St. Ambrose believed the Church had a visible head:
When therefore it is written; a man that is an heretic after one admonition reject, and when another man who spoke by the Holy Spirit has said that beasts such as these should be spurned and not received with greeting or welcome, how is it possible that we should not judge the person whom we have seen united to their society to be also a maintainer of their perfidy? What even if he were not there? We might still have besought your Graces not to allow the Roman Church, the Head of the whole Roman world, and the sacred faith of the Apostles to be disturbed; for from thence flow all the rights of venerable Communion to all persons.
St. Ambrose of Milan, Letter XI, 4 (to the Synod of Aquileia) [PL 16:986]
(Note that in the 4th century, the "Roman world" was the whole Empire, and therefore the whole of Christendom)
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📍Pope to WYD volunteers: Keep riding the waves of love and charity📍
📆 Date: 08/08/2023 – 07:00
I'm seeing morons act like this isn't fake news.
The media is claiming this because Pope Francis said the word "todos," meaning "everyone." He also explicitly named people such as "The sick, the elderly, the young, old, ugly, beautiful, good and bad." He did not explicitly say "LGBTQ" or anything similar.
A journalist however asked about the "LGBTQ and women," saying they were "excluded from sacraments." The Pope responded by saying they can still go to confession, even if they can't be ordained as clergy.
APPLICATION. Is your piety only exterior? Does the holy fear of God reign within you? Do you love God with all your heart, and detest sin? Do you ever allow envious, malicious, revengeful, impure, or proud thoughts to enter your mind? Have you tried to amend your life since your last confession?
Читать полностью…The Templar Rule Of Order (Regula commilitonum Christi).
The original Latin Rule of Order was penned with the assistance of the young Cistercian Abbott, Bernard of Clairvaux. The rule is very similar to the modified Benedictine rule used by the Cistercian order.
1 million young Catholics pray silently in adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament as part of World Youth Day
Lisbon-WYD: Delivery Boxes As "Tabernacle"
Pray and share for the atonement!
After the 'cups' in the form of Ikea potato chip bowls... come the 'tabernacles' in the form of catering food delivery boxes.
It hurts my soul to see how at the WYD they have industrial hard plastic boxes as a tabernacle. Hundreds of thousands of euros are spent on performances and concerts, but very little on the place where Christ is.
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Porsche removed Christ from a Lisbon monument for a new advertisement
A Practical Commentary On Holy Scripture by Frederick Justus Knecht D.D.
[2 Paralip. 26. 4 Kings 15]
OZIAS was one of the few faithful kings who reigned in Juda. He reigned fifty-two years, and did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. And God directed him in all things. Unhappily prosperity made him proud, and he carried his audacity so far as to usurp the priestly office. One day, going into the Temple, he went to burn incense upon the altar. Eighty priests, with Azarias, the High Priest, at their head, opposed the king, and prevented him from burning incense.
Ozias, being very angry, threatened to strike the priests with the censer which he held in his hand. No sooner had he raised his hand than he himself was stricken with leprosy, which appeared on his forehead before all the priests. And they, seized with horror at this sudden and awful punishment, took hold of the king and put him out of the Temple.
The king was terrified, and feeling the leprosy spread all over his body hastened away from the Temple to shut himself up in a palace apart from all others. He remained a leper till the day of his death. Such was the fearful punishment which God inflicted on an otherwise faithful king, because of his sacrilegious attempt to perform an office that belonged only to priests.
After pride comes a fall. The case of Ozias, like that of Saul, shows us that it is easy for a man to be made proud by prosperity, power or riches. To be king, no longer satisfied him; he must be priest as well This led him to sin grievously against the law of God, and as a punishment for his pride he lost even his royal position, and led a sad and solitary life. No doubt, in his solitude, he renounced his pride, and heartily repented of his crime. “Everyone that exalteth himself shall be humbled” (Luke 14:11).
