For I reckon that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come, that shall be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18
👑 Christ, the eternal King of Kings and Lord of Lords, reigns unmatched forever. ✝️❤️🔥
Читать полностью…The St. Nicholas Tavelic Network has been hard at work over the last year or so catechizing dozens of Morisco Catholics (Muslim converts) in order to prepare them for the sacraments.
Next month, it is finally time for those in North Africa to have their final preparations and be baptized.
A limited team of volunteers will be traveling to an undisclosed location in North Africa (I might even go since the airfare is not too bad...not sure yet) in order to help prepare them (including a certain missionary priest who partners will Tavnet).
Yet, there are many costs associated with this, including travel for the essential team, accommodation, etc., etc.
So, they have decided to start a gofundme in order to help below:
My friends. I need your prayers urgently. This was sent to me from a friend.
Prayer Request:
Received this from a friend this evening. We do not know the individuals suffering this tragedy:
Urgent prayer for a couple, their names are Daniel and Cristina. He threw his car in reverse and ran over his 2-year-old daughter and she died; the mother wants to commit suicide and he is like crazy. Please PRAY.
In what century do we find the earliest memory of stigmata appearing on the body of a saint?
In the 7th century. The saint in question is St. Ansbert of Rouen, bishop, who died in 695.
The word "stigmata" (taken from Gal 6:17) was used from the first centuries of Christianity, but it was understood as general signs of afflictions and sufferings experienced in the life of a disciple of Christ. However, in the life of St. Ansbert, written shortly after his death we read a surprising testimony - that red "sign[s] of the Lord's cross" were discovered on the body of the deceased. And although the exact form of these signs is uncertain (wounds? just stains?), this is the first example of stigmata understood as a real sign of the wounds of the Lord's Passion on the body of a saint.
Pope Francis reminds us: “Mary is one of the means the Holy Spirit uses to bring us to Jesus.” Saints like St. Louis de Montfort and Pope John Paul II have echoed this through their devotion to “Jesus through Mary.” As Pope Francis says, “Our Lady never points to herself; she points to Jesus.”
Читать полностью…Tomorrow starts St. Martin’s Lent
Most of us in the Christian world have come to expect a four week-long Advent each year, starting sometime near the end of November and ending on Christmas Day. In the past, however, Advent was observed during a seven week period in much the same manner as Lent, though with slightly less emphasis on penance. This longer Advent season earned the name “St. Martin’s Lent” because it historically began on the day after the Feast of St. Martin of Tours (November 11th) and ended, just like today, on Christmas Day. It was also called, variously, “St. Martin’s Fast” and “The Forty Days of St. Martin.” St. Francis of Assisi referred to it as the “Christmas Fast"
418th Anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot
Today marks Guy Fawkes day, the day in which the valiant members of the Gunpowder plot attempted to kill and overthrow the oppressive Protestant monarch King James I. Although ultimately in vain, we remember Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby and all other members of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 in their righteous struggle against the arch-heresy of Protestantism and their glorious defense of the One True Catholic faith in England.
The Saints were not Superhuman. They were people who loved God in their hearts, and who shared this joy with others.
+ Pope Francis
It’s ironic to see modern Protestants celebrating Reformation Day, considering that Martin Luther would likely view 99.9% of them as sons and daughters of Satan.
According to Luther, if you reject baptism as essential for salvation, you’re condemned.
If you recognize a canon of 66 or more inspired books, Luther would consider you condemned.
If you deny Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist, you’re condemned in Luther’s eyes.
Martin Luther’s primary aim was for everyone to align with his interpretations of Scripture. There’s zero room for disagreement.
Raphael of the glorious seven who stand before the throne of Him who lives and reigns; Angel of health, the Lord has filled thy hand with balm from heaven to soothe and cure our pain. Heal and console the victims of disease and guide our steps when doubtful of our ways.
