♻️Media ethics
1. Independence: Media channels (print or electronic or digital) must be independent of the government and not have any political allegiance. The independence of the media not only leads to free speech and expression but also emboldens debate and dissent in democracy. Currently, in USA, certain media outlets are showing strength and resolve to question the policies of Trump administration despite direct criticism and denigration by the President himself.
2. Objectivity: Reports of media personnel should be based on facts and not personal bias or prejudice. Media must report all information from across the spectrum of opinion. It must also give due space to all shades of opinion as well as facts.
For example, recently Qatari government-owned news channel Al-Jazeera was restricted from operating in Jammu and Kashmir by Government of India for its biased coverage.
3. Sensationalism: The media’s role in a democracy is to provide the people with information in its purest form using which the people can make informed decisions. The media must avoid sensationalizing and scandalizing news for the purpose of marketing as it also leads to tensions, hyped emotions etc.
4. Editorial independence: Media outlets are commercial enterprises and need money to sustain themselves. However, the editorial and news reporting segments must be at an arm’s length from the commercial segments such as advertisements. For instance, governments might coerce newspapers against publishing criticism of the government in
exchange for commercial advertisements from the government. However, independent editorial department can check against that.
5. Ownership: Media entities must avoid concentrated ownership, especially in the hands of vested interests like politicians, businessmen and so on. Media ownership should be as publicly distributed as possible.
6. Responsibility and sensitivity: While reporting news, especially live reporting, media professionals must ensure that their coverage does not harm larger public interest.
While covering matters like terrorist attacks, wars etc. media should how reasonable responsibility towards national interest. While reporting on matters like riots, rapes etc.media must show basic sensitivity and not hurt the emotions or dignity of any individual or community.
7. Honesty: It must be ensured that information is completely and accurately shared with the public. No sort of information shall be withheld even if goes against the interest of the media outlet itself.
8. Accountability: Media should also account for its mistakes and take adequate action to remedy the wrongs. For instance, news programs must acknowledge errors in their reports and also bring out the correct information.
9. Means to obtain information: Right means should be used to obtain information and the privacy, dignity, trust etc. should be maintained. Methods like sting operations should be only used when they are found clearly in larger public interest and there should be clear guidelines for the matter.
Law paper CSM 2023 Paper
#Law #Optional
#Mains #Paper 1
#2023 #UPSC
📌 Intersting & Funny GK Tricks📌
1⃣ Writs issued by Courts https://youtu.be/rKOuAcfLVW4
2⃣ Ancient Dynasties https://youtu.be/QzQnobS_U5U
3⃣ All Viceroys in chronology https://youtu.be/InZ0S7ZzMmM
4⃣ States touching Bhutan https://youtu.be/6uoLWuTIgck
5⃣ States touching Myanmar https://youtu.be/5bNJAGIHl9s
6⃣Capsian Sea bordering Countries https://youtu.be/d5exBtD4Puo
7⃣Black Sea bordering Countries
8⃣Countries in Horn of Africa https://youtu.be/oNXsimE29cQ
9⃣12 Schedules of Constitution
🔟 Countries around RED SEA
1⃣ Mekong Ganga Cooperation
2⃣ UN Official Language Trick
List of statutory bodies in india 1. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC):
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but established through the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.
2. National Commission for Women (NCW):
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but established through an Act of Parliament in 1990.
3. National Commission for Minorities (NCM):
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but established through the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. @cseupscnotes
4. National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC):
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but established through the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993.
5. Planning Commission (Replaced by NITI Aayog):
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. The Planning Commission was set up by a Government Resolution, and NITI Aayog was established through an Executive Order.
6. NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India):
- Established through an Executive Order, not mentioned in the Constitution.
7. Language Commission:
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but established through various resolutions and recommendations.
8. Delimitation Commission:
- Delimitation is carried out based on Delimitation Acts, not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.
9. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR):
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but established through the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005.
10. Central Vigilance Commission (CVC):
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but established through the Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003.
11. Central Information Commission (CIC):
- Not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but established through the Right to Information Act, 2005.
These constitutional and statutory bodies collectively contribute to the governance and oversight of various aspects of the Indian state.
