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🌷 I/me 🌷

❎Wrong: The marketing manager told Riley and I to talk with her.

✅Right: The marketing manager told Riley and me to talk with her.

The general rule: Use "I" when it's the subject of a verb (e.g., "I walked to the store"). Use "me" when the pronoun is the object of the verb, or when the verb is doing something to someone or something (e.g., "the dog followed me to the store").

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🐜🦆The Ant and the Dove:

One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water.

She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the ant jumped out. She was safe at last.

Just at that time, a hunter nearby was about to throw his net over the dove, hoping to trap it.

Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

One good turn begets another.

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🦊The Clever Fox:

There once lived a crow. One day he was very hungry. He had not been able to get any food the previous day. “If I do not get anything to eat I will starve to death," he thought.

As the crow was searching for food, his eyes fell on a piece of bread. He quickly swooped down, picked it up and flew off. Far away in a lonely place he sat on a tree to enjoy the bread.

Just then a hungry fox saw the crow sitting on the tree holding the bread in his mouth. “Yummy! That bread looks delicious. What I would give to get that piece of bread," the fox thought.

The fox decided to use all his cunning means to get the piece of bread from the mouth of the crow. He sat under the tree. The crow saw him and thought, “I guess this fox wants to eat my bread. I shall hold it carefully." And he held on to the bread even more tightly.

The clever fox spoke to the crow politely. He said, “Hello friend! How are you?" But the crow did not say anything.

“Crows are such lovely birds. And you are very charming too," said the fox, flattering the crow.

Then the fox said," I have heard that besides being beautiful you also have a sweet voice. Please sing a song for me."

By now the crow started to believe what the fox was saying. “The fox knows true beauty. I must be the most beautiful bird in this whole world. I will sing him a song," thought the crow.

As soon as the foolish crow opened his mouth to sing the bread fell from its beak and into the ground. The Clever fox, which had just been waiting for this very moment, caught the bread in his mouth and gulped it down his throat.

The crow had paid a heavy price for his foolishness

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👨🏼Go By Heart:

This brought me to tears. What a powerful lesson on time.

A rich man was retiring when an angel of death came to him. He had worked long and hard to acquire massive wealth and retire in luxury, and could not believe that his time was up. Being a very wealthy person, he decided to buy some more time from the angel of death at any cost. He bargained for a long time but the angel was unmoved. Desperate, the rich man made the last proposal to the angel… Give me just one hour of my life, so that I could admire the beauty of this earth for the last time and spend some time with my family and friends whom I haven't seen for a long time and I will give you all of my wealth. But the angel refused again. Finally, the man asked if the angel could give him at least one minute so that he could write a goodbye note. His wish was granted and he wrote a note….

"Spend your time, which was given to you, in the right way. I couldn't buy even an hour of life with all of my wealth. Listen to your heart and check if the things surrounding you have a true value. Cherish every minute of your life."

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🧑🏻‍🦱The Boy of The Farmer:

One dark night a lame boy went to the house of a farmer. He said to the farmer, “I am not a begger. I will work for you. I will plough your lands. I will sow. My father is dead. My mother is poor. I am hungry. Please give me some food."

The farmer’s wife was sorry for the boy. She said to the farmer. “Do not drive away this boy."

She turned to the boy and said, “Stay here. We will give you food."

The farmer’s daughter liked the boy. She said to her father, “Do not drive him away. He is not an idle begger."

The boy lived with the farmer. He worked hard in the fields. The farmer and his wife loved the boy.

The boy grew up. He became a man. After some years the farmer died. Then his wife also died. The boy married the farmer’s daughter.

“I am now a happy man. I came to this house on a lucky day," said the boy.

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🪵Shake it off:

On an unfortunate day, a man’s favorite donkey falls off a large cliff. He tries to pull the donkey out, but all his efforts go in vain. Disheartened, the man decides to bury the poor donkey.

He starts to pour soil and sand from above. The donkey, which is stuck down, feels the load of the soil and shakes it off his body. The man pours the soil again. And, once again the donkey shakes it off. The man notices that the donkey is shaking off the soil and is steeping on the soil bed, which is acting as a form of elevation. He realizes the donkey is slowly inching closer to the top. With every load of soil that is poured, the donkey rises higher.

Several hours pass by, and the man continues to pour the soil until the donkey is united with him again.

Moral: Face your hardships courageously as no problem is big enough to stop you from rising.

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🌷 everyday/every day 🌷

❎ Wrong: He starts work everyday at 8 a.m.

✅ Right: He starts work every day at 8 a.m.

"Everyday" (one word, no space) is an adjective describing something that's very common, like an everyday occurrence. "Every day" (with the space) is an adverbial phrase that means each day. 

A quick test to tell which is right: If you can use a day of the week, say Monday, in the sentence, you should use "every day."

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New! Snow Globes Paper Craft ( PDF + Video )

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🦓🐎The Donkey and The Horse:

Once, there lived a washer man named Bheema. He had a donkey and a horse. The donkey carried clothes to the pond and back to his house. The horse carried Bheema to the market and back, occasionally. The donkey worked much harder than the horse.

