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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

Q. Which organelle contains digestive enzymes and is involved in breaking down cellular waste and recycling materials?

A. Nucleus 👍
B. Golgi Apparatus 😂
C. Lysosome 🙌
D. Endoplasmic Reticulum ❤️

Correct answer: C. Lysosome 🙌

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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1. हर वर्ष 10 अप्रैल तिथि को ‘विश्व होम्योपैथी दिवस‘ मनाया जाता है।
*Every year ‘World Homeopathy Day’ is celebrated on 10th April.*

2. नेशनल थर्मल पावर कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड ने ‘बालिका सशक्तिकरण मिशन’ के नए संस्करण का शुभारंभ किया है।
*National Thermal Power Corporation Limited has launched the new edition of ‘Girl Empowerment Mission’.*

3. इंडो-पैसिफिक इकोनॉमिक फ्रेमवर्क फॉर प्रॉस्पेरिटी द्वारा सिंगापुर में स्वच्छ अर्थव्यवस्था निवेशक फोरम का आयोजन किया जाएगा।
*Clean Economy Investor Forum to be organized in Singapore by the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity.*

4. मनोज पांडा ने 16वें वित्त आयोग के पूर्णकालिक सदस्य बने हैं।
*Manoj Panda has become a full-time member of the 16th Finance Commission.*

5. जिम्बाब्वे ने ‘ZiG’ नामक एक नई स्वर्ण समर्थित मुद्रा शुरू की है।
*Zimbabwe has launched a new gold-backed currency called ‘ZiG’.*

6. भारतीय सेना को रूस देश से ‘इग्ला-एस (Igla-S) मैन पोर्टेबल एयर डिफेंस सिस्टम’ मिला है।
*Indian Army has received 'Igla-S Man Portable Air Defense System' from Russia.*

7. नई दिल्ली में ‘साइंस पार्क’ का निर्माण किया जाएगा।
' *Science Park' will be constructed in New Delhi.*

8. सुमित नागल ने मोंटे कार्लो मास्टर्स में मुख्य ड्रॉ मैच जीतने वाले पहले भारतीय खिलाड़ी बने है।
*Sumit Nagal has become the first Indian player to win a main draw match at Monte Carlo Masters.*

9. नेपाल देश की सेना ‘माउंट एवरेस्ट’ से कचरा इकट्ठा करने के लिए अभियान चलाएगी।
*Nepal's army will launch a campaign to collect garbage from Mount Everest.*

10. एक्सिस कैपिटल ने ‘अतुल मेहरा को नए एमडी और सीईओ के रूप में नियुक्त किया है।
*Axis Capital has appointed Atul Mehra as the new MD and CEO.*

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

4500+ प्रश्नों के Set, बिलकुल फ्री,

अभी तक आप सो रहे हो क्या? मौका जाने वाला है,जल्दी ज्वाइन करो👇

जो अभी तक ज्वाइन नहीं हुआ है तो ज्वाइन हो जाओ जल्दी फिर मत कहना कि हमें पढ़ने के लिए कुछ मिला नहीं👇👇

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

Dear Bliss Point Studies Family,
We are thrilled to share that the results of the UPSC Civil Services Examination are out, and a remarkable 16 of our students have been selected! 🥳👏
🌟🚀A heartfelt congratulations to all our achievers! Your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and we are incredibly proud of each one of you! 🎉
🌟 To all our other students, this is a reminder that success comes to those who are persistent and determined. Your journey may have its ups and downs, but with dedication and hard work, you too can achieve your goals. Keep pushing forward, and remember, your dreams are within reach! 💪
Best regards, Bliss Point Studies

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

What is the main purpose of the Fifth Schedule of the Indian Constitution?

A) It deals with the administration and control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes. 👍
B) It lists the powers and functions of the President of India. ❤️
C) It outlines the distribution of legislative powers between the Union and the States. 😂
D) It defines the provisions for the election of members of the Legislative Assembly. 🙏

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UPSC Civil Services Upsc Prelims Mains Exam Current Affairs GS Gk Tricks SSC CGL IAS IFS IPS EPFO PCS UPPCS MPPCS Bihar PCS

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