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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Comcast agrees to remove misleading brand name for Xfinity

Comcast is waving the white flag in its battle to keep its misleading "Xfinity 10G Network" brand name after facing claims of alleged false advertising. After claiming that its Xfinity 10G Network service was “game-changing,” “self-healing” and “ultra-fast” by seemingly comparing it to 5G, Comcast faced a challenge from T-Mobile last year in February where it questioned those claims and brought forth the issue to the National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs.Related: Comcast fights to keep its 'misleading' new name for Xfinity After the NAD did not find evidence that supported Comcast’s claim that the “Xfinity 10G Network” is superior to 5G, it recommended on Oct. 12 that Comcast should discontinue its 10G claims and “use ‘10G’ in a manner that is not false or misleading.” In response to that decision, Comcast filed an appeal. Now, Comcast has lost the appeal as the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) of BBB National Programs agreed with the NAD’s recommendation in a Jan. 31 ruling after Verizon also challenged Comcast’s “10G” claims. “The NARB panel concluded that 10G expressly communicates at a minimum that users of the Xfinity network will experience significantly faster speeds than are available on 5G networks,” said the NARB in its decision. “This express claim is not supported because the record does not contain any data comparing speeds experienced by Xfinity network users with speeds experienced by subscribers to 5G networks.” Vadnais Heights, Minn., Xfinity store in local mall. UCG/Getty Images The NARB panel determined that Comcast should discontinue using the term 10G “when used in the name of the service itself (“Xfinity 10G Network”) as well as when used to describe the Xfinity network.” In response to the NARB’s decision, Comcast said that “although it strongly disagrees with NARB’s analysis and approach,” it will change its advertising to comply with the panel’s ruling. 10G internet could easily be confused by consumers as an upgrade from 5G when both are very different. 5G stands for 5th generation, and 10G stands for 10 gigabits per second. 5G only relates to cellular network connection, and 10G and is only offered for home internet service. 5G is also faster than 10G as it offers faster downloading speeds.Related: Veteran fund manager picks favorite stocks for 2024

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Demar =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=

История польской компании DEMAR началась в 1978 году. Предприятие занимается производством детской и взрослой обуви высокого качества.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/6nbPNuJ Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Demar =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=*

История польской компании DEMAR началась в 1978 году. Предприятие занимается производством детской и взрослой обуви высокого качества.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/6nbPNuJ Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3607184.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/LPECUmg Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Samsung рассекретила новый фитнес-браслет Galaxy Fit3 с автономностью 13 дней*

Новый конкурент для Xiaomi Smart Band 8 и Huawei Band 8.
[Read more...](https://lifehacker.ru/samsung-rassekretila-fitnes-braslet-galaxy-fit3/)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Классификация маркировка средств индивидуальной защиты по защитным свойствам принята в соответствии с ГОСТ 12.4.103-83 ССБТ. Одежда специальная защитная. Средства индивидуальной защиты ног и рук.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/FQgYJz4 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Форма Гражданских

ФОРМЕННАЯ ОДЕЖДА И ЗНАКИ РАЗЛИЧИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫХ ГРАЖДАНСКИХ СЛУЖАЩИХ ВООРУЖЕННЫХ СИЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ nbsp Информация взята с ресурса...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/PiV8rAW Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Форма Гражданских

via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/7B31h2V Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Виды и рода войск ВС

Армия в той или иной степени касается каждого гражданина, поэтому волей-неволей люди осведомлены о ней. Но ведь армия - это слишком обобщенное и абстрактное понятие...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/TA2YBrc Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Знаки отличия и

Рекомендации по ношению государственных наград и ведомственных знаков отличия сотрудниками органов внутренних дел Российской Федерации на предметах форменной одежды.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/hBLv3qr Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Рекомендации по

ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ. ГБОУ ДПО «Центр военно-патриотического и гражданского воспитания». Рекомендации по ношению форменного обмундирования...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/qGX04QT Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*«Кинопоиск» назвал самые популярные сериалы в России в 2023 году*

«Слово пацана», Серкан Болат и аниме.
[Read more...](https://lifehacker.ru/top-kinopoisk-pro-2023-god/)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*RosHunter =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=*

Одежда для охотников под торговой маркой «RosHunter» отличается высоким качеством изготовления и долговечностью в эксплуатации. Её давно ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/kBoapTw Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3606637.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Морские звания и

Корабельные звания так же как и в сухопутных войсках присваиваются согласно тому, на сколько у военнослужащего есть способность и желание взять на себя руководство вверенным ему участком.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/V6DPAJK Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Армия Беларуси:

Нарукавный знак Особого отряда специального назначения 5 отдельной бригады специального назначения Вооруженных сил Республики Беларусь. Нарукавный знак Особого отряда...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/bPDxlnd Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Comcast agrees to remove misleading brand name for Xfinity*