✅ विश्व के प्रमुख संगठन और उनके मुख्यालय
1. रेडक्रॉस – जेनेवा
2. इंटरपोल (INTERPOL) – पेरिस (लेओंस)
3. एशियाई विकास बैंक (ADB) – मनीला
4. विश्व वन्य जीव संरक्षण कोष (WWF) – ग्लांड(स्विट्ज़रलैंड)
5. नाटो (NATO) – ब्रुसेल्स
6. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय न्यायालय – हेग
7. यूनिसेफ – न्यूयॉर्क
8. सार्क (SAARC) – काठमाण्डु
9. संयुक्त राष्ट्र पर्यावरण कार्यक्रम (UNEP) – नैरोबी
10. गैट (GATT) – जेनेवा
11. विश्व व्यापार संगठन (WTO) – जेनेवा
12. अमरीकी राज्यों का संगठन (OAS) – वाशिंगटन डी. सी.
13. अरब लीग – काहिरा
14. परस्पर आर्थिक सहायता परिषद् (COMECON) – मास
15. वर्ल्ड काउंसिल ऑफ़ चर्चेज (WCC) – जेनेवा
16. यूरोपीय ऊर्जा आयोग (EEC) – जेनेवा
17. अफ़्रीकी आर्थिक आयोग (ECA) – आदिस-अबाबा
18. यूरोपीय मुक्त व्यापार संघ (ECTA) – जेनेवा
19. संयुक्त राष्ट्र शरणार्थी उच्चायोग (UNHCR) – जेनेवा
20. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परमाणु ऊर्जा एजेंसी (IAEA) – वियना
21. पश्चिमी एशिया आर्थिक आयोग (ECWA) – बगदाद
22. संयुक्त राष्ट्र व्यापार एवं विकास सम्मलेन (UNCTAD) – जेनेवा
23. एमनेस्टी इंटरनेशनल – लंदन
24. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ओलम्पिक कमिटी (IOC) – लुसाने
25. यूरोपीय कॉमन मार्केट (ECM) – जेनेवा
26. राष्ट्रमंडलीय राष्ट्राध्यक्ष सम्मलेन (CHOGM) – स्ट्रान्सबर्ग
27. पेट्रोलियम उत्पादक देशों का संगठन (OPEC) – वियना
28. आर्थिक सहयोग और विकास संगठन (OECD) – पेरिस
29. यूरोपियन परमाणु ऊर्जा समुदाय (EURATON) – ब्रुसेल्स
30. राष्ट्रमंडल (कॉमनवेल्थ) – लंदन
31. यूरोपीय आर्थिक समुदाय (EEC) – जेनेवा
32. यूरोपीय संसद – लक्जमबर्ग
33. यूरोपियन स्पेस रिसर्च आर्गेनाईजेशन (ESRO) – पेरिस
34. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श्रम संगठन (ILO) – जेनेवा
35. एशिया और प्रशांत क्षेत्रों का आर्थिक और सामाजिक आयोग – बैंकाक
36. अफ़्रीकी एकता संगठन (OAU) – आदिस-अबाबा
37. यूनेस्को – पेरिस
38. विश्व बैंक – वाशिंगटन डी. सी.
39. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) – वाशिंगटन डी. सी.
