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Creative and professional designs, design resources, inspiration, ideas, tasks & more!

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Creative Designs

50K+ VIEWS & COUNTING... PRO TIP to change colors of raster images in Adobe Illustrator.

#protip #illustratortrick #adobeillustratortutorial #changecolors #imagecolors #imageediting #adobeillustrator

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Creative Designs

30K+ VIEWS & COUNTING... Find the SECRET TIP to fade images from 2+ sides or Fade Freely in Adobe Illustrator.

#fadeimages #fade #feather #imageediting #illustratortutorial #adobeillustrator #illustratortips #illustratortricks #graphicdesign #creativealys

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Creative Designs

🌿 Calling all creative minds! 🎨 Submit exceptional designs in our excited logo contest for a Lawn Company. 2 WINNERS!! Two lucky winners will be chosen: 1st place takes home $175 💰 and the runner-up grabs $100! 🥈 Don't miss this chance to sprout your talent and grow your portfolio. Submit your designs now and let your creativity blossom!

#DesignContest #LawnCompanyLogo #110Designs #AmericanCompanyLogo #FloridaLogoDesign #LogoDesign #CustomLogoDesign #BusinessLogo

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Creative Designs

25K+ VIEWS & COUNTING... Did you know you can create Offset Paths in Adobe Photoshop, just like in Adobe Illustrator? Get the trick now:

#offsetpath #photoshop #tutorial #graphicdesign #creativealys #videotutorial

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Creative Designs

30K+ VIEWS & GROWING... Know the secret of creating perfectly curved swooshes in Adobe Illustrator!

#swooshes #tutorial #adobeillustrator #perfectcurves #curves #graphicdesign #logodesign

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Creative Designs

jswonke found their dream logo for their Texas Tide Baseball with a design contest. They received 54 stunning designs from 14 talented designers and picked their favorite. You can see their journey and the final logo here: If you want to get a logo that suits your style and vision, why not start your own design contest today?

#logo #logodesign #designcontest #baseballlogo #sportslogo #texassports #graphicdesign #logoinspiration #startyourcontest

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Creative Designs

Make awesome cross 3D perspective effects in Adobe Illustrator:

#illustratortutorial #texteffects #3deffects #perspectiveeffects #cross3deffects

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Creative Designs

Transform your logo design into a Travel Brand:

#travellogo #travelmockup #psdmockup #logomockup #clothingmockup #photoshop

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Creative Designs

Make stylish blended Drop Shadow effects in Adobe Illustrator:

#dropshadow #illustratortutorial #graphicdesign #illustratortrick #blendeddropshadow

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Creative Designs

450K+ VIEWS & COUNTING... Know the trick behind changing raster image colors in Adobe Illustrator!

#imagecolors #changecolors #rasterimages #imageediting #illustratortrick #illustratortutorial #graphicdesign #creativealys

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Creative Designs

10K+ VIEW & GROWING... Check out this unique method of creating editable text masks and produce stunning effects in Adobe Illustrator.

#editablemask #textmask #texteffects #adobeillustrator #illustratortutorial #graphicdesign #opacitymask #editabletextmask #designtips #designtricks

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Creative Designs

The Art and Science of Business Logo Design: Making Your Brand Identity

#business #logodesign #customlogo #businesslogo #businesslogodesign #brandidentity #branding

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Creative Designs

Learn how to create an eye-catching 3D neon-style display of your logo design using Adobe Photoshop.

#3dneon #neonlogo #3dneonlogo #neonstyle #3dlogo #photoshopmockup #psdmockup #logomockup #3dmockup #freelogomockup

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Creative Designs

Seamlessly and of course perfectly remove anything from images in Photoshop easily:

#removeanything #photoediting #removeanythingfromphoto #removeobjectforphoto #removeobject #photoshopremve #photoshoptutorial #imageedit

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Creative Designs

Check out this quick pro tip to turn NON-ITALIC FONTS into ITALICS in Adobe Illustrator.