Holy Raphael, I entreat thee to help me in all my needs and in all the trials of this life. And since thou art the “physician” of God, I pray thee to heal my soul in its many infirmities, and my body of the ills that afflict it, if this favour be for my greater good. I plead for angelic purity that I may be fit to be the living temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Vatican has BLOCKED efforts by the United Nations to include climate funding for 'gender' in COP29 discussions
The Vatican did so over fears that the word 'gender' would lead to men who identify as women receiving money from the financial packages intended to assist women
Читать полностью…A Mexican soldier stands next to an anti-drug poster showing the Virgin of Guadalupe, with text around her reading: "Son, I am your mother!!! Don't do drugs" (photo apparently taken during a 2018 special forces raid in Mexico City)
Morning Prayer
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified, I arise. May He bless my work, govern my every action and preserve me from harm this day. Free my mind, O Lord, from all distracting thoughts, and enable me to pray at all times with attention and devotion, so that I may deserve to be heard by Thee. I offer You this prayer in union with the divine intention, with which Jesus Christ, while on earth, offered praise to You. In Jesus' name, amen.
The devil attacks you because you are a threat to him. ✝️⚔️
Читать полностью…El padre Marcelo Pérez, de ascendencia maya, fue asesinado tras la misa matutina del domingo.
Había denunciado públicamente la violencia de los cárteles y la inacción del Gobierno para hacerle frente.
Father Marcelo Perez, of Mayan descent was assassinated after Sunday Morning Mass.
He had publicly denounced cartel violence & the Government's inaction to face it. ✝️🇻🇦❤️
Читать полностью…My grandad died, passed away an hour ago 😔 please pray for his soul
Читать полностью…Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, stands above all names and nations; all powers and authorities bow before Him, for He alone is exalted. 👑✝️🧎
Читать полностью…On Baptism of Desire
🔗Charles Coppens, S.J, The Catholic Religion
241. The Council of Trent declares that, since the promulgation of the Gospel, justification cannot be obtained without Baptism of water, or the desire of it: "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter the kingdom of God" (Jo. III, 5). St. Irenaeus writes that the denial of Baptism is the suggestion of Satan (Adv. Haer. L. I, c. 21). But when the Sacrament cannot be received, pardon of sin can be obtained by the Baptism of Desire or that of Blood.
We have loved them during life let us not abandon them, until we have conducted them by our prayers into the house of the Lord. + Saint Ambrose
Читать полностью…I ultimately chose Catholicism over Orthodoxy for its unity. Orthodoxy’s lack of central authority and fragmented communion prevents cohesive consensus on key issues like divorce and contraception. Only Catholicism offers a consistent, unified doctrine and clear moral guidance.
Читать полностью…Decálogo de la serenidad
1. Sólo por hoy trataré de vivir exclusivamente al día, sin querer resolver los problemas de mi vida, todo a la vez.
2. Sólo por hoy tendré máximo cuidado de mi aspecto: cortés en mis maneras, no criticaré a nadie, no pretenderé criticar o disciplinar a nadie, sino a mí mismo.
3. Sólo por hoy seré feliz en la certeza que he sido creado para la felicidad, no sólo en el otro mundo, sino en este también.
4. Sólo por hoy me adaptaré a las circunstancias, sin pretender que las circunstancias se adapten todas a mis deseos.
5. Sólo por hoy dedicaré diez minutos a una buena lectura; recordando que, como el alimento es necesario para la vida del cuerpo, así la lectura es necesaria para la vida del alma.
6. Sólo por hoy haré una buena acción y no se lo diré a nadie.
7. Sólo por hoy haré alguna cosa que no desee hacer; y si me sintiera ofendido en mis sentimientos procuraré que nadie se dé cuenta.
8. Sólo por hoy me haré un programa detallado. Puede que no lo cumpla totalmente, pero lo redactaré. Y me guardaré de dos calamidades: la prisa y la indecisión.
9. Sólo por hoy creeré firmemente -aunque las circunstancias demuestren lo contrario- que la buena Providencia de Dios se ocupa de mí como si nadie más en el mundo existiera.
10. Sólo por hoy no tendré temores. De manera particular no tendré miedo de disfrutar de lo que es bello y de creer en la bondad.
— Papa San Juan XXIII
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