40. संयुक्त राष्ट्र खाद्य एवं कृषि संगठन (FAO) – रोम
◆ राजस्थान
1. केवला देवी राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
2. रणथ्मभोर राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. सरिस्का राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
4. डैजर्ट राष्ट्रीय पार्क
5. दर्रा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
6. घना पक्षी राष्ट्रीय पार्क
7. केवला देवी राष्ट्रीय पार्क
8. ताल छापर अभ्यारण्य
9. माउंट आबू वाईल्ड लाइफ सैंचुरी
◆ मध्य प्रदेश
1. कान्हा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. पेंच राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. पन्ना राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. सतपुड़ा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
5. वन विहार पार्क
6. रुद्र सागर झील राष्ट्रीय पार्क
7. बांधवगढ नेशनल पार्क
8. संजय नेशनल पार्क
9. माधव राष्ट्रीय पार्क
10. कुनो नेशनल पार्क
11. माण्डला प्लांट फौसिल राष्ट्रीय पार्क
◆अरुणाचल प्रदेश
1. नामदफा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
◆ हरियाणा
1. सुलतानपुर राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. कलेशर राष्ट्रीय पार्क
◆ उत्तर प्रदेश
1. दूदवा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. चन्द्रप्रभा वन्यजीव विहार
◆ झारखंड
1. बेतला राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. हजारीबाग राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. धीमा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
◆ मणिपुर
1. काइबुल लाम्झो राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. सिरोही राष्ट्रीय पार्क
◆ सिक्किम
1. खांचनजोंगा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
◆ त्रिपुरा
1. क्लाउडेड राष्ट्रीय पार्क
◆ तमिलनाडु
1. गल्फ आफ मनार राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. इन्दिरा गांधी ( अन्नामलाई ) राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. प्लानी हिल्स राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. मुकुरूथी नेशनल पार्क
5. गुनीडे नेशनल पार्क
◆ ओडिसा
1. भीतरगनिका राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. सिंमली राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. नन्दनकानन राष्ट्रीय चिड़ीयाघर
4. चिल्का झील अभयारण्य
◆ मिजोरम
1. माउन्टेन राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. मुरलेन राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. फांगपुई नेशनल पार्क
4. डाम्फा अभ्यारण्य
◆ जम्मू-कश्मीर
1. दाचीग्राम राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. सलीम अली राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. किस्तवाड़ राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. हैमनिश नेशनल पार्क
5. जैव मण्डल रीजर्व , श्रीनगर
◆ पश्चिम बंगाल
1. सुन्दरवन राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. बुक्सा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. जलधपारा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. गोरूवारा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
5. सिंघालिला राष्ट्रीय पार्क
6. नियोरा वैली नेशनल पार्क
◆ असम
1. मानस राष्ट्रीय पार्क
2. काजीरंगा राष्ट्रीय पार्क
3. नामेरी राष्ट्रीय पार्क
4. राजीव गांधी ओरांग पार्क
5. डिब्रूगढ़ शेखोवाल राष्ट्रीय पार्क
◆ आंध्र प्रदेश
1. कसरू ब्रह्मानंदा रेड्डी नेशनल पार्क
2. इन्दिरा गाँधी प्राणी विज्ञान पार्क
3. मरूग
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Coal Gasification is one of the clean coal technologies and involves the process of converting coal into synthesis gas/ syngas.
• Syngas is a mixture of hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
• The by-products of coal gasification include coke, coal tar, sulfur, ammonia and fly ash, all having their own potential uses.
• CO2 and ammonia are further reacted to produce urea.
• Syngas can also be used in a variety of other applications such as in the production of electricity, fuel for IC engines, making plastics, cement etc
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🌀Forest Report (IFSR) 2021
▪️Key pointer about India :
▫️Total Forest Cover = 21.71%
▫️Total Forest & Tree Cover = 24.62%
▪️Largest Forest Cover ( Area wise):-
1. MP
2.Arunachal Pradesh
▪️Total Forest Cover ( %age of total GA) : Top five States are
▫️Mizoram (84.53%)
▫️Arunachal Pradesh (79.33%)
▫️Meghalaya (76.00%)
▫️Manipur (74.34%)
▪️Total mangrove cover- 4,992 sq km.
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Why does your Stomach growl when you are hungry?
The growling sound you hear from your stomach when you're hungry is known as "borborygmi" (singular: borborygmus). It is a normal physiological response that occurs as a result of the movement and contraction of the muscles in your gastrointestinal tract.
When you haven't eaten for a while, your stomach and intestines go through a process called the migrating motor complex (MMC). The MMC is a cyclical pattern of contractions that helps move residual food particles, gas, and digestive secretions along the digestive system.
During the fasting phase, which occurs between meals or when you haven't eaten for some time, the MMC becomes more active. These contractions can create the rumbling or growling noises you hear.
The growling sounds are caused by the movement of gas and fluid in your intestines, as well as the contraction of muscles in the stomach and small intestine. The contractions can be quite forceful, and when they occur in the presence of air and fluid, they produce the characteristic rumbling sound.
It's important to note that borborygmi are not exclusive to hunger. They can also be caused by other factors, such as gas or the movement of stool through the digestive system. Additionally, some individuals may experience more noticeable stomach growling than others, even when they are not necessarily hungry.
