if Catholicism is just another denomination of Christianity why does every other Christian denomination define their distinctive identity in opposition to this or that element of Catholicism?
Читать полностью…Luther too thought he was a rad "traditionalist". We must be careful in dealing with things that go against what the Church has done in the past few years, be prudent and remember that Christ is found mainly in obedience and love for Bishops and the Magisterium.
"The devil can imitate humility, he can't imitate obedience"
Читать полностью…Why did God try Abraham? Was this trial necessary to show Him Abraham’s dispositions? Did He not know beforehand that Abraham’s faith was firm, and that he was quite ready to sacrifice his son for love of Him? Yes; God knew all this, because He is omniscient, and for Him, therefore, the test was not necessary: He need never prove men in order to discover their faith, obedience &c. Almighty God did not prove Abraham for His own sake but for Abraham’s, in order to give him the opportunity of practising his virtues of faith, love &c., and of thus increasing his merits, and drawing down on himself fresh graces and blessings. This is why Almighty God so often tries us with all sorts of sufferings and adversities, these tests being of great benefit to ourselves
Читать полностью…Daily Decade 2.0
Series 12, Episode 15
Today's Mystery:
The Crucifixion
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of St. Gabriel the Archangel, offers prayers for Austin and his family, who were in a car wreck on Christmas Eve, and he is currently wheelchair bound. We offer the prayers of the sick for his perfect healing and the care and health of his entire family.
Today's reflection draws us near to a bit of mysticism, as we travel through the Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross, and the persons each Word addresses and for whom each is spoken - from the crucifiers of Christ, which we all are in sin, to the repentant thief, whom we become in repentance, to the Blessed Mother and St. John, models for those whom we are called to become as Christians, to Christ Himself as we perfect our Christian lives. May these last two weeks of Lent be opportunity enough for us to discover who we are and where we stand in relation to the Crucified Christ.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Philippians 2:12-15 (RSVCE)
¹²Therefore, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; ¹³for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
¹⁴Do all things without grumbling or questioning, ¹⁵that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world
Daily Decade 2.0
Series 12, Episode 14
Today's Mystery:
The Coronation of Mary
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of St. Katarina of Sweden, daughter of the famed St. Bridget of Sweden, offers prayers for the nation of Nigeria on behalf of a listener there. We beg the intercession of St. Frumentius [I accidentally said "St. Fulgentius", confusing the Apostle of the Ethiopians with the great hero of Ruspe in modern Tunisia - but the saint I was describing was the first preacher to bring the Faith south of the Sahara], and the many nameless martyr-saints Nigeria has collected over the years, for the total conversion of the country, the defeat of the Saracen who kidnap and corrupt their children, and the purification of the darkened hearts of any and all pagans who continue to exercise power over Christians.
Today's reflection considers the Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the model she provides as a mother to all women as well as the role she plays as Patron Saint of all Christians, pointing the way to the ideal manhood, whose core vocation is authority, and the ideal womanhood, whose core vocation is maternity.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
"Jesus honored Mary before all ages. No one comes to Him if he too will not honor her. This is the lot of angels and of men."
- Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Today in the Tridentine form of the Roman Rite we venerate and celebrate St. Benedict of Nursia, founder of Western monasticism.
"May the Holy Cross be my light
Let not the dragon be my guide
Begone Satan
Never tempt me with your vanities
All that pours from you is evil.
Drink your own poison. Amen."
Prayer of the medal of St. Benedict
℣. St. Benedict
℟. pray for us
Today we celebrate and venerate St. Joseph, earthly father of Our Saviour and most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fulgent example of Christian virtue for husbands, fathers, workers, and men.
The Memorare prayer to St. Joseph:
"Remember, O most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who implored your help and sought your intercession were left unassisted. Full of confidence in your power I fly unto you and beg your protection. Despise not O Guardian of the Redeemer my humble supplication, but in your bounty, hear and answer me"
℣. St. Joseph
℟. pray for us
«The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life»
Catechism of the Catholic Church; 1324
"After partaking of the sacred Eucharistic table, we should be as happy as the Magi would have been, had they been able to take the Child Jesus with them".
St. John Mary Vianney
“Like the light of the Sun, which permeates the atmosphere, spreading over land and sea, and yet is enjoyed by each person as though it were for him alone, so the Holy Spirit pours forth His grace in full measure, sufficient for all, and yet is present as though exclusive to each one who receives Him.“ - St. Basil the Great, On the Holy Spirit
Читать полностью…Please pray a rosary for a girl who has deleted all of their social media and threatened suicide.
Читать полностью…"An extremely rare color photo of a Public Consistory on February 18, 1946. A newly created Cardinal kisses the papal slipper in a gesture of obedience and devotion to the Papacy. Only after this rite did the Cardinal receive the red hat called the 'Galero'."
Читать полностью…https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-kirra-through-this-unfathomable-hard-time?utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined
Please pray for this poor girl.
Daily Decade 2.0
Series 12, Episode 13
Today's Mystery:
The Finding of the Child Jesus
TToday's Daily Decade, for the Feast of St. Benedict, offers prayers for the end of Infanticide in the Western world and for God's Justice upon those who facilitate it, aid and abet its proponents, and all of us who tolerate it passively. We beg the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, chiefly responsible as they are for begging mercy for poor sinners.
Today's reflection opens with this very subject, the disavowal of responsibility, contrasted with the way in which the Blessed Mother, herself blameless by nature, sought her Son "sorrowing" - sorrowing for His loss, but not bewailing her suffering for her own sake. How often do we ask "why?" when we mean "why me?", instead of asking God to reveal His design so we can better conform ourselves to it?
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Acts 3:19 (NASB)
¹⁹Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;
Prayer Request
Our dearest sister in Christ, Lynne is gravely suffering and in need of our prayers. Out of your charity, please remember her in your prayers.
St. José Maria Escriva's work on the rosary