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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Seeing you happy...
is the happiest thing to see 💛

رؤيتڪِ سعيدة... ❕
هو أسعد ما يمكنني رؤيتهۂ 🌸


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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Tired of being nice to people who don't deserve it.
تعبت من كوني لطيفا من الاشخاص الذين لا يستحقون ذلك ✋💙.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Break some rules, Enjoy your life.
اكسر بعض القوانين، استمتع بحياتك 😎💙.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

I guess afterall that good things you do return no matter when or how.
They just return back to you.💙✨

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

- I don't forget ,I just leave things aside✨

- أنا لا أنسى، أنا فقط أترك الاشياء جانباً 🗞🎧

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

-لست بجانبي، لكن أنت دائما في قلبي ،
You are not beside me, but you are always in my heart”

﴿ مـمـسـاء الٌــــففـــل ♩❁🌸❥

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

‏كما كل ليله
‏يسرق مني الليل حروفاً أحبها..ويمنحني حلماً أبله!!💫
As every night
I steal from the night letters I love .. And give me a fool dream !!☁️❣

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

How is it possible to burn the human spirit to this degree
Without leaving an impact on its outer shape?

‏كيف يٌعقل أن تحترق روح الإنسان لـهذهِ الدرجة دون أن تترك أثراً علىٰ شكلِه الخارجي؟☄

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

‏"كل شيء سيأتيك في الوقت المُناسب " كُن صبوراً 💛🌾
Everything comes to you at the right moment "be patient" 🎈

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

i don't miss you, i miss the memories i had with you.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

‏She's like sky beautiful but mystery💧💭'

‏"هي كالسماء جميله لكن غامضة 💧💭'

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Refresh your mind, clear all of your problems and just have fun with life.
انعش عقلك، تخلص من مشاكلك واستمتع بالحياة 💙.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Allah loves you. Remember that.
الله يحبك، تذكر ذلك 🙏❤.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Instead of wiping your tears, wipe away the people who create them.🦋
بدلا من مسح دموعك، امسح الذين تسببو بها من حياتك ✋💧

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

A crow is never the whiter for washing itself often🦋
لن يبيض وجه الغراب حتى لو غسله كل يوم🦋🌹


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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Don't ask somebody why they're not there.
Don't ask them to call you, don't ask them to remember your existence. Don't ask them to miss you.
Priorities move them, and maybe you're not on the list.✨

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

I miss your smile, your face, your eyes. I miss you.
أفتقد ابتسامتك، وجهك، عيناك، أفتقدك ❤❤❤.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

People will judge you no matter what, So do what ever makes you happy.
سيحكم عليك الناس مهما حصل، لذا افعل ما يجعلك سعيدا 👌💜.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

|My talent? pretending that I'm okay everyday •⌛️
موهبتي؟ التظاهر بأنّي بخير كل يوم |•🕯

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Your smile makes me smile.
ابتسامتك تجعلني أبتسم، 🙊💛"

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

does anybody else go thru their old pictures and videos and just smile because u remember how fun those times were because same

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

-Sometimes all you need, is someone who can make you smile.💕
في بعض الأوقات كل ماتحتاجه هو شخص يجعلك تبتسم“.🐼

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🍁English Proverbs🍁


Do good and cast it into the sea.🍁🦋👍🌹❤️
اعمل خيرا وقطه بالبحر ☺👍

One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
فكرة واحدة إيجابية صغيرة في الصباح يمكن أن تغيّر كامل يومك 💙🙏.

My life, My choices, My mistakes, My lessons, Not your business.
حياتي، خياراتي، اخطائي، دروسي، مو شغلك 😄✋.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

• لا تفقد الأمل لأنڪ في ضيق ؛
هناڪ رب خلق الڪائنات من عدم🌸
• Darda kaldım diye umutsuz olma
yok iken dünyayı var eden vardır 🐣

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

i love you do you know✨؛
but you break my heart more
and i can't counties

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

we won't forget each other, right?

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

When I ignore you, all I want is your attention.
عندما اتجاهلك، كل ما أريده هو انتباهك 💜.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Life always offers you a second chance. its called tomorrow.💧‼️
الحياة دائما ما تعرض عليك فرصة أخرى، اسمها "غدا" 💙🙌.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

كن شاكراً لما تملكه اليوم
Be thankful for what you💧 have today 🦋


💧اعمل بجد لما تريد غداً
Work hard for what you want tomorrow🦋

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

You can't change how people feel about you,so don't worry and just live your life.❤️🦋👍
لا يمكن تغيير ما يشعر به الناس تجاهك، لا تقلق وعش حياتك🙌❤

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