On a bright sunny day, Bheema was going to the pond with donkey. He took the horse along to give it a drink of water. The donkey was carrying a heavy load of clothes. The horse was carrying nothing. The load was unusually heavy and the donkey’s back was hurting.

When the pain became unbearable the donkey said to the horse, “This load is too much for me, brother! Please take some of this load on your back."

The horse replied some what rudely, “Eh! Why should I? I am here only to carry our master to the market." The proud horse continued on his way. The day was getting hotter as the day went on. The donkey felt totally exhausted. He was almost dragging himself. “Humph! Humph!" The donkey tried to move. He just could not. The poor donkey collapsed to the ground. “Oh! What has happened to the poor donkey?" thought the washer man.

Immediately he took the load off the donkey. “Indeed the load is really very heavy. I should have been little more careful," thought the washer man. Then he gave some water to the donkey. The donkey felt better now.

The washer man then picked up the bundle of clothes off the back of the donkey and placed it on the horse’s back. “Umf! Umf! Came the sound from the horse’s mouth. “I should have helped the donkey. I made a mistake. I should have taken half the load when the donkey requested me. Now I realize sharing a burden is easier." The horse carried the heavy load of clothes for the remaining distance. There after both the donkey and the horse lived together.

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✨Powerful Advice From A Dying Man:⚡️

I am only 24 years old, yet I have actually already chosen my last tie. It’s the one that I will wear on my funeral a few months from now. It may not match my suit, but I think it’s perfect for the occasion.

The cancer diagnosis came too late to give me at least a tenuous hope for a long life, but I realized that the most important thing abut death is to ensure that you leave this world a little better than it was before you existed with your contributions.

The way I’ve lived my life so far, my existence or more precisely the loss of it, will not matter because I have lived without doing anything impactful you existed with your contributions.

Before, there were so many things that occupied my mind. When I learned now much time I had left, however, it became clear which things are really important So, I am writing to you for a selfish reason….I want to give meaning to my life by sharing with you what I have realized: you existed with your contributions.

Don’t waste your time on work that you don’t enjoy. It is obvious that you cannot succeed in something that you don’t like. Patience, passion and dedication come easily only when you love what you do.

It’s stupid to be afraid of others’ opinions. Fear weakens and paralyzes you. If you let it, it can grow worse and worse every day until there is nothing left of you, but a shell of yourself. Listen to your inner voice and go with it Some people may call you crazy, but some may even think you're a legend.

Take control of your life. Take full responsibility for the things that happen to you. Limit bad habits and try to lead a healthier life. Find a sport that makes you happy. Most of all, don’t procrastinate. Let your life be shaped by decisions you made, not by the ones you didn’t.

Appreciate the people around you. Your friends and relatives will always be an infinite source of strength and love. That is why you shouldn’t take them for granted.

It is difficult for me to fully express my feelings about the importance of these simple realizations, but I hope that you will listen to someone who has experienced how valuable time is. I’m not upset because I understand that the last days of my life have become meaningful. I only regret that I will not be able to see a lot of cool stuff that should happen soon like the creation of AI or Elon Musks next awesome project. I also hope that the war in Syria and Ukraine will end soon. We care so much about the health and integrity of our body that until death, we don’t notice that the body is nothing more than a box - a parcel for delivering our personality, thoughts, beliefs and intentions to this world. If there is nothing in this box that can change the world, then it doesn’t matter if it disappears. I believe that we all have potential, but it also takes a lot of courage to realize it. You can float through a life created by circumstances, missing day after day, hour after hour. Or, you can fight for what you believe in and write the great story of your life. I hope you will make the right choice. Leave a mark in this world. Have a meaningful life, whatever definition it has for you. Go towards it The place we are leaving is a beautiful playground, where everything is possible. Yet, we are not here forever. Our life is a short spark in this beautiful little planet that mess with incredible speed to the endless darkness of the unknown universe. So, enjoy your time here with passion. Make it interesting. Make it count!

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🐬🐟🐠The Foolish Fish:

In a huge pond, there lived many fish. They were arrogant and never listened to anyone. In this pond, there also lived a kind-hearted crocodile.

He advised the fish, “It does not pay to be arrogant and overconfident. It could be your downfall." But the fish never listened to him. “There is that crocodile, advising us again," they would say.

One afternoon, the crocodile was resting beside a stone near the pond, when two fishermen stopped there to drink water.

The fishermen noticed that the pond had many fish. “Look! This pond is full of fish. Let’s come here tomorrow with our fishing net," said one of them. “I am surprised we have not seen this place before!" exclaimed the other.

The crocodile heard all this. When the fishermen left, he slowly slipped into the pond and went straight to the fish. “You all had better leave this pond before dawn. Early morning those two fishermen are going to come to this pond with their net," warned the crocodile.

But the fish just laughed and said, “There have been many fishermen who have tried to catch us. These two are not going to catch us either. Do not you worry about us, Mr. Crocodile," they said in a mocking voice.

The next morning, the fishermen came and threw their net in the pond. The nets were big and strong. Very soon all the fish were caught. “If only we had listened to Mr. Crocodile. He had only wanted to help. For our arrogance we have to pay with our lives," said the fish.

The fishermen took the foolish fish to the market and sold them for a good profit.

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