#illustratortip #illustratortrick #graphicdesign #creativealys #nonitalictoitalic #italicize #howtoitalic #protips

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Creative Designs

Jordan08's "Lawn Company Logo Need" contest on 110Designs was a hit! They received a whopping 165 custom creations from 38 design maestros and selected TWO winning logos that perfectly match their brand. Now, with their standout logos, they're making waves in the lawn care industry. We believe contests are an enjoyable approach to get designs. Check out their creative journey at

#lawncompany #lawncare #logodesign #customlogos #businesslogo #companylogo #designcontest #110designs

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Creative Designs

How to Make Iconic Logos in Illustrator | Batman + ChatGPT + Microsoft Edge Logo Design Tutorial

#logodesign #iconiclogos #logotutorial #illustratortutorial #batman #chatgpt #microsoftedge #logodesigntutorial #howtomakelogo

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Creative Designs

An easy and effective way to split raster images in Adobe Illustrator. Try it now:

#splitimages #adobeillustrator #tutorial #graphicdesign #illustratortip #cutimages

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Creative Designs

Surpassed 400K+ VIEWS & STILL GOING STRONG... Gratitude to all for making this milestone possible!

#textmask #mask #texteffect #adobeillustrator #tutorial #graphicdesign #illustratortips

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Creative Designs

Free Vector Crests for Logo Design:

#crests #logodesign #vectorcrests #emblems #vectors #freecrests #freevectors

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Creative Designs

How to Add Outer Glow in Illustrator:

#outerglow #illustratortutorial #graphicdesign #glow #tutorial #Creativealys

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Creative Designs

This quick tip will give you the freedom to design at any size without worrying about strokes and effects density.

#strokes #effects #scale #graphicdesign #illustratortip #quicktip

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Creative Designs

Create an amazing display of your logo design in a unique silver embossed style using Photoshop.

#embossedlogo #logomockup #psdmockup #photoshoptutorial #silverlogo

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Creative Designs

278K+ VIEWS & COUNTING... Learn the trick to fade raster images in Adobe Illustrator!

#fadeimage #illustratortutorial #adobeillsutrator #tutorial #graphicdesign #trick

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Creative Designs

Unveil irresistible product packaging & labels that beckon to be taken home! Kickstart your journey from just $147, & within hours, get a plethora of tailored designs from designers around the world. Choose your favorite design from the array of options.

#packagingdesign #professionalpackaging #creativepackaging #labeldesign #creativedesigns #graphicdesign #110designs #designcontests #graphicdesignmarketplace

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Creative Designs

Grow Your Learning: Make Smart Grid Repeats and Seamless Patterns in Adobe Illustrator!

#seamlesspatterns #gridrepeat #howtorepeat #illustratortutorial #adobeillustratortutorial #repeatingrid #creategrid #createpatterns #patterndesigns

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Creative Designs

Create a stylish display of your logo design in a 3D metallic form using Adobe Photoshop.

#logomockup #psdmockup #metallic #3dmockup #metallicmockup #3dlogomockup #metalliclogomockup #photoshopmockup #photoshoptutorial

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Creative Designs

See how to create multi-color lettering in Adobe Illustrator:

#colorfullettering #multicolortext #illustratortutorial #adobeillustrator #designtutorial #graphicdesign #colorfulletters

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Creative Designs

Using this exceptional method, create stunning 3D striped globe vector in Adobe Illustrator.

#illustratortutorial #striped #vectorgraphic #abstractgraphic #vectorglobe #adobeillustratortutorial #adobeillustrator #stripedglobe #3dglobe #3dvector

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Creative Designs

25K+ VIEWS & COUNTING... #Learn how to effortlessly fade images from multiple sides in #AdobeIllustrator – the perfect blend of simplicity and sophistication!

#Tutorial #GraphicDesign #IllustratorTutorial #FadeImage

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