Temporal and spiritual authority. Even in the Old Testament God, in His wisdom, separated the spiritual or priestly from the temporal or royal authority, perpetuating it in Aaron and his descendants. In the New Testament our Lord instituted a special priesthood, entrusting its authority to the apostles and their successors. Both Church and State represent God’s authority, and they ought mutually to respect each other, and work together for the good of the people, but neither of them ought to usurp the prerogatives of the other. The severe punishment which followed the crime of Ozias ought to serve as a warning to temporal rulers in all ages not to encroach on the rights of the Church; and it ought to show all men that it is a sin not to respect the spiritual authority instituted by God, to set themselves up against it, or blame or abuse its decrees.
Lawful obedience. The High Priest did his duty in undauntedly opposing the king in his sinful purpose. This was a case when it would have been wrong for him to obey the king, for he commanded a thing which God had forbidden.
APPLICATION. Remind yourselves of the cases in which you are not bound to obey your parents and those set in authority over you.
Today we celebrate and venerate St. Ambrose of Milan, Father and Doctor of the Church. He's known for his rethorical skills in preaching the Faith, and for baptising St. Augustine. He fearlessly defended the Catholic Faith against heresy: when the Arian Emperor Valentinian II sent soldiers to take over the Basilica St. Ambrose was celebrating the Divine Office in, he refused to give it up, and stated he would rather have himself arrested and executed than give up the church to the Arians, barricading himself with the faithful inside the church. He's venerated as one of the four Latin Doctors
℣. St. Ambrose of Milan
℟. pray for us
Saint Laurentius of Rome
Deacon and Martyr
Died: 258
St. Lawrence was the 7th deacon of Pope Sixtus II. He was not killed with the pope because he was the treasurer of the Church and the procurator wanted to get the Church’s wealth. He was given 3 days. On the 3rd day, he presented the poor, the blind, and the widows and said, “Behold the treasures of the Church.” Outraged, the procurator had him grilled alive. It is said that he exclaimed “Turn me over for this side is done.”
Such a great man who gave his all for the Christian virtue of charity!
Pray for the Church:
Saint Laurentius, holy and charitable martyr, please make the Church's coffers overflow! Wipe away her debts and free her people! Let no one go hungry; let no one be left to suffer. Please, ask the Lord our God to erase the debts of our Church! Amen.
"It is more important to remember God than it is to breathe."
- St. Gregory of Nazianzus
'I wonder when we got into this position of denying limits
I wonder why young people are so concerned with their identity
Years ago nobody had the problem of identity because they recognised boundaries, limits, order, laws
We lost all these on 8:15 in the morning August 6th 1945'
Fulton Sheen's prophetic speech on how the United States of America and its atomic bombing of innocent civilians paved the way for identity ideology, abortion and other modern problems
Cristiano Ronaldo makes the sign of the Cross in front of 25,000 Muslims in one of the least safe countries for Christians in the world
Matthew 5:14-16 (RSVCE)
¹⁴“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. ¹⁵Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. ¹⁶Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
A pilgrim at World Youth Day is reporting her sight being restored from blindness after praying the Rosary at Fatima and attending Mass.
The Omniscience of God. God sees the future as if it were actually present, and He revealed the life of the Redeemer so clearly to Isaias, that the prophet was able to describe it as if he had seen it in person.
The Holiness of God. He loves only that which is good, and detests evil. He wishes man to be good in thought, word and deed. “Wash yourselves, be clean, take away the evil of your devices from my eyes; cease to do perversely.”
The Mercy of God. He is quite ready to pardon if only the sinner will be converted. “Then (when you are converted), come and accuse me. If your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow &c.”
True conversion consists, as the words of Isaias show, in a complete change of heart and life. The sinner must renounce all bad thoughts and sinful deeds, and must do what is right. He must hate the sins which he has hitherto loved, and must worship the God whom he has hitherto despised and offended.
Even the most grievous sins can be remitted, if only the sinner be truly penitent. “If your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow; and if they be red as crimson, they shall be as white as wool.” Therefore, not even the greatest of sinners should despair of God’s mercy. If he does, he sins against the Holy Ghost, and is in danger of being lost eternally.
The testimony of the prophets helps and confirms our faith. The prophecies of Isaias and the other prophets were written by the inspiration of God, and have to his day been preserved in the Holy Scriptures in order to strengthen our faith. Our Saviour says: “Search the Scriptures, the same are they that give testimony of Me” (John 5:39). It must, indeed, confirm our faith to see that the very things which the Church teaches us about the Person and Life of the Redeemer, were foretold by the prophets hundreds of years before His Birth.