Law paper CSM 2023 Paper
#Law #Optional
#Mains #Paper 2
#2023 #UPSC
List of constitutional bodies in India along with the relevant articles of the Indian Constitution that establish or provide for their creation:
1. Election Commission of India (ECI):
- Article 324
2. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC):
- Article 315-323
3. State Public Service Commissions (SPSC):
- Article 315
4. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG):
- Article 148-151
5. Attorney General of India:
- Article 76 Join @CseUPSCnotes
6. Solicitor General of India:
- Article 76
7. National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC): join @cseupscnotes
- Article 338
8. National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST):
- Article 338A
9. Finance Commission:
- Article 280
10. Inter-State Council:
- Article 263
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Constitutional bodies in India
*Attorney General of India
*National Commission for Scheduled Castes,
*National Commission for Scheduled Tribes,
*National Commission for Backward Classes, etc.
Statutory Bodies in India
*National Commission for Women
*Central Vigilance Commission
*National Green Tribunal
🐯𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 of States🐯
🐅Kaziranga Tiger Reserve
🐅Manas Tiger Reserve
🐅Nameri Tiger Reserve
🐅Orang Tiger Reserve
♓♓Arunachal Pradesh♓♓
🐅Namdapha Tiger Reserve
🐅Pakhui Tiger Reserve
♓♓Andhra Pradesh♓♓
🐅Nagarjunsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve
🐅Valmiki National Park
🐅Achanakmar Tiger Reserve
🐅Indravati Tiger Reserves
🐅Udanti & Sitanadi Tiger Reserve
🐅Palamau Tiger Reserve
🐅Bandipur Tiger Reserve
🐅Nagarhole Tiger Reserve
🐅Bhadra Tiger Reserve
🐅Anshi Dandeli Tiger Reserve
🚡Periyar Tiger Reserve
🚡Parambikulam Tiger Reserve
♓♓Madhya Pradesh♓♓
🚡Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
🚡Satpura Tiger Reserve
🚡Kanha Tiger Reserve
🚡Panna Tiger Reserve
🚡Pench Tiger Reserve
🚡Sanjay-Dubri Tiger Reserve
🚡Melghat Tiger Reserve
🚡Pench Tiger Reserve
🚡Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project
🚡Sahyadri Tiger reserve
🚡Nagzira-Navegaon Tiger Reserve
🚡Bor Tiger Reserve
🚡Dampa Tiger Reserve
🚡Satkosia Tiger Reserve
🚡Simlipal Tiger Reserve
🚠Mukundara Hills Tiger Reserve
🚡Ranthambore Tiger Reserve
🚝Sariska Tiger Reserve
♓♓Tamil Nadu♓♓
🍀Anamalai Tiger Reserve
🚝Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve
🚠Mudumalai Tiger Reserve
🚡Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve
🚡Kawal Tiger Reserve
🚡Srisailam Tiger Reserve
♓♓Uttar Pradesh♓♓
🚡Dudhwa Tiger Reserve
🚡Pilibhit Tiger Reserve
🚠Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve
🚠Rajaji National Park
♓♓West Bengal♓♓
🚠Buxa Tiger Reserve
🚠Sunderbans Tiger Reserve
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🔆List of Revolutions in the various field in India :
✅Black Revolution : Petroleum.
✅Production Blue Revolution : Fish.
✅Production Brown Revolution : Leather/non-conventional (India)/Cocoa production.
✅Golden Fibre Revolution : Jute Production.
✅Golden Revolution : Fruits/Overall Horticulture development/Honey Production.
✅Green Revolution : Food grains.
✅Grey Revolution : Fertilizer.
✅Pink Revolution : Onion production/ Pharmaceutical (India)/Prawn production.
✅Red Revolution : Meat and Tomato Production.
✅Round Revolution : Potato Silver.
✅Fiber Revolution : Cotton.
✅Silver Revolution : Egg/Poultry Production.
✅White Revolution (In India: Operation Flood) : Milk/Dairy production .
✅Yellow Revolution : Oil Seeds production .
✅Evergreen Revolution : Overall development of Agriculture.
✅Rainbow Revolution : agriculture, horticulture, forestry, sugarcane, fishery, poultry and animal husbandry.
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