Comcast is waving the white flag in its battle to keep its misleading "Xfinity 10G Network" brand name after facing claims of alleged false advertising. After claiming that its Xfinity 10G Network service was “game-changing,” “self-healing” and “ultra-fast” by seemingly comparing it to 5G, Comcast faced a challenge from T-Mobile last year in February where it questioned those claims and brought forth the issue to the National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs.Related: Comcast fights to keep its 'misleading' new name for Xfinity After the NAD did not find evidence that supported Comcast’s claim that the “Xfinity 10G Network” is superior to 5G, it recommended on Oct. 12 that Comcast should discontinue its 10G claims and “use ‘10G’ in a manner that is not false or misleading.” In response to that decision, Comcast filed an appeal. Now, Comcast has lost the appeal as the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) of BBB National Programs agreed with the NAD’s recommendation in a Jan. 31 ruling after Verizon also challenged Comcast’s “10G” claims. “The NARB panel concluded that 10G expressly communicates at a minimum that users of the Xfinity network will experience significantly faster speeds than are available on 5G networks,” said the NARB in its decision. “This express claim is not supported because the record does not contain any data comparing speeds experienced by Xfinity network users with speeds experienced by subscribers to 5G networks.” Vadnais Heights, Minn., Xfinity store in local mall. UCG/Getty Images The NARB panel determined that Comcast should discontinue using the term 10G “when used in the name of the service itself (“Xfinity 10G Network”) as well as when used to describe the Xfinity network.” In response to the NARB’s decision, Comcast said that “although it strongly disagrees with NARB’s analysis and approach,” it will change its advertising to comply with the panel’s ruling. 10G internet could easily be confused by consumers as an upgrade from 5G when both are very different. 5G stands for 5th generation, and 10G stands for 10 gigabits per second. 5G only relates to cellular network connection, and 10G and is only offered for home internet service. 5G is also faster than 10G as it offers faster downloading speeds.Related: Veteran fund manager picks favorite stocks for 2024
[Read more...](https://www.thestreet.com/media/comcast-agrees-to-remove-misleading-brand-name-for-xfinity-)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/LPECUmg Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

Форма одежды

Военторг Форма одежды - уставная форма, камуфляж, военная одежда, военторги москвы, армейский магазин, военный магазин, форма полиции, форма МЧС...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/tfC862c Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Форма одежды*

Военторг Форма одежды - уставная форма, камуфляж, военная одежда, военторги москвы, армейский магазин, военный магазин, форма полиции, форма МЧС...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/tfC862c Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3604325.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Как носить юбку поверх брюк — новый тренд родом из нулевых*

Стильно и ножки в тепле.
[Read more...](https://burninghut.ru/yubka-s-bryukami/?utm_source=lifehacker.ru&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=teaser&utm_content=yubka-s-bryukami)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex


Классификация маркировка средств индивидуальной защиты по защитным свойствам принята в соответствии с ГОСТ 12.4.103-83 ССБТ. Одежда специальная защитная. Средства индивидуальной защиты ног и рук.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/FQgYJz4 Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3602903.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Форма Гражданских*

ФОРМЕННАЯ ОДЕЖДА И ЗНАКИ РАЗЛИЧИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫХ ГРАЖДАНСКИХ СЛУЖАЩИХ ВООРУЖЕННЫХ СИЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ nbsp Информация взята с ресурса...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/PiV8rAW Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Форма Гражданских*

via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/7B31h2V Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Виды и рода войск ВС*

Армия в той или иной степени касается каждого гражданина, поэтому волей-неволей люди осведомлены о ней. Но ведь армия - это слишком обобщенное и абстрактное понятие...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/TA2YBrc Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3604751.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Знаки отличия и*

Рекомендации по ношению государственных наград и ведомственных знаков отличия сотрудниками органов внутренних дел Российской Федерации на предметах форменной одежды.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/hBLv3qr Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3606859.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Рекомендации по*

ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ. ГБОУ ДПО «Центр военно-патриотического и гражданского воспитания». Рекомендации по ношению форменного обмундирования...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/qGX04QT Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3602214.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

RosHunter =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=

Одежда для охотников под торговой маркой «RosHunter» отличается высоким качеством изготовления и долговечностью в эксплуатации. Её давно ...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/kBoapTw Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Нашедшего жену через ChatGPT разработчика заподозрили в обмане*

Слишком много нестыковок и колоссальный объём работы вызывают вопросы.
[Read more...](https://lifehacker.ru/nashedshego-zhenu-cherez-chatgpt-razrabotchika-zapodozrili-v-obmane/)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Морские звания и*

Корабельные звания так же как и в сухопутных войсках присваиваются согласно тому, на сколько у военнослужащего есть способность и желание взять на себя руководство вверенным ему участком.via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/V6DPAJK Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3602136.html)

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Enacademic 🎓Analogindex

*Армия Беларуси:*

Нарукавный знак Особого отряда специального назначения 5 отдельной бригады специального назначения Вооруженных сил Республики Беларусь. Нарукавный знак Особого отряда...via forma full 5 https://ift.tt/bPDxlnd Manage Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email service.IFTTT Manage on IFTTT: https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525
[Read more...](https://analogindex.livejournal.com/3605342.html)

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