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🍁English Proverbs🍁

‎‏The past is considered a lesson not a failure
that our life stops at ✨.

‏" الماضي يعتبر درس , وليس خيبه تقف عليها حياتنا ☕️".

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Everything is poisonous and has a special way of death even harmless water , if you drink too much it'll kill you

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

ابتسم ولا تشغل نفسك بالدنيا😊🌍
Smile and do not occupy yourself with the world💞✨

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Love stays as a word until someone comes and give it a meaning.،
"يبقى الحُب كلمة إلى أن يأتي شخص ويعطيها معنى" !

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

ان شراستك كلها انما هي لاخفاء قلب هش
All of your aggression is a mask for a brittle heart

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

To Aitwada but who he was sure of himself not only flaunts was a world Bnqs.

‏لايتواضِع الا من كان واثِقاً من نفسه ولا يتكبّر الا من كان عالمِاً بنقصه.👌🏻

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Seeing you happy...
is the happiest thing to see 💛

رؤيتڪ سعيد... ❕
هو أسعد ما يمكنني رؤيتهۂ 🌸

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Seeing the world is every body's dream but seeing you is my only dream
رؤية العالم حلم كل شخص لكن رؤيتك حلمي الوحيد

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Kill the bad thoughts before it kills you
اقتل الافكار السيئة قبل ان تقتلك

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

لا اعلم كم من المرات أفكر فيك ، لكنني لا أتذكر غيرك أبدا

I don't know how many times I think about you but I don't remember anyone else
But you.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Yes, I have captured you and I never think of freedom 🍩🍃

‏نَعم لَقد أُسِرتُ بِك ولا أُفكِر بالحُرية أبداً..🍩🌸

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

_Save your heart for some one who cares🗞
- احتفظ بقَلبك لشخص يهتم 🌈

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

لا تؤمن بكلمة (مستحيل) وتذكر " أن الله على كل شيء قدير "💚
Don't believe in the word (impossible) and remember “ Allah has power over all things 💚

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

The best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything from anyone.🥀

إن أفضل طريقة لتجنب خيبة الأمل هي عدم توقع أي شيء من أي شخص.✨

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

I miss in a painful silence.
Like the tears of the prisoner at night, and the dreams of the poor, which never go further than his house’s roof.
افتقدك بهدوء مؤلم. كدموع السجين ليلا و أحلام الفقير التي لا تتجاوز سقف منزله🌸🌾

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

While you're busy looking for the perfect person, you'll probably miss the imperfect person who could make you perfectly happy.

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

أُحبّ القِصص حيث ينقذ النّساء أنفُسهن. 💕
I like stories where women save themselves. ✨

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

For every dark night. There is a brighter day.

لكل ليلةِ مُظلمه ! هناك يومٌ مُشرق .

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

- during our conversation she smiled and I forgot what I was saying.🖇

- وسط الحديث هي ابتسمت وانا نسيت ماذا سأقول ✨✖️"

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

الكلمات اللطيفة لاتكلف شيئا
Kind words cost nothing

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

True love, when your heart and your mind are saying the same think

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

-I want to be isolated without thinking I am face to face with myselfأرغب بعزلة تخلو من التفكير أكون فيها وجها ً لوجه مع نفسي!،🔦✨"

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Stars can't shine without darkness
لايمكن للنجوم ان تلمع دون ظلمة

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Don't teach her how to wipe her tears...teach her how not to cry
لاتعلمها كيف تمسح دموعها علمها كيف لاتبكي

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

السعادة أن يمر اسمك بدعاء كل يوم دون علمك 🌸
Mutluluk haberin yokken adının her gün bir dua da geçmesidir🌸

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Every time I get a massage from you❗️my check's starts hurting me case of my smile 😃🍃

في كل مرة أتلقئ رسالة منـك... ✨
يؤلمني وجهي من شدة الأبتسامـة 🙊❗️

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

- I think we'll be together soon, I heard my mother praying to allah to give me happiness✨🏹

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Don't let the past hold you back,
you're missing the good stuff 🌼💎'

لا تجعـل الماضـيـہ يعيقـک ، سيلهيـک عـن الأمـور الجميلـةة فـہ الحياةة 🌙'

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

Fasting is acceptable and a tasty breakfast😊
صيام مقبول وأفطار شهي🍝

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🍁English Proverbs🍁

.•Did you miss the interview however, does not end with sleepOne of us "💤 🙇🏽
ألم تشتاق لحٓديث لا ينتِهي الآ بـ نوم
أحدنا"💤 🙇🏽💕

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