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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

There are 4 types of genetic diseases

1⃣ Single Gene - Disorders caused by abnormality or mutation in the sequence of one gene.

2⃣ Multifactorial - Caused by a combination of environmental factors as well as mutations in multiple genes.

3⃣ Chromosomal - Abnormalities in chromosome structure such has missing or extra copies

4⃣ Mitochondrial - Caused by a mutation in non-chromosomal DNA of mitochondria

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS


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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

✉️This is a unique initiative by team of IAS IPS officers and teachers from Delhi. Quality of their questions is very good. You must join👇👇


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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

European Space Agency set to launch Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice)

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

Asia's Longest Zozila Tunnel Project

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

📌 Latest, Important and Funny Tricks for All📌

1️⃣ Prime Meridian countries


3️⃣ National Parks of Rajasthan

4️⃣ Types of Cyber Crimes

5️⃣ Causes of Cyber Crimes

6️⃣ Principal organs of United Nations UNO ICJ UNSC UNGA Economic Social Council

7️⃣6th Schedule of INDIAN CONSTITUTION

8️⃣Coastal States and UTs in decreasing order of coastline

9️⃣12 Schedules of Constitution

🔟 Indian Standard Time

1️⃣ Tropic of cancer

2️⃣ Countries Surrounding Baltic Sea, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga Gulf of Bothnia


4⃣Preamble of Indian CONSTITUTION

GS is made Easy with Funny Tricks

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सीमा रेखाएं - प्रमुख अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सीमाएँ 🌀

√√ रेखा का नाम – डूरंड रेखा (Durand Line)
● किसके बीच – पाकिस्तान तथा अफगानिस्तान
● 1886 में सर मार्टिमर डूरंड द्वारा निर्धारित।
√√ रेखा का नाम – मैकमोहन रेखा (Macmahon Line)
● किसके बीच – भारत तथा चीन
● 1120 किमी. लंबी यह रेखा सर हेनरी मैकमोहन द्वारा निर्धारित की गई थी। लेकिन चीन इसे स्वीकार नहीं करता।
√√ रेखा का नाम – रेडक्लिफ रेखा (Radcliffe Line)
● किसके बीच – भारत तथा पाकिस्तान
● 1947 में भारत-पाकिस्तान सीमा आयोग के अध्यक्ष सर सायरिल रेडक्लिफ द्वारा निर्धारित।
√√ रेखा का नाम – 17 वीं समानांतर रेखा (17th Parallel)
● किसके बीच – उत्तरी वियतनाम तथा द. वियतनाम
● वियतनाम के एकीकरण के पहले यह देश को दो भागों में बांटती थी।
√√ रेखा का नाम – 24 वीं समानांतर रेखा (24th Parallel)
● किसके बीच – भारत तथा पाकिस्तान
● पाकिस्तान के अनुसार कच्छ क्षेत्र का यह रेखा सही निर्धारण करती है लेकिन भारत इस रेखा को स्वीकार नहीं करता है।
√√ रेखा का नाम – 38 वीं समानांतर रेखा (38th Parallel)
● किसके बीच – उत्तर कोरिया तथा दक्षिण कोरिया
● कोरिया को दो भागों में बांटती है।
√√ रेखा का नाम – 49 वीं समानांतर रेखा (49th Parallel)
● किसके बीच – अमेरिका तथा कनाडा
● अमेरिका तथा कनाडा को दो भागों में बांटती है।
√√ रेखा का नाम – हिंडनबर्ग रेखा (Hindenburg Line)
● किसके बीच – जर्मनी तथा पोलैंड
● प्रथम विश्व युद्ध में जर्मनी की सेना यहीं से वापस लौटी थी।
√√ रेखा का नाम – ओडरनास रेखा (Order-Neisse Line)
● किसके बीच – जर्मनी तथा पोलैंड
● द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के बाद निर्धारित की गई।
√√ रेखा का नाम – मैगिनाट रेखा (Maginot Line)
● किसके बीच – जर्मनी तथा फ्रांस
● जर्मनी के आक्रमण से बचाव के लिए फ्रांस ने यह रेखा बनाई थी।
√√ रेखा का नाम – सीजफ्राइड रेखा (Seigfrid Line)
● किसके बीच – जर्मनी तथा फ्रांस
● जर्मनी ने यह रेखा बनाई थी।

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

Emailing ECO MCQ 550 VIVEK SINGH.pdf

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

List of countries by length of coastline

1) Canada's coastline is world's longest, measuring 202,080 km (includes the mainland coast and the coasts of offshore islands)
2) Indonesia (99,083 km)
3) Norway (58,133 km)
4) Greenland* (44,087 km)
5) Russia (37,653 km)
6) Philippines (36,289 km)
7) Japan (29,751 km)
8) Australia (25,760 km)
9) United States (19,924 km)
10) Antarctica* (17,968 km)
11) New Zealand (15, 134 km)
12) China (14,500 km)
13) Greece (13,676 km)
14) United Kingdom (12,429 km)
15) Mexico (9330 km)
16) Italy (7782 km)
17) India (7516km)

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

ALL REPORTS & INDICES 2022&2023 - If you read this pdf compulsory you can score 4 marks in GS PRELIMS 2023. Meticulously made content for Prelims 2023 UPSC/TSPSC/APPSC.

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

42nd Amendment Act of 1976 added four new Directive Principles to the original list. Those DPSPs are:

1⃣ Article 39 - To secure opportunities for healthy development of children.

2⃣ Article 39A - To promote equal justice and to provide free legal aid to the poor.

3⃣ Article 43A - To take steps to secure the participation of workers in the management of industries

4⃣ Article 48A - To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wild life.

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

ALL MINISTRY-WISE GOVT SCHEMES FROM 2019-2023, Source: Respective ministry websites. If you read this content-Your Govt schemes preparation is completed.

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

Mathematics Toppers Notes for All

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

India is now most populous country in the world....

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Brief Ethics Notes for All

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Most Important Indian Geography and World Geography and GS Tricks


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Indian Forest Service 2023 - Interview guidance program by Shankar IAS Academy.

We are conducting Interview Orientation for IFS Mains cleared students.
Date : 18.04.2023 Time : 10:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m

Online & Offline.

To register, click -https://www.shankariasacademy.com/ifs-interview-2023/

For more details, contact: 6379784702 or mail to interview@shankarias.in

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

• The work on the strategic 14.5 km long Zojila tunnel, an all-weather connection between the Kashmir valley and the Ladakh region - is going on at a rapid pace and over 40 per cent of the drilling has been completed,

• It will pass under the Zojila Pass in the Himalayas between Ganderbal in Kashmir and Drass town in Kargil district of Ladakh.

• Z-Morh Tunnel is a part of the Zojila tunnel project.

• Z-Morh tunnel, which connects Gagangir with Sonamarg and provides all-weather connectivity to the resort in the Ganderbal district of central Kashmir, will be inaugurated in October this year.

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

Clean Plant program

✅With the demand for foreign planting materials of fruits like apples, avocados and blueberries rising over the years, the Central government plans to set up 10 ‘Clean Plant Centres’ 

Objective: To boost domestic production of the selected fruit crops

Services offered: disease diagnostic, therapeutics, multiplying of plants and generation of mother plants

Need for ‘Clean plant program’: Currently, it is difficult to get disease-free and genuine planting materials for horticultural crops in India.

✅Also, the process of importing plants is very cumbersome, as the imported plants must be kept in quarantine for two years.

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Implementing agency: National Horticulture Board (NHB)

Funding: 100% be Central government

✅It will be set up under the ‘Atmanirbhar Clean Plant Program’ (announced in Budget 2023-24)

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

Most Important Indian Geography and World Geography and GS Tricks


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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

✉️This is a unique initiative by team of IAS IPS officers and teachers from Delhi. Quality of their questions is very good. You must join👇👇


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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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GS Consized Notes as Rs 199 ONLY
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📚Consized Agriculture Notes
📚Consized Indian Economy


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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

🔆Directive Principles Of State policy DPSP

✅ The constitution of India aims to establish not only political democracy but
also socioeconomic justice to the people to establish a welfare state.

✅These provisions are given in Part IV of Indian Constitution.

✅ Directive Principles of state policy are in the form of instructions to the governments at the centre as well as states.

✅Though these principles are non justiciable, they are fundamental in the governance of the country.

✅ The idea of the Directive Principles of State Policy has been taken from the
Irish Republic .

✅The Directive Principles of State policy were incorporated in our constitution in order to provide economic justice and to avoid concentration of wealth in the hands of few people.

✅ The constitution covers from Article 36 to 51 as Directive Principles of State

✅They are unique blend of socialistic, liberal, democratic and Gandhian Principles.

✅ They describe as the ‘conscience of the constitution’.

✅ In the “State of Tamil Nadu etc. Vs L.Abu Kavur Bai” case in 1984 , the Supreme court held that although directive principles of State Policy are not enforceable, yet the court should not avoid them

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

#SargassoSea is a region of the Atlantic Ocean bounded by 4 ocean currents forming an ocean gyre.
1) Gulf Stream on the west
2) North Atlantic Drift on the north
3) Canary Current on the east
4) North Atlantic Equatorial Current on the south

Unlike all other seas, it has no land boundaries. It is the only sea in the world which has no coast. It is distinguished from other parts of the Atlantic Ocean by its characteristic brown seaweed called Sargassum and often calm blue water.

Sargasso Sea is famous for its floating seaweed that covers large swathes of ocean. But it also boasts an astounding wealth of biodiversity that has earned it the nickname "The Floating Rainforest of the Sea."

The four ocean currents together forming a clockwise-circulating system of ocean currents termed the North Atlantic Gyre. Bermuda is near the western fringes of the sea.

The four ocean currents deposit the marine plants and refuse which they are carrying into this sea, yet the ocean water in the Sargasso Sea is distinctive for its deep blue color and exceptional clarity, with underwater visibility of up to 61m

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