The prophecies of Isaias constitute the ninth promise of the Messias, and contain the following important doctrines of faith:
a) That the Redeemer is God; for Isaias writes: “God Himself will come and will save you”, and he calls Him “Emmanuel, or God with us”. Jesus Christ is indeed the true God with us, for He is the Son of God, made Man.
b) That the Divine Redeemer would be conceived and born of a virgin: “Conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary”.
c) That He would suffer sorrow and pain, that He would be wounded, sacrificed and slain (New Test. LXXIV).
d) That like a lamb He would suffer and die patiently and willingly. “He was offered because it was His own will, and He opened not His mouth. He shall be led as a sheep to the slaughter, and shall be dumb as a lamb before his shearer.”
e) Isaias foretells in plain words that it was on account of the sins of men that the Redeemer would suffer and die, in order to win pardon and salvation for them. Thus he teaches the doctrine of the Vicarious satisfaction or Atonement made by the Redeemer of the world.
f) Finally, the prophet glances at the glory of the Divine Saviour, saying that His sepulchre would be glorious, and that the nations (Jews and Gentiles) would adore Him. The grave of our Lord was made glorious by His Resurrection; and the nations could not adore Him, were He not still in heaven our God and Mediator. Thus the prophecy foretells that, as Saviour of His people, He would rise from the dead, and sit on His throne in heaven: “He rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.” Isaias also describes in glowing terms the beauty, grandeur and universality of the Church of Christ under the names of the new Israel, new Jerusalem, new Sion.
Isaias was a great Saint of the Old Testament. He is venerated by the Church as a great preacher of penance, zealous for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, and also as a highly inspired prophet and martyr. When you recite the Litany of the Saints, and say, “All ye holy patriarchs and prophets, pray for us”, you can think especially of God’s holy prophet, Isaias.
I will be praying this litany EVERY DAY, and I hope you can join me. The Church needs our prayers when so many enemies seek her destruction, please join me in praying this litany everyday.
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Bishop refuses a young girl Communion after she kneels before Our Lord.
"Catholics are bound to profess that through the gift of God's mercy they belong to that Church which Christ founded and which is governed by the successors of Peter and the other Apostles, who are the depositories of the original Apostolic tradition, living and intact, which is the permanent heritage of doctrine and holiness of that same Church.The followers of Christ are therefore not permitted to imagine that Christ's Church is nothing more than a collection (divided, but still possessing a certain unity) of Churches and ecclesial communities. Nor are they free to hold that Christ's Church nowhere really exists today and that it is to be considered only as an end which all Churches and ecclesial communities must strive to reach".Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
- "Declaration in defense of the Catholic doctrine on the Church against certain errors of the present day" (1973)
World Youth Day Calls Police Against Catholics
A dozen Catholics protested against a blasphemous rainbow "Eucharist" organised on August 3 at the Nossa Senhora da Encarnação parish in Ameixoeira, Lisbon. The Catholics held crucifixes and prayed the rosary.
Never before at a World Youth Day have the police been called in to persecute praying Catholics. They were taken out of the church and identified by the police.
🔥 Pray an Ave Maria for these brave souls with crucifixes and praying the Holy Rosary! 🔥
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"If man of himself could in a perfect manner know all things visible and invisible, it would indeed be foolish to believe what he does not see. But our manner of knowing is so weak that no philosopher could perfectly investigate the nature of even one little fly".
St. Thomas Aquinas - On the Apostle's Creed, Prologue
Illuxerunt fulgura tua orbi terrae: commota est, et contremuit terra.
- Psalm 67
Then the people will see your just, all the Kings, yours glorified; you will be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will indicate. You will be a magnificent crown in the hand of the Lord, a royal diadem in the palm of your God.
- Isaiah, 61
We have very solid the word of the Prophets, to which you do well to heed as to a lamp that shines in a dark place, until the day breaks and the morning star rises in your hearts.
- (2 Peter, 16)
...was transfigured on a lofty mountain, appearing to the disciples he had brought, surrounded by splendor like the sun: to excite the weak human minds, numb, to contemplate, desire and obtain with every effort that true beauty of perpetual light . (Preface)