off work after calling in sick when one is actually well
❕For example
🔺Paul throws a sickie at least once a month. I wonder if his boss has noticed that he's always "sick" when the weather is beautiful?
🔺Robbo reckons the surf's awesome today, so I'm chuckin' a sickie and headin' down the coast.
📒hold out for
to wait until you get what you want, especially when negotiating
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 The workers held out for a better wage deal and, after another round of negotiations, they got it.
💬 We held out for a better contract, and we got it after some hard bargaining.
💠 gnarly 🇺🇸
extreme (in either a good or bad sense)
❕For example
🔺That was a real gnarly spill, man! You sure you're OK?
🔺Hey dude, that concert was gnarly! Whooa!!
📚a voice (crying) in the wilderness
You're a voice in the wilderness, or a voice crying in the wilderness, if you're expressing an unpopular opinion or insight.
❗️For example
🔸When Galileo stated that the sun was the centre of the solar system, he was a voice crying in the wilderness. Most people thought he was crazy or evil, or possibly both.
🔸Clara says petrol engines should be banned because of the damage they cause to the environment. She says most people laugh when she says this, and she feels like a voice in the wilderness.
📒 When the devil cannot come, he will send
The implication is that the devil is very persistent. He will always find a way to tempt us. If the devil cannot bring temptation to us himself, he will find someone else to bring it.
📚above the law
If someone is above the law, they are not subject to the laws of a society.
❗️For example
🔸Just because his father is a rich and powerful man, he seems to think he's above the law and he can do whatever he likes.
🔸In a democracy, no-one is above the law - not even a president or a prime-minister.
📒 Poor men go to heaven as soon as rich
God makes no distinction between people with money and people without money.
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💠 ecofreak 🇺🇸
a person with strong views on the importance of protecting the natural environment
❕For example
🔺Before becoming Minister for the Environment, Peter was a rock star and an ecofreak.
🔺All these ecofreaks came and lay down in front of the bulldozers to stop them from clearing the forest.
📒catch on (2)
If you catch on, you suddenly understand something that you couldn't understand at first.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Not all of my students understood the idea at first, but before long they all caught on.
💬 Most scientists now accept that global warming is really happening, but it took a while for a lot of them to catch on.
💠 fart 🇺🇸
to release gas from the anus (v.) | a release of gas from the anus (n.)
❕For example
🔺Did you know that one of the main causes of global warming is cows farting?
🔺We were driving home when someone did a fart. It smelled so bad that we had to open the windows.
📒turn over (2)
to change your body's position when lying down so that you are facing the opposite direction
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 My back was sore, and every time I turned over it hurt.
💬 I was sound asleep when my wife turned over and accidentally slapped my face.
💠 poof | poofter 🇺🇸
an offensive, derogatory word meaning a gay man
❕For example
🔺Everybody thought Gavin was a poof because he liked classical music and going to the ballet.
🔺Boys in my high school used to go "poofter bashing". They'd find a guy in the park they thought was gay, and they'd beat him up.
📒stick with
to continue with the same thing, instead of changing to something else
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 He's decided to stick with the team he's playing for now, even though another team offered him a lot of money to play for them instead.
💬 Kenny has stuck with the same group of friends ever since high school.
📚a new lease on life
If someone has a new lease on life, they have a new enthusiasm for living.
❗️For example
🔸After recovering from her illness, Kathy had a new lease on life and made lots of plans for the future.
🔸When my uncle quit drinking it gave him a new lease on life and he started doing things he hadn't done for years.
📒 As soon as man is born he begins to die
The process of dying starts at birth. This saying reminds us of our own mortality, whatever our age.
📚eat humble pie
If you eat humble pie, you admit that you are in the wrong and behave apologetically.
❗️For example
🔸Jim had to eat humble pie after we proved that what he'd said was wrong.
🔸Some politicians are so arrogant that they won't eat humble pie even when it's clear they've made a mistake. They just say they were "misinformed".
📒 Patience surpasses learning
1) The ability to wait for a long time without getting angry is even better than education.
2) the capacity to accept delay without getting upset will achieve